The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1948, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, November 4, 1948
Few Husker fans realize the
rebuilding process Nebraska's
football squad is going through.
While other teams have been
building their football stock Ne
braska has been resting on its
Fans virtually expected the
Nebraska team to wipe Kanass
off the field several weeks ago.
Yet, we wonder how many fans
realize the rebuilding that has
been going on in such schools as
Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and
Iowa State.
While. Nebraska teams were
rollectins: championships through
the pre-war years these teams
were slowly building. Came the
war and Cornhusker stock look
an unexpected drop as players
were called to war.
Now Coach Potsy Clark and
his coaching staff are beginning
the long rebuilding process. This
year's freshman squad is one of
the finest since before the war
and a great many hopes are be
ing based on Top Klein's frosh.
Potsy has taken one big step
towards putting Nebraska back
on top. He is Riving many young
players valuable experience by
sending them into contests against
lop opposition. Everyone realizes
thai Nebraska is potentially
dangerous and Big Seven squads
have always respected the
Let's rehash a couple of Ne
braska's past victories and
glance at the 1925 grid season.
The Huskcrs' first game was
against Illinois and the "Gallop
ing Ghost," Red Grange was
boxed beautifully by the Ne
braska squad- Grange was never
tible to make a getaway and the
ball game resulted in a stunnina
14-0 defeat for the lllmi. The
touchdowns were made by Ne
braska's Dailey, one on a 40-yard
runback of a kickoff and the
other on a 35-yard run following
an intercepted pass.
In the final game of the season
wiih Notre name, a strong Irish
team was tlio.oughly beaten and
held scoreless. Rhodes tallied on
a run at the beginning of the
game. A completed pass from
Brown to Mandery. followed by
a 3?-yard run brought another
touchdown and furlher humilia
' lion was added when Capt. E.
Weir kicked a 25-yard field goal.
Ed Vvcir who is now track coach
at the university made the All
America team for the second con
secutive year.
Nebraska's 41 year span in col
lege football has seen the llusk
ers take the championship 22
times. This includes victories in
1907, '10. '11, '12, '13, '14, '15,
'16, '17. '21, '22, '23, '26 before the
Big Six conference was organ
ized. DTDTromices
Sigma Nu 22-0
Delta Tau Delta romped over
Sigma Nu Wednesday afternoon
22-0 in an Intramural playoff
game at Ag college.
Jim Sharp led the Delt offense
pitching passes for all of. the
DTD touchdowns.
Snarp figured in the first
counter when he tossed a pass
to Ray Van Norman for pay
dirt. The Delt's got an easy two
points when Sigma Nu attempted
a pass n their own end zone.
The pass was no good.
Sharp flipped another pass to
Harold Breetzke in the waning
minutes of the first half for a
T. D.
Sigma Nu almost had a touch
down when they marched 50
yards for a score only to have
the play called back because of a
backfieid in motion penalty.
Mel Engler galloped five yards
for the Dclts final touchdown.
Engler caught a sharp pass and
did some fine broken field run
ning to score.
Social Service commission
group oi the YWCA will isit the
Orthopedic hospital Thursday for
their regular meeting. Willistine
' Clark, leader of the group, has
announced that next Thursday
Nov. 18, the commission will take
a tour through the state penitentiary.
A TO Golf Champions
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Membeis of the Alpha Tan Omega championship Intramural golf squad pose for their picture after
the team took first place in the (all golf tourney. They are (from left to right) Dan Dicbling,
Lee Moore, Al Blessing, Jim Harkradcr and Coach Doyle Buskohl. (Staff Photo by Tom Reynolds. )
It is suggested that all stu
dents entering the East Stadi
um for the Kansas State game
hold their season books so that
the ticket taker can remoe
the coupon marked four only.
Freshman Cage Squad
Begins Fall Workout
Frosh Coach Tony Sharpe has
been working with 6fl cagors daily
on the coliseum courts.
Opening drills have been con
cerned mainly with fundamentals
and conditioning work.
The large turnout has been
broken up into two practice ses
sions in order that more individual
attention may be given to the
boys. Group 1 meets from 3 to
4:20 and group 2 from 4:20 to 5:30.
This is also designed to give can
didates with 3 o'clock classes a
chance to try out.
The rosier includes many prep
stars. Jack Deffenbauph was a
standout forward on the Lincoln
high state champs of 1946, and is
a top prospect on this year's fresh
man team. From Omaha prep
circles come Ed Akromis from
South, Subby Ruma from Omaha
Central, one of the top scorers in
the intercity league last year, and
Tom Mosiman of Omaha Tech.
Players from outstate include:
Bob Rump, Fremont, Dick Thim
can, Columbus, from Class A
ranks; Herb Ringenberg, class B
all-stater, and a member of two
Lexington class B champs; Al
Blessing, 1948 member of the class
B all state team, from Ord; Gerald
Walton who played on last year's
crack Geneva squad; and Dan Loi
sel, brother of Joe Loisel, a former
Husker, whose play has kept
Guardian Angel of West Point
ranked high in class C the last few
Showing the international inter-
K. Fischer Hurt
In Scrimmage
Neal Mchring's scout squad
worked out Kansas State plays for
the varsity Wednesday evening
and then gave way to Coach Pop
Klein's hifth riding freshman
The varsity squad worked of
fensive plays against a six man
line. Clark had Phil Young, Bill
Mueller, Del Wicgand and Frank
Collopy running in the first siring
backfieid. Wiegand was having
a tough lime becoming adjusted
to a new noscguard. The ace
passer broke his nose last week.
Potsy juRgled a few of the po
sitions on the first string line.
Howard Fletcher and Bob Schnei
der were at the ends; Fred Golan
and Jim Godfrey, tackles: Fred
Hawkins and Mike DiBiase,
guards; Bobby Costello, center.
More bad luck plagued the in
jury team as Kenny Fischer
watched from the sidelines on
crutches. Fischer had a badly
sprained ankle and will not see
action Saturday.
Tom Novak and Cletus Fischer
continued to take things easy.
Novak worked out without pads.
The second line included Ralph
Damkroger. Charlie Toogood, Dar
win Salestrom, Tom Novak, Ar
die Means, Herb Reese, and Ray
Don Strasheim, Gerald Fergu
son, Dick Button and Gerald
Moore were running in the back-field.
Klein's frosh squad poured it on
in a near darkness scrimmage with
the varsity. Ron Clark and Nick
Adducci led the offense while big
Fred Blackett and Ernie Lee were
the mainstavs for the Frosh line.
est in basketball is the appearece
of Bjorn Herse from Oslo, Norway.
He has never played the game be
fore but has developed an interest
in it from the games which he has
The Squad Roster
P..-rnip AUtvni. Ornnbft; K1 Akromis.
n,,i;ihii: fiavnrd Alhcrs. Cr.-ih Onlinr.1; Bill
AloNBmtrr, Omaha ; ;mrRf Allen. 1vhkI:is :
l.vlf Allman. S;ilin. Kn. : Al RH-ssinn.
Orii; Fi-crt Hnu-rnnM.; .lim Hiichnn
Ft Wjiw. ln1 .: Harry Burki-y.
rnln : Al cus.irl. Ktr; John Corl.rwn.
lt i-pin-i Kut.s : B.'h Cook. Crrmi;: !
Chnrles Cooper. Clay Center; Plek Oorriell.
Lincoln; Ken Dm res. Akron, Ohio.
Jaelc Peffenhauph T.inroln; Bernle TVh
herstein. Lincoln; Bruce lunge I. Lincoln; j
Pick Fensler. Omaha ; Jim Fulfnrd. Wa- :
waka. Inn. ; Fill Oelwick, Kalln City: Ralph
Hull Klwood ; One Htiyea. Teenmwli ; Pa
vid Hendricks. Pouclas; Bjorn Herse. Os
lo. Norway; Boh Horctman. Grand Island; j
l.avern Hril74i. Guide Rock; James Jacobs
Bellwood; James Jensen. Snrfenl : r.ene
Johnson. Hol-lredce; Bill Kerr. Central
City; Harry Kimbiiel. Omaha.
Pel Knpf. Ix-xinctnn; Kenneth Lniannd
C.-iles'i'irc. 111.: Boh LohrlierK. Lincoln:
Pan IjOisci. West roint: Pona Id Martin. 1
Lincoln; Jack MoConnell. Lincoln: 1 on
Meyer Lincoln: Kenneth Mohhnc. Has
tings; Jor- Morgan. York; Tom Mosiman
Omaha; Clinton Peterson Hardy; Mark
O Pell. Bellevur: August Oriman. I.anrel; j
Gene Ow.-ns. Lincoln; Max Pelti.iohn. j
Spalding; Hern BincenberR. Lexington;
Gerald Robertson. Lyons.
Subby Ruma. Omaha: Boh Rump. Fre
mont; Norm Sothan. Geneva: Art Sih.
Lincoln: William Snlwell. Fnadilla; Ken
Sttriaon. Trcumseh; Richard Thimgan. Co- ,
lumhus; Jim Thomas, Lincoln; Pon Tingle. ;
Nellgh; l-d Vandersnft. Grand Island; i
Gerald Walton, Geneva: Pave Way, Pe- i
catur: Pick Wendt, Murdork; Boh Werner, j
Meadow Grove; Norm Wtlnes Sidney; Jim
Woodworth Lincoln: Mason Kerb. Omaha
Tyro things every
College rr&n should know!
Presidents Bill Lucas, Jaques
Levi, Barbara Speer, and Walt
Daria please note the above!
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A special team will b on com put
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