PAGERS THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 12, 1948 Your Church and You. By Bev Si'evers Christian. Sunday, Nov. 4, 5 p. m. First Christian Church, (ftth and K. Sunday Snack and Discussion followed by Vespers. Ping Pong tournament. Wednesday, Nov. 17, 4 to 5:30, Cotner House "Friendly." Thursday, Nov. 18, 5:45 p. m., Cotner House. Supper followed by a discussion at 7 p. m. Rev. Lowell Bryant leader, "Sin or Neurosis?" Congregational. Sunday, Nov. 14, 5 p. m. 22A Temple Building. Supper followed by a discussion on "Capital Pun ishment When If Ever Justi fied?" George Morris, Superin tendent of the Men's Reformatory will participate. Emmanuel Carvpus Chapel Sunday, Nov. 14, 11 a. m., 15th and U street. Rev. Gordon Lip pett, speaker, assisted by mem bers of the Interdenominational Deputations team. Episcopal Sunday, Nov. 14, 8:30 a. m. Uni versity Episcopal Church Holy Communion (Corporate Commun ion of Server's) Breakfast follow ing. 11 a. m. Sung Eucharist and Sermon; Tuesday,, Nov. 16, 7:30 p. m., Club Room, Confirmation Instruction; Thursday, Nov. 18, 12 noon, Canterbury Club Luncheon Bishop Brinker. Reservations limited to 75. Tickets, 40c, Sun day, Nov. 21, 6 p. m., Canterbury Club, Thanksgiving: Party. Lutheran Sunday, Nov. 14, 10:45 a. m. Chapel Services, 315 Student Union. Rev. Erck will speak. 7 p. m. YMCA room Temple Building. Gamma Delta meeting. Bible discussion. Methodist Friday, Nov. 12, 7:30 p. m. Methodist Student House. Friend- "Give me all 57 Dr. Grabow Pre -Smoked Pipes that are featured in LIFE Magazine" No Breaking In h mo one lift Rittar Tnctn J V W VIIIVI SEE fJ frf It'i Pn-SmokeJ All MADE FROM IMPORTED BRIAR ijso . $200 . $350 . $500 fajhioned by I'mkmon in. msow Pipe Co. Ixc Chicago u III ly Friday Roller Skating Party. Sunday, Nov. 14, 5:30 p. m. St. Paul Church, 12th and.M. Joint "University of Life" meeting with Epworth. 6:30 p. m. Grace Church, 27th and R. Joint meet ing with Elm Park. Dr. Royce Knapp speaker. 7 p. m., Trinity C'h, 13th and A. Presbyterian Sunday, Nov. 14, 5 p. m. Presby House, 333 No. 14th. Supper at 5:30 p. m., followed by The Forum led by Dr. Frank E. Sorenson on UNESCO. Campus Netvs At a recent meeting of Kernels eight N. U. girls were pledged. The newcomers: Janet Apple- quist, Rita Brennan, Phyllis Brunner, Delores Irwin, Louise Mues, Adele Mulliken, tAnn Se menec ,and Leola Willard. Or ganiaztion officers are Ardy Los trok, president; Joyce Chotena, vice-president; Nelda Shoup, secretary; and Marilyn Berg, treasurer. Miss Nell Holliday sponsors the group. Firday, Nov. 12, at 8:30 p. m. the Palladian Literary Society will hold its weekly social even ing. It will be held in Palladian hall, room 301 Temple building. The program will include a forum, a one-act play, and vari ous musical selections. All un affiliated students are invited to attend. Don E. Albin of the Lincoln Liberty Life Insurance Company was the guest speaker at the Delta Sigma Pi Founders' Day dinner held in the Union Nov. 8. Following the dinner, eighteen men were pledged. The pledges: William H. Burt, Erwin M. De vish, Loren H. Endorf, Glen Faulhaber, Charles W, Franz, Marvin Haase, Donald Heiden reich, Leslie Jenkins, Robert Jones, Weslie A. Leuth. Neal L. Miesbach, Dean C. Martin, Ed win Juracek, Robert E. Morin; William Mulder, Roy E. Way, Eddie W. Whitney and Donald M. Weber. Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary sociology fraternity, initiated 17 members at a dinner meeting Tuesday in the Union. The new members: George Dixon, Ver non Malon, Ruth Clarkson, Nilda Garcia, LaVern Anthony, Lois Barleman, Miriam Bratt, Harvey Davis, Barbara Hoekstra, Char lene Holcomb, Lois Kaminoka, LaVerne Laird, Ann Miyamoto, Suzanne Sutton, Eleanore Wi berg, Mrs. Virginia Wilterdink and Caroline Jones. Make Your XMAS SELECTIONS ISinv while eur stocks are freth ELGIN AMERICAN Lighter Combinations and Compacts j ELLEN-KAY DIAMONDS j Watches Jcwelrjr Silverware I C. L ST0RER, Jewelers 110 So. l f'.h Ph. S-7MH) i CAMPUS CeAGM oti in . ..,c PETE'S PROGRESS JOAN. I ADORE YOU! BUT CLEARING MY THROAT MAKES ME OSCJLL7 THIS CRAFT. PETE. IP c 1 iocct HAGEUATE you; V I'M TWICE AS MHO BECAUSE OF MY KYSROPHAHElTYl NO DANCING FOR. ME WITH A BARKING SEAL UrV YOU! THANKS JOHNNY, FORTHE HELP, BUTMYTTRPSICMORI HAS RUN OUT ON ME. THERE GOES MY PUICHRITUOINOUS DATE, SHE SHOULDN'T BLAME ME IF SMOKING MAKES MY THROAT FEEL DRY AND PARCHED; AS STRAW! m UH UH! SOUNDS LIKE OGAAim HAOVER TOME IF YOU WANT rn ;ft pin nc thfsf SYMPTOMS OF r-Ck CIGARETTE I IRRITATION CHANGE TO PHILIP MORRIS 1 HERE, TRY EM! Y0UU6E GLAD TOMORROW, YOU SMOKED PHILIP MORRIS TODAY , .J M-MM-M! THEY'RE SO FRESH AND MILO THAT YOUR STATEMENT ISAPOOICTIC! A . y iii 1 PET.YOtRE POSITIVELY PURRING INSTEAD OF SQUAWKING LIKE A KOOKAfiUARA! JOAN, (M REVELUN6 IN MY DISCOVERY OF PHIUP MORRIS, THE CLEANEST, FRESHEST, MILDEST SMOKE I EVER. ENJOYED! jOAN fMSOGLAOVmrAMP DANCING WITH ME I COULD SING AN ePITHALAMIUMt r .. ..w ...wi- v AND fM SO HAPPY YOU WERE SMART ENOUGH TO CHANGE TO THOSE WON DER. FUL PHILIP MORRIS, YOU BIG DREAM BOAT. CALL 11 in You'll be wafted right into the dreamy realm of maximum smoking delight when you call for philip morris. Because philip morris is definitely less irritating than any other leading brand. That's why eminent nose and throat specialists actually suggest philip morris in cases of irritation due to smoking! You'll be glad tomorrow, jw ftiurci4 rniur mwiviuj ivuuji ""N HYMENtAL Pertaining wadding btl. FLACILLATI To bo up tyttamatically. OSCILLATI - To that. HYGROPHANEITY - Tho (tat f being traniparcnt when wet. TERPSICHORE Come now, folks. W don't have to explain PUICHRITUOINOUS) (h,M CIGARETTE HANGOVER - That itale emoked-out taste, that tight dry feeling in your throat due to smoking. APODICTIC Beyond contradiction. KOOKABURRA An Australian bird also called the laughing iackass. IPITHALAMIUM-A wedding song. ' o 01 u u in 1 - n : f PROOPI ,3 letters from . .? ri.-. - vn rite.