The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1948, Homecoming Edition, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Friday, October 29, 1948
348 -
rjwjE, Zj iiiu in-i ...
RBbrrlpUoa ratt-a are ft.M per wmrster. B M pr Mmmtav manJ, S.0 for
lb. iXJTyeaT. "vo n-ll.l. BuTfl. eop, 80. rhUhl .ally dnriof
ESeS Monday, aad Katnrdayi. -aeatloa. aa ..anUu.tio. l' JLn,f2
f Nebraska ender tlx iuimtvUIob of the Publlratloa BJ- . "TL?? t"?
llaM Matter at the I'o.t Offlre in Iinedn. Nehra.Ua, nnd Act of t"fTVr.
,1879, and at .iwrtal rate of poi.ta provided for la acettoa 1103. act of October
(, 1917, authorised Hcpte.mber 19,
Festivities Start . . .
Homecoming, a big week-end for students and alums
ftlik6 is here.
Corn Cobs and Tassels, pep organizations, have planned
a full two-day celebration which will include rallies, house
decorations, parade, Tep Queen election, and of course, the
annual Homecoming dance in the coliseum Saturday night.
Homecoming is an event that happens just once a year
and is looked forward to by both the student body a'ld alums
who will have memories of festivities from years back when
they were in school. Homecoming is an all-university event
which will display all the pep and enthusiasm students have
for their school. With all the events and displays that have
been planned, it should be a fun week-end for everyone.
Festivities will officially open tonight with a huge rally
at which the candidates for Pep Queen, nominated by the
Tassels, will be announced. After the rally, there will be
an all-campus election to name this year's Homecoming
Pep Queen, who will be introduced at the dance Saturday.
Voting booths will be set up in the Coliseum and the Union
immediately following the rally. Also tonight will be the
judging of the house decorations.
Starting Saturday, activities will be the Homecoming
Float parade which will begin at the Coliseum and journey
through the campus and downtown. Winners of the float
contest will be announced at the dance Saturday evening.
Then, Saturday afternoon, the game! The traditional:
freshman tug-of-war has been scheduled just prior to the
game in the stadium. This year's procedure, sponsored by
the Innocent Society, will be entirely new with each group
on campus that has freshman beanie wearers sending rep
resentatives to tug against representatives of the upper
classmen. If the frosh win, they may discard their beanies
permanently! Half time entertainment which includes the
band marching and the presentation of last year's Pep
Queen, has also been scheduled.
The Homecoming dance Saturday night promises to be
one of the best ever and will be highlighted by the presenta
tion of the Pep Queen and the announcement of parade
float winners and house decoration winners.
Homecoming celebrations will end Saturday night, but
the campus enthusiasm and spirit of fun and loyalty should
continue for the rest of this year and every year following.
TleLraska's Gay
. . . We Specialize in the Serv
ing of Italian and American
Food Prepared by Expert
Italian Cheju
DIflL 6-3015 DmL 6'2398
58 & "O" STS.
.arty, party! The whirl of
homecoming outshadows all so
cial events of the fall season,
and this proves to be one of the
most exciting. Already under
cover men have been coloring up
the campus walks (with the
rally committee and Skip Stahl
hot on their trail); treasure bal
loons are insuring a ticket for
"EEEEach and EEEEvory Stew
dant" (according to Mania Tep-
pcrman who has donated ner
lungs to the cause), and plotting
is already under way about pil
fering the effegy (bruin bear to
you illiterates.)
Many, many are making plans
for the gala homecoming dance.
Jack McDill will squire Mary
Lou Beran (who finally made up
her mind). For his first home
coming brawl, Tom Tucker has
chosen Marilyn Brewster. Natur
ally, Janet Stearns and John
Ayres will attend together as will
Shirley Baker and Don Woods.
Dick Kuhl and Jack Kcece will
come out of hibernation and es
cort ole grad Jody Srb and il
lustrious alum Margie Sturm.
A commercializing few have
thrown caution to the winds and
will go into business for them
selves at the Italian Village Sat
urday night in competition with
the dance at the coliseum. Jo
Moss and Don Darst, Jane Rock
well and Wendy Ganger will be
chief party-ers.
Let's Get Started.
The Sig Eps will start the day
early Saturday with a breakfast
dance Saturday morning. Prob
able steadies Mary Kuppinger
and Russ Laird, along with Tat
Pischel and Tom Loisel will at
tend if they can keep their eyes
This is News: Loch Ohmond,
mountain climber and world
traveler, has a date! Lucky girl
is June Shaberg who is dying to
hear the story of his life.
Backtracking to Friday night
we find Allan Scofield at the
Union Halloween party. Novelty
of the evening will be the cham
ber of horrors where all girls
are guaranteed a head start with
prospective Sadie Hawkins Day
date. (Union, Nov. 13).
Also on Friday night, the In
tervarsity Christian Fellowship
will be strictly spooking at their
Halloween party. Mary May,
had swamee.
With a little more practice,
Dick Lockman may be able to
call some of the square dances
at the Wesley Foundation deal on
ag Friday. At least he has all
the qualifications.
Despite the abundance of
parties Friday, there will no
doubt be a crowd at the Delian
union's Screwball party especi
ally the more curious.
pledges were really whooping it
up Wednesday night. More
"hanging in effegy" took place
Con you qualify for this
WttMI detiHi fron 0 Antrim
Ctet Intwvwwlnt Tern It fl be tort:
NtT. t, , II and 11
f . J : ' i j
way out of boar trap. Cobs and tassels are usoing this booth KS
Union to sell Homecoming dance ticKcts.
Bandless Parade: . . .
According to the last report from the office of the Dean of Stu
dent Affairs, T. J. Thompson, students who have classes on Saturday
morning will not be excused for the Homecoming festivities.
Members of the U. N. .marching band, a group scheduled to head
the Homecoming parade in full dress on Saturday morning, will not
be excused from classes. They were allowed to miss last Saturday s
classes to make the migration trip.
This brings to mind a question, one which we haven't resolved as
yet, of which Is more important that students be attending classes
in line with the fundamental purpose of the educational institution,
or that students be participating in activities (and foregoing aca
demic pursuit) which will possibly generate within them additional
spirit and loyalty to the Institution.
It is not for us to make the answer. However, we would like
to point out to the administration that the Homecoming parade has
a definite and valuable promotional function for the university, not
only with Lincoln people but with outstate people as well, many
of whom are U.N. alums. One of the finest attractions of the parade
(as it is of all university activities in which it participates)
ways been the Nebraska marching band. A
We are firmly convinced that to deny the band the freedom M
have a 100 turnout Saturday and to have this result in a parade
without a full dressed band would be an unfortunate damper on the I
parade. The prestige which the marching band has rightly earned 1
in its years of existence deserves to be maintained. I
There Is still time for action, and we hope that further con
sideration will be given to the situation, with the result that the
Homecoming festivities equal, and perhaps excel, those eelebra
in previous years. '
Norm Leger
Houses Requested
To Submit Rosters
The following houses and or
ganization presidents must turn
in a complete roster of their mem
bers and pledges if they wish
representation in this year's Stu
dent Foundation Directoray.
The following information
should be given: Name of the
group, address, telephone number
house president, house mother,
and alphabetical list of all mem
bers, last name first. The infor
mation must be given to Ginny
Koch or Nancy Porter, 1545 "S"
Street, today.
Alpha Chi Omega.
Gamma Phi Beta.
Delian Union.
Kappa Sigma
Phi Delta Theta
Sigma Uu
Xi Psi Phi
and Cuy Farber and Rick Her
man are still bootless.
Looking for post rally and
game events? Newly engaged
Marilyn SUrk and Ken Horn
baher will rally at Kings and
after the game the Union, of
Iliuker Spirit
Did you know that when Ne
braska played against Stanford
Float Parade
All organizations preparing
entries for the Homecoming
parade must have their floats
in front of the Coliseum at 10
Saturday morning. The order
in which the floaU will line up
I TaMri
S IM-ita I MIm
I Taa Kapfw KaaU
4 lalraaiiuaal Hmm,
higmm Sm
lairr-larattr CartsUaa rM"
8kia. 1 Alpha bun BJ
Nim Alpha F pal taa
1 katpfMi Mcnia
II IWa Klp rat
It Towaa tab
If Mfm ! r.tmUmm
1 4 Alpha Taa Onc
la Phi Gamma IMU
l IfeOta Taa UcMa
II Thrta XI.
15 PaUaataa KarOHy.
It Phi wia Thria.
M Hrta Thrla ft.
1 1 rwhafthrr la aa.
tt Hmarrta.
it Aoart.
14 rw Kaepa rat.
Z Mm hi.
Z4 Mima Alpha Ma.
tl frajia Hvaar.
II AaVtpaU.
tt ( mto4U Oa-
M IMU Mr ma n.
SI rta fena Taa.
university in the Rose Bowl on
New Year's day in 1941 that more
Nebraskarvs followed their team to
the west coast than have support
ers from any other visiting school?