PAGE 4 'Talent Galore To Come Out At Union Slum- "Thai's plenty of talent in thorn thar kociK" says Al Tully, chair man of the committee on general entertainment for the Union. Here's the chance of a 1: lot L: nC for those -talented keeds" en rolled in the University to bring their talent out front. That all important taler.t show is begin ning to pet under way again this week, and it is expected to be larger than ever this year. Anviinc may try out for the show chih will be held Dec. 11, along with a Juke Box dance. Art Cuitiss. who will be general host and master of ceremonies, will present the w inners. Students may sign up in the Union from 12 to 1 p.m. and from 4 to 5 p.m. this week. Try outs will be held Dec. 4. Those who qualify will be put on the talent file " and may appear at various University affairs as well as community affairs such as the Lion's Club and the Kiwams ban quet. Nebraska lo Hosl M9 ISA Conclave Kebrnska's ISA will be host to the 1949 convention of the west ern conference ol Independent Students, according to Ben Wall, publicity chairman of the local chapter, who just returned from the 1949 convention held in Den ver on Nov. 12 and 13. At the convention. Carl Froendt of Nebraska was elected corresponding secretary of the western conference. The con ference includes 37 universities and colleges as well as eleven junior colleges. One hundred and fifty dele gates attended the Denver con vention. Betty Carol. Tom Myers. Sonya Sookdo and Ben Wall represented N e b r a s k a'.-- ISA chapter. The first book printed in Ne braska was a portion of the Bible translated into the language of the Otoe Indians. The translation was made in 1833 by a missionary: named Merrill. I PROVE F0 VOt'RSCLF WHAT THROAT SPECIALISTS RfPORTED WHC1 30-Day smoking test revealed NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! la this test, hundred of men and women smoked Camels anJ only Camels fur 30 consecutive days. I.ach week, their throats were examined by noted ihro.u specialists a total of 2 ",0 exacting examinations. I rom toast to coast, these throat sjH-cialists reported NOTOM: MXGI.L CAM Ol THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking Camels! Test Camels for yourself for 30 days. See how Camels suit join "1 -Zone "...T for Taste and T for T hroat. Ixi YOI.R OWN TAS1T tell you about the rich, full flavor of Camel's choice tobaccos. Let VOI'R OWN THR OAT tell jou the wonderful story of Camel's cool, cool mildness. Yes prove Camel mildness for yourself. You'll enjoy the Camel mildness test. You'll find out ho u mild a ciga rette can he! Tr Cimvh arvJ rst (hem as you moLc ilicm. If, at any lime, you are not onvintt-d thai Camels are the rmlUM iifzurette you have vr $mkc1. return fhe package ih the unueil C.ameli ami we wilj refund ir full purchase pne, plus pntrte. (Si wed i R. ). Rcynoldv lohatco Company, V('inston-Salcmf North Carohna. Delia Sigs Initiate Firsl Pledge Class Delta Sigma Thi, social business admini.-dration fraternity, was re- activated on the Nebraska campus j Nov. 6 when the first pledge class ; since 1933 was initiated. i Sixteen members were initiated: iW'ilber Al ter. Joe Bod ri, I'd Bur- . owski. Irving Carlson. Vein Dvor ak, Ma urns Eiburger, Charlie ' Harr, Dale Hipke, Al Johnson and John Sehail. Otficers initiated were Bill Muiulell. president: M.ok Johnson, vice-president: Wesley Sandal!, secretary: Budy , Nelson, treasurer; Don Finch, sin - j goant-at-at ir.s and Don Peterson. editor-ldsloiiail. : Alpha Psi chapter ol Delta Sig- ' ma Phi here on the campus be came dormant in 193r. and this is the first time it has reappeared. Reactivation proceedings began May 3. 194". and were culminated ; with the 16 initiates being activa-j ted Saturday. Pai- : N. !!: kr f.irninl li.oi 1 1 I ) '' I' '' "' 'Ciinn.ii ;.r,. I l-THl.-t! mil ::i r.r;s Spo:tk r.- u vre I t .T, j I h Hurt ivr.n ol It!.' I'nu.Tsily t'tl.-. ; ol l'hfirm:u-y. 1. J. Miller a Kriiih-is strm i I -ihirn imi'a r.-.liri: m, i-'..rro.sT j I M.iortri. .il.lfit of All. I::. I' rir.- j tir nr.. I Hill Mui..w;i. ' I'ft'-i'l.'iil of j Ail.dn I'm ,-iinf.tiT. IV. r Hurt was tin- mr.ii. n'A.-r "f ' rvt-nii. PunriK ln-'s h. lvrnihi--- I :ihniit two 'rrn'n"T!l lfic. Sil: .n t'f I'.-inipur-: Tl- l ee C n ;l..r asmu.'l S Avery arr I the Iri'. P. -in !.men ot the. Cnllt'Le ol I ' I . ri r rii'i. . Mii.r iri,' n br 'el ( :i'Mres o! eri. "'ir ' .rn-'t't :.i"l , --.ri. 1 1 i-i I with A'-'.".- f.'r C . .r.':r ':''! ytl.'ee ,,i j tru- n." , !!:iit'-r. Kaclic-lor (lainli. lairs Idlings arc now open for cli Eible bachelor candidates for the Mortar Hoard hall. All or ganized houses have been con tacted and must have their entries in by l'riday of this week. Independent filings arr open all week. All filings should be sent to Jo Kcllrn baiRcr, 1610 O street. Only re quirement is a 75 average. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Ued Cross Workers lo Serve As Thanksgiving Hostesses Hostesses for the Veterans' hos pital Thanksgiving party will he the initial contribution of the col lege chapter of the American lied Cros.-i Institutions committee, ac cording to Jean Fenster, chair man. The committee met Wednesday with Miss Virginia Griffiths, bed Cross field director, and Mrs. Charles Smith, former director of the Union, plans for Christmas entertainment at the hospital were discussed, and a general program tor the year was set up. Student contributions will in- IlKCliih Initiate's (0 iew MomI)(M Culminating a week-long mem bership drive, the Home Fc club will hold initiation ceremonies for nearly (ifl new members Thurs day in the Home Fc parlors at a p. m. Coiisrtmg ol both freshman and upper-class pledges, the group v.iil ho ollicially received into the dub in a candlelight ser ice presided over by Betty. Beckner. ice-presidei.t of the club. Two members will report to the group on conferences which, they have attended. Marilyn Boet will talk on the National Conference in Minneapolis which she attended last summei, and ("wen Moiison will discu-'s the Province Woikshop held at, Manhattan Kan., last month. I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 U. OF N. COLISEUM nwci: to JIMMY DORSEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA at Tin: 1948 MILITARY BALL TIC KETS ON SALK RY Al l- C'ADKT OH KI RS AND AT STUDENT UNION BOOT!" ' ' r v . - MS f f VV j elude carolling. Christmas card j distribution, ward entertainment, J raoio programs, and Christmas .decorations lor the hospital. The Institutions committee will meit Friday at 4 p.m. in Room I 3 lti of the Union. Regular weekly ! meetings after this week will be held Wednesdays at 5 p. m. in j Room 313 of the Union. j Students interested in this branch of college Bed Cross work i ;ire invited to attend Friday's ; ! meeting. j The college chapter, recently or- : ganized. is headed bv Gene Berg. . president. English Teacher To Discuss Book Values at Review Mr Both McNaughton of the university Fnglish department will speak at the weekly coed counselor Book Be iew tonight according to Friti Clark, chair man. It will be held lrom 7 to ft p m. at FUen Smith hall. The theme of Mrs. McNaugh ton's talk will be "Books and How to Gain the Most From Them." Book Review is a leature of the Coed Counselor organization and alternates every other Tues day with Charm School, led by Maiy Helen Mallory. It is open not only to members and their "little sisters," but to all coeds who are interested. ' i - v v k if Tuesday, November 16, 1948 Nebraska, with its 76,840 square miles, ranks fifteenth in land area among the states of the union. MAIX FKATUKKS START STATE: "The Loes of Car men." 1:18. 3 22, 5:26, 7:30, 9:37. VARSITY: "My Dear Secretary" 1:00. 4:01, 7:02. 9:46. "Daredevils ot the Clouds," 2:34, 5:35, 8:36. 1II SKER: "Village Barn Dance" 1:11, 3:45, 6:19, 8:54. "Angels' Al ley" 2:27, 5 01, 7:35, 10:10. starts Tomorrow I Laughter! Romancel JAMES CAGNiY WUIAM BfNDIX urtvur uAnotc Latest World News & Short Subjects mmm Starts Today! 7ic t iumirsl 100 Uimilrs n Him I.araine Keenan Ruby Day Wynn 'allee in "!M Dear Secrclar' (Io all Secretaries Get Paid off in Minks?) rius "Dare DeiK of tin- ( louoV WOS SHOWING Co-Hit IK)N WI1SOV I.I I.I HH.I.I moih io EXTRA: COLOR CARTOON 1 JUNNtCACNn tm -I v- "X hn z f -, - 21 9, "- -V ' t I :' ' '' ' ::' I irlinini i i