The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1948, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Friday, November 5, 1948
Page 7
Good Sponsors
Three Clinics
Announcement of thfee coaches
clinics to b held in the near fu
ture has been made by Coach Har
ry Good. A clinic similar to these
was held with some success dur
ing teachers convention.
The first of the clinics will be
J I - T 1 W ?
where Good will use his squad
for demonstration. A second will
be held in York November 30, and
another in North Platte in De- I
cember, the date of which has not
been set. Two carloads of players
will be taken to York, but high
school cagers will be used in the
clinic at North Platte. I
The clinics are designed to give
coaches a look at a variety of
fundamental exercises. The play
ers will go Ihrough numerous
drills and practice formations.
Coach Good will explain the drills
and their usage and will also enter
Into discussions of various phases
of actual play. These will include
the various types of defensive
play, offensive, and development
of the fast break.
The clinic last week was host to
over fifty coaches, mostly f u m
southeast Nebraska. It is hoped
that the tour wi'l allow coaches
from central and western Ne
braska to view the performances.
Spiker Loop
Schedule Told
1 Q
The Intramural Department to
day released the 1948-49 volley
ball leagues and schedule.
Spikers are slated to begin play
Monday, Nov. 8, in the new
Physical Education Building.
League 1 is composed of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Theta Xi, Zeta
Beta Tau, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Delta Sigma Phi and
Delta Chi. League 2 includes
Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, Pio
neer Co-op, Delta Tau Delta,
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Brown
Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Gamma
Rho, Farm House, Delta Upsilon,
Tau Kappa Epsilon and Phi
Kappa Psf are in League 3, and
Alpha Tau Omega, Cornhusker
Co-op, Sigma Nu, Beta Sigma
Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta
Sigma Pi and Alpha Sigma Phi
make up League 4.
The Denominational loop in
cludes Newman Club, Baptists,
Presbyterians, Christians, Method
ists, Lutherans and Inter-Varsity.
League 6, the Independent lergue,
has Norris House, Dorm B,
Lilies, Chem E, Kate's Boys, Ge
ology, Delta Theta Phf, Dorm C
and Ag Men's Club as members.
IM Handball Play
Set for Nov. 15
Intramural handball matches
will start November 15, according
to IM director L. E. Means.
The play will be divided Into
three sets of leagues, for fraterni
ties, independents, and denomina
tional teams. Fraternities and de
nominational teams need only to
signify their entry. Independents
must file a team roster and pay
an entry fee of 50 cents.
Each team will consist of three
men, who will play two matches
each. All six games wiH be com
puted fn the standings. The match
es will be played in the coliseum
basement and contestants must
furnish their own equipment, ex
cept for handballs, which may
be checked out at the equipment
Trophies will be given to cham
pionship fraternity and interde
nominational teams, and the win
ning independent team will re
ceive indivicial awards. All en
tries must be filed at the P. E.
building by Tuesday, Nov. 9.
IM grid games postponed
Thursday are scheduled to be
played Friday afternoon, accord
ing to the physical education
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Magic PE Course Makes
Men Out of Mighty Mice
By Herb Denenberr.
"You made five and a third feet
of human arm, seven and fiv
sixth feet of human chest, and
five and a half feet of human
thigh. You made eighteen and
two-thirds feet of muscle? What
kind of a joint is this?"
"What are all these bars and
weights for? What goes here?"
Questioner Not Crazy.
This questioner isn't crazy; he
just happened to wander into the
body conditioning room located in
the Coliseum, and just happened
to run into a few hard facts. For
that increased muscle size men
tioned above was actually a result
of weight training as offered by
the university. Then the confused
gentleman began to see the light.
He remembered mention of a
body conditioning and weight
training course in the catalog list
ed as Physical Education XXI.
Walking up to the man who
looked like an instructor the con
fused students asked, "What's go
ing on down here?"
The man to answer the ques
tion was Bob Higgins, physical
education assistant and instructor
of weight training. Mr. Higgins
conceived the idea of a weight
training course for the university
in 1945 after his discharge from
the marine corps. Higgins an
swered, "This is one of my three
weight training classes."
The gentleman seemed to be
mixed up about the weight class,
so he asked, "Is there any differ
ence between the weight training
you offer, and what is referred to
as weight lifting?"
"WeUM Lifting: a Sport
Setting down his 200-pound
dumb bell, the weight lifting in
structor replied, "Weight lifting is
a sport, while weight training is
not. Weight lifting is centuries old,
while weight training for devel
opment or corrective remedial
work is but a few decades old."
"Here at the University," ex
plained Higgins, "we concentrate
on weight training. Weight train
ing is a means to increase
strength, to improve physical de
velopment, to get into good physi
cal shape, and to lose or gain
body weight."
"By use of weights, trainers
can improve strength and physical
development so as to participate
more actively and effectively in
other sports," the "phys ed" in
structor declared.
Public Frowns
"How come the public so often
frowns upon weight training pro
grams?" snapped the dizzy ques
tioner, "if the weight training pro
grams have produced such re
sults?" The weight training boxx ex
plained that the public too often
associates the use of weights with
the vaudeville and circus strong
men of a bygone era. "These
beefy, unsightly performers cared
little about the symmetrical well
proportioned physique sought
after by weight men today," Hig
gins explained.
"Another popular fallacy con
cerning the use of weights is that
after repeated exercise with
weights the user will become
'muscle bound.' It has been proven
time and time again in recent
years that this theory has no
Muscles" Tender.
"When bar bell and dumbell
exercises are correctly employed
no possible muscle binding (short
ening) or general slowing down
of reaction time occurs. If, how
ever, the various exercises are
performed incorrectly without
proper instruction a shortened
muscle condition may result."
"O.K., boss, even if muscle
shortening doesn't occur do you
ever get any muscle growing in
the class."
"Yes, we do," replied Higgins,
and he presented an impressive
list of statistics. For instance he
said that in a group of 50 men
taking the course the average gain
in the muscle of the upper arm
(biceps and triceps) was 1.28
inches per man. The average gain
in chest was 1.88 inches per man.
The average gain in the thigh
was 1.30 inch": per man.
When askc d i,bout the future of
the weight training classes Higgins
said that though he hopes to ob
tain a larger room for his classes.
And considering the crowded con
ditions of the room, and the seem
ingly small number of students
who now know about the course,
Higgins' wish for a large room
probably will come true.
Wildcats Dismissed
News comes from Kansas State
that classes on Saturday, Nov. 6,
will be dismissed to enable stu
dents to attend the Kansas State
Nebraska game.
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Individual Paddle Tourney
Slated to Open Next Week
IM Director L. E. Means has
announced an individual table
tennis tourney which will start
next week.
The tourney is open to any man
in the university. All men wish
ing to enter must have their entry
at 102 P. E. building by Wednes
day, Nov. 10.
The Coliseum basement, PE
building, or Student Union base
ment may be used for matches.
Winners must post scores after
What? No Pep?
Misbehavior In the U.C.L.A. pep
section draws more attention at
games than the team itself.
Students seem to be too busy
with the idea of being the big
attraction to back the team. Be
cause the situation is steadily
growing worse, U.C.L.A. may be
minus a pep squad and cheerleaders.
Just to give your
voice a lift
When you make a long distance telephone
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it not foe vacuum tube repeaters. They
give your voice a .whenever needed
carry it clearly from coast to coast.
Vacuum tubes and other electronic devices are
an ever-growing part in your Bell telephone service. As the
manufacturing unit of the Bell System, Western Electric
makes millions of these intricate little things.
To produce them to highest standards of precision and
at lowest cost, Western Electric has just completed its new
Allentown, Pa.; plant latest addition to vast telephone
making facilities in 18 cities. Now, and in the years ahead;
this new Western Electric plant will help to make your
Bell telephone service better than even
I W f SrhS P v"- Pr- Jvmi V" V t r
o Fly tag
Officar with tk
U. S. Air form. A
pclol twin it con
Ins to tall yet how.
NOV. 9, 10, 11