Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, January 12, 1949 lgyV " tf-,-v, ',r ;,;, : .... X ! S j . - V."' M - : :.. ,r.' - v.- : ' ., '. -i . - ' : "V -li .. .: -w y-:.- A typical scene in the Medical college Student Union is shown above. Here several nurses pause to relax for a moment at the "coke bar" in the Union. Many of the same social opportunities avail able to women students on the Lincoln campus are open to students in the university's School of Nursing at Omaha. A discussion of opportunities offered in the field of nursing will be conducted by Irma Kyle, Director of the School of Nursing in Ellen Smith hall Thursday, Jan. 13. Directory . . . (Continued from Page 2.) anee of all other available Di rectories. More Copies On Way Miss Flood and her assistants, by Tuesday afternoon, were cast ing anxious eyes at the Cornhusk er Printing company for the print ing of additional Student Direc tories. The printer was turning out about 200 every few hours, Miss Flood commented, while Foundation members raced back to booths in the Union, Law, Ag, Library, and Sosh, to sell the books. The red-and-white-c o v e r e d book contains names, addresses, phone numbers and school years of students, as well as names, ad dresses, offices, titles and phone I numbers of faculty and adminis trative personnel. They are sell I ing for 50c a copy. Directory Delayed The 1948-49 editions of the Di rectory has caused considerable campus comment because of its delay in reaching students. The Foundation had promised it for sale by Christmas vacation when the Cornhusker Printing company had contracted it for completion. Chancellor Urges New Accrediting Chancellor Gustavson Tuesday urced the Association of Ameri can Colleges to join with four nthrr mninr associations of high er education to simplify accredit ing procedures. Lamenting the present confu sion of 40 accrediting agencies, Dr. Gustavson said that the au thority of college administrators to run their own institutions is threatened. He commented that thoQo nnoncips renresent many professional and allied fields and m.iv rifrrodit nr refuse to ac credit training offered by uni versities and colleges. He remarked that one college ntwiilnnt hnH n1rrndv stated that .... he feels college administrators are increasingly becoming just local representatives for accrediting groups. Speaking before the Associa tion of American Colleges as chairman of the joint committee on accrediting, Dr. Gustavson pro posed formation of a committee of ten, two representatives from each of the five major associa tions. This committee would de termine the basic principles of accrediting which would also serve as tribunal to hear appeals from decisions made by accredit ing agencies. To Enlist Others The Joint Committee on Ac crediting includes representatives from the National Association of State Universities, the Association of Land-Grant Colleges, and the Association of Urban Universities. It now seeks to enlist the mem bership of the Association of American Colleges and the Asso ciation of American Universities. VALENTINES For Friend, Sweetheart, Kiddie and Relative Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14 Open. Thur. to 9 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE 52.50 & 49.50 suits & topcoats greatly reduced k All shirts 3.95, now 2.95 including "bold look" shirts Socks formerly 75c, now 50c. 50 centers, now 35c Sweaters, corduroy and wool sport shirts, formerly 7.95 & 9.95, now $5 -k Slacks greatly reduced 1 100 o li Hear CONNIE HAINES' new version of "Stormy Weather"'ll know! (A Signature Record) That great number that everybody was hum ming back in 1933 comes to life again with" Connie Haines' sensational, new recording. Here's little Connie Haines, smooth-singing, phono fan favorite, talking over this all-time hit-tune with fellow musician, Jerry Jerome. $u 0 IP cav 4, (tif&iettl 6e, J Make the CAMEL 30-DAY TEST and you'll know! Yes, make the 30-day Camel Mildness Test See for yourself how mild Camels are. In a recent test of hundreds of people who smoked only Camels for 30 days, noted throat specialists, after making weekly ex aminations, reported f!0T OHE SK.'GLE CASE Or THROAT IRRITATION due to'sf;ic&itx s J 30 DAYS? I'VE j f SMOKED CAMELS FOR X 5 YEARS. THEYfeE MILD ) I AND THEY TASTE J ( SO GOOD ! J ) , V, l?jr.?h ..r 1 ifS CAMELS FOR ) ME,T00,C0NWIE. S ( I MADE THAT 30-DAY V CAMEL MILDNESS f ' 1 TP:rl ) f i .-. - . -i. .- .ft i - -v-r ' ' - -A? 3 J 9 -"T - , V - j iJlcttry - ffiacA fGtta uttifec! Smoke Camels and test them in your own "T-Zone." T for taste, T for throat. If, at any time, you are not convinced that Camels are the miJdt-st cigarette you ever smoked, return the package with the unused Camels and we will refund iis full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds To bacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C