Thursday, October 28, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 4 College Life Little Changed Since Good Old Days of 1929 BY SH UVBIN xh vcs those wore the good old d'avs. Looking back into the one in campus was buying vatei JnU watches so they wouldn t h:ivo to take thorn off vhile dunking doughnuts in collce. Yes. even in those days .In dents were demanding a law that would rompell everyone to at tend classes at least one day a week. Rumors and facts cussed and discussed on the campus then were about how a co-ed s poi sonality certainly stood out when ,hc appeared in a Show. And spats were the latest things iii lootwear. 1'cmale Situation Same Tust as there are now, in those dav-, there were always a couple ot ' young blades on the campus, who were regular cut up, oven though some were very flu I. There was always a mad rush tc get the girls in on time and that s meivlassiiien EiilorlainFrosli At Rendezvous All freshman women are united to' the YW Freshman rendezvous Thursday between 3 and 5 p.m. jn F.l'.cn Smith hall. The rendezvous wall bo informal and girls mav drop in any time between 3 and 5 for the programs, refreshments and to sign up for commission groups. There will be a skit under the direction of I- ran M'allaee. Cay Worcester is head ol the Freshman cabinet which has planned the program ol the ren dezvous. Other members of the Freshman cabinet, loaders of the freshman commission groups, are: Dawn Daggett. Kathy Schreiber. Ti-h Swanson. Mara Chernov. .1 ft ti Smith, Jean Kkval, Ruth Trovell and Grace Nielson. Fa. li ol these girls has an assistant. Freshman commission groups ail discuss the same topics. Among the first for tins semester are ReliL'ion and College Lile," ' Hu man Relationships," and ''What Do T Believe." The meeting-' are held at different times riming the week so thai, every giil can lit ore into her schedule. Girls who can't attend the ren dezvous may sign up for com mission groups in the YW office in K'ion Smith. Campus News In Brief 1,'ev. Fiigene V. Lunuberg. .lo be. l',h. will present a secrcd con ceit. Tuesday. Nov. 2. at 7:45 p.m. at the Fu'.-t Kvangehcal Cove nant church. Fiev. Lundheig. a tenor. hn recently completed a European tou a- a soloist with the Chicago male chorus His pro gram will consist ol three groups ol sacred songs ;,nd a li iel med itation. The Home I.c club will meet in the Home F.c parlors Thursday at 5 p.m. Mis. Leopold will speak to the group, and members are asked to bring tl'ciY knitting. All fresh man home ec student- are -. ited to attend. Inter-Varsity will meet Thur 316 of the Ur.ioi be Mary Louise Fellowship club ;day at 7.30 in F!. The speaker will f'.ochin, instructor of Music. Miss in the ."vriooi Tioohrn has studied music in France for the past two summers. Corncob workers who desire ad ditional homecoming Ball tickets may obtain them in the eob-lassol room of the Student Union be tween the hours of 4:3.0-5:30 Thursday according to Frank Loeffel, Cob treasurer. AS CARDS u s rnn ro onm n rrrtimalizrd Christmas Cards Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14 Open Thurs. to 9 x one thing that hasn't changed in the least. Of course, the students then didn't have the superior facilities of Love Memorial Library and many other buildings that have been added to the University. Burnett Hall, completed most re cently, was named after the 1029 Chancellor, E. A. Burnett. If things were then like they are now the fairer sex would be much happier. Whv. you ask? Well, to be downright truthful, the girls in '29 didn't seem to have enough building behind which they could sneak a smoke, bec ause they w ere continunllv being caught. Model Vs In Use Then Those were the days when Long's College Book Store claim ed that they had sol dover 2.000. 000 sheets of history paper in one year and Model A's were just coming into use. That was also the year that Nebraska lost only one game, and that was to Pitts burgh bv the close score of 12 to 7. To sum no. college hie then Morrison Speaks A I (Ihureli Forum Frank Mori Congress, will 'imhi, candidate for speak at an open torum in the Unitarian church au ditorium. 12th and 11 Streets, at 9:4:1 a.m. Sunday. Oct. 31. Morrison will talk on "What Are the Impoitaril Issues in the National Flection0" Alter his speech, there will be time for quest ions from 1he audience. The meeting will adjourn shortly be fore 11 am. Morrison i. running against Carl Curtis, incumbent, for office in the House ol Representatives. This i the first of a series of open forums being planned for this year by the church group. Ail College lo llosl Religious Croup Ag college will be host to the 'Nebraska town and Country Church conference to be held Jan. 19 and 20. Sessions for the I wo days cill be held in the College Act i hits building. The theme of the program will he "A Church for Rural Lume n's Setting, It's Worship, It's Fellowship." Among the speak ers will be Dr. W. V. Lambert, dean ol Art college. Classified ROi.-.i finl !.:) 1 n I..- 1':. m,'ls I":.-. " r: ONK f.UWK li v (' ol ,!- ,,i.'i- r""'n ! ' ' l'.!.-t..-.r.!. '-' '-''" " i, i i.oST Si--, a I ..!! S' " I . ,, A "!' V V.. !: -I I'l viir.-lt'. CImhi-, Mtnr wnit'T -lilt Iron) our rumpli-h' tn X il wimls, nit'nir ilini-s Hml rnviTK. -" Ilil l:nlir.-il in -n'lti-MI iimN-mil. iiiir i-r-'iri'il :it n-itriitir- i- mir sii-,i:tll . . Ml irn-Ortf lin-.-- M-r. Lilian. I 100 O. j IT.-., :,!: -. . .: ' ii.:.i...!.s ': ! a-.i"--!' " - l 1 w i , - -:m';i r,,',' 'J ' I , -I S, l1' -i I 1 j .( t i il. ii'l I ' ' I -"i . i "I I I!': m.I, J-ill I'l li ;.. 1 1 ' ' I f. if. - I ' i : "' i i r,r, (i.T. I:,, I ffl,,-',l 1. fn Si 'i M I'l l- I! I 'l ' ' tin--!, 4 U I- . i- II ( .' '". ii-v riiti'T-.. . -I - I. !. " p' :i kv-'i UAMKI' '!,; I', l'.'l,, i,.-,e 1 f, li r hi Smi,!,-, i II..-, I' li I '.-i 'it I 'KNT A. I, SI I l.l-N'IS l-'"i i-.l.- .Mi ! ins ' ruini Ml - , i. .-(,,;' i:l i ! ' 'i' i 1 1 .v., An Adventure in ' Good Smoking rr. was almost as it is now, with a few exceptions, of course. Tradi tions have stayed on. men still worry about getting the girls in on time, and we still have our ''trials and tribulations, our joys and sorrows." An Slmlenls Win Honors in National ,Jii1"iii Conlesl Nebra.-ka ranked 14th in a to tal of 26 college teams judging butter, ice cream, cheese and milk in the Dairy Products Judg ing contest held at Atlantic City, New Jersey. Oct. 2.i. The team consisted of Marcu Otte. Lincoln: Phil Keeney. Ce dar Grove, N. J.: and Jim Mickle, Lincoln. It was conducted by Dr. P. A. Downs of the Dairy Hus bandry department. Colleges throughout the United States participated in this contest. Iowa Stale ranking lirst in the combination judging of all pro ducts. In the placing of indi vidual products the Nebraska team ranked eighth in butter, 18th in cheese and 20tli in milk. Pallarfians loMeel In Temple Friday The Palladia!! Literary society will hold a joint meeting of the active members ami alums at Palladian hall, 301 Temple, Fri day evening. Oct. 29. at 8 o'clock. The alums are in charge ot the program and have arranged for Dr. F. D. Keim to appear as guest speaker. He will give an illustrated talk on South America. Saturday, Oct. "0. the society will again be host at a post game tea in the Palladian hall at 5 o'clock. Jean Gilpin will be in charge, and everyone will be welcome. main m:h hks start STATU: ' Hod River." 1 33. 4:13, 6:35. 9:35. VARSITY: 'High Fury.- 2:12. 4 .52 7:32. 9:45. "Here Come--Trouble 1:13, 3:53, 6:33. 9:00. "Superman," 1:00. 3:40. 6:20. HI'SKI-R: "Back Tiail." 1:00. 3:21 5:42. 3:04. 10:25. "Camp;.s Sleu'i.h." 2:05. 4:2f. 6:47, 9:09. STATE now: 41c til 2 JOHN WAYNE MONKiOMI RY CI. ITT W All IH BR I.N NAN - IV II RED RIVER' (OMi(.: LOVES OF CARMEN' VARSITY TODAY n: to 6 world rniMii n: M M)! ' HIGH FURY" fins "Merc Comes 1 rnileM in coi or.' HUSKER NOW! Johnny Mack Brown BACK TRAIL conn i 'Campus Sleuth" Also! Color Cartoon Pull Will Hid Of Red Beanie Disgrace It takes pull! Not only does it take pull, but it takes pull Saturday afternoon to win the traditional "Tug o' War." This year freshmen and sophomores will stage their an nual contest in the Stadium at 1:43 p.m. after the football players leave the field before the game. The idea behind the "Tug o' War" concerns the little red caps seen above many eager fresh man faces on the campus. If the freshmen pull the mighty sopho mores over the line, they may discard the red disgraces. If, however, the sophomores succeel in humbling their opponents in the contest, the red caps stay on until the first snow falls. It's tradition! Sponsored by the Innocents Society, the conlest this year is not only being held in a dif ferent place, but participant's qualifications will be different. My Hooipo for an Ideal Newspaper The snap and readability of the New York Daily News. The pictorial excellence of Life. The thoroughness of The Times. The rrusadins fire of The Post-Dispatch. The human interest and in telligence of The Herald-Tribune. The sense and responsibility of The Courier-Journal. And, of course, the friendly approach of the Daily Nebras kan. WHAT A TI-RRH IC NLWSPAniR! Van Menses! Shirts Arc Sold Exclusively in Lincoln ot Men's Store GOLD S Street Floor LVvvvvYi ! I for the BOLD LOOK ( i&J, 1 ,- A'K v tiir-sprrti'l ' ? ' 'v 1 AN I'.OI.l) 1(7 'i ? ' S "Comfort Con'-::," ' i - 'mirSi 'Wl n'Vr. j ? S ? l , - $ Rold is (he Kfii'l: f.r t!iP low.sMinp, y i,lcn sofl collar v illi Slavs lo leep it hiri flat . . . 1 r the half-inch stiti-Jiin rm the collar ... on the rti.i i'le center leat ... on the cuffs. Ijh-te-ted. Sanfoi icd liroai loth, in vhite anl smart new soli,! colors $?.'.'). Other Van lienor, shirt, $3.."A $3J.", $ 1.0.". You'll find eollt'gt men's collar favorites in Van Heusen the vorU rniLLirs-joNis corp., m w yopk i , w. v. ' V N ' i .",f ' I ' A rtvvuvuuvvttuwwuvmuwttuuttmwvuu: Freshmen .Instead of having all students who show UP participate in the struggle, one sophomore and one freshman will be chosen from each fraternity to carry the load. Any other organization in which freshmen are wearing caps may enter two representatives by con- I tacting Dale Ball. Innocents are issuing a warn ' ing that they plan to have an j impropriate punishment on the spot for the losing team. I According to Ball, the rules for ' the game are simple. Teams line ! up in a straight line facing each 'other. Both teams pull in their direction on the rope. The first team that succeeds in pulling the w hole opposite team over the line, about a 20-yard pull. wins. IVsvcli Honorary Mods Monday F.-i Chi, national honorary'holoK.v fraternity, will hold a meeting. Monday, Nov. 1 at 4 p. m. The meetinR will be hehl in Room 315 of the Union. The speaker will be Dr. Dy sinser, chairman of the psy chology department. His topic will be "Psycholoey as a Career." All undeiRiaduate or graduate psych majors are cordially in vited to attend 1he mooting. HallowcVn Party . Graduate students in all de partments of the university and their husbands and wives are invited to a Hallowe'en party Friday .evening, at 8 p.m. in Parlors XYZ of the I'nion. The party will he Riven hy the University Graduate, club. ty"' , shirts smartc f OK ftCC:STfirO IN Tt.L U S f T S T O'T'CC . . . I V