The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1948, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, October 14, 1948
Clark Readies Huskers
For Notre Dame Attack
Coach Potsy Clark sent his
Husker eleven through another
heavy workout Wednesday in
preparation for the tough grid
meeting with the Fighting Irish"
of Notre Dame Saturday.
The Husker mentor was using
a combination of players on the
first varsity eleven yesterday aft
ernoon. Bob .Ackerman, Don
Bloom and Bill (Rocky) Mueller
were alternating at the right half
back post. Mueller will probably
get the nod for the starting po
sition Saturday.
Fischer Returns
The first varsity squad had
Junior Collopy. Kirk Lee, Del
Wiegand, and Mueller running in
the backfield. Playing on the line
were Tom Novak, Mike'DiBiase,
Darwin Salestrom, Dick Goeglein,
Jim Godfrey, Howard Fletcher
and George Bostwick I
xir-j i ,
vreuncMiays scrimmage was
highlighted by the return of Clet
us Fischer. The St. Edward spark
plug ran through several plays
and will be ready to go against
Notre Dame.
Pass Defense Good
Fischer will captain the Husk
ers saiuraay afternon. He is the
closest approach to a natural lead
er. Thf fleet back is the key man
on the spread plays which were
effective against Minnesota but
bogged down against Colorado
when Fischer was not in the game
Clark continued the use of a
new defense he instituted Tues
day. Howard Fletcher, 6-3 end, who
Played halfback at McCook high
school, and Ray Magsamen, 6-2
end, are playing in the backfield
when the Huskers are on defense
Potsy hopes their height will give
the Nebraska backfield the extra
punch thev will
Jo(re Dame passing attack
l ee Stands Out
Tom Novak, picked bv Notre
Dame players in 1947 as the best
center they played against, has
beuen troubled all fall by an ankle
which he sprained playing base
ball during the summer.
Kirk Lee, 166 pound sophomore,
showed plenty of drive in Wed
nesday's scrimmage. The former
Fremont flash was clipping off
10 to 12 yard gains in the prac-
Mean Directs
i A -
S' 'I
A 'J o ' i
,3- i
r 4 I i
Mr , ;7SSSW
r? " ' W ; Vi
Many students on campus are
actively participating in intra
mural sports and recreation with
out knowing anything about the
mechanisms and staff that makes
for efficient operation and man
Louis E. Means is the boss of
the organization, with the title of
staff director. The detailed desk
work is handled by Intramural
Secretary Mrs. Genevieve Gross
man. Both have offices at Intra
mural headquarters, 102 Sports
Arena Building.
Hollie Lepley, commissioner of
officials for all games, will direct
a great deal of the fall and spring
The Agricultural campus is the
charge of one Ed Higginbotham
who supervises most of the games
and tournaments there.
Pat Patterson conducts three in
tramural events, wrestling, box
ing and bait and fly casting tour
neys. The latter is a new addition
to the roll of special sports con
tests featured fn the I.M.'s.
Bob Slezak is a part-time staff J
member, as is Dale Bloss, graduate
assistant, bth acting as field and
game supervisors for many events.
Warren Emery, another graduate
assistant, helps out with intra- !
mural programs and special in
tramural problems and publicity, j
The Student Health Service is , -.
responsible for giving complete I O CTf r 11 fti 1 1 if
.ii.iauiig in lilt IIIUIC Slit' r .j 1, . I .t TT
l,.,it Head basketball coach, Harry
c.;,i ,t i- Good, today released his 48-49 A pie-same buffet luncheon
to k? hij I ,1 a'e S!,ng basketball schedule and announc- Saturday is the solution to Uni-
! i..eId,CaK,0',dI,:.ln!ed that his varsity squad will be- verity alumni's problem of find-
V' .Z T .. 'Clall"8 ln lne!gin their official practice grind ! ing a place to gather and eat be
Fijis, Presby A
Cop IM Victories
Pni Gains and Presbyterian "A"
showed well-rounded teams as
table tennis matches moved into
the second week. The Phi Gams
won over Farm House 5 to 0 and
Presbyterian "A" did likewise
over Presbyterian "B".
Other results: Delta Tau Delta
defeated The DV's and Sigma Nu
won over the ZBTs by a score of
4 to 1. The Men's Dorm took a
narrow decision over the Muscle
Men 3 to 2.
All members of the University
Flying Club are asked to be
present at a meeting at 6:45 p. in.
Thursday, Oct. 14 in Room 316
of the Union.
V 9
! 9' If .oCyK-f
TERRY BRENNAN, Irish left half, led CoacK Frank Leahy's grid-
aers in scoring tne last two years with 36 and 66 points respectively.
He will be one of the players Nebraska will have to stop Saturday.
Good Releases Pre-Game Lunch
Offered to Solve
Eating Qiiandary
FOR ial 1947 Chfk motorcycle.
mnHionanan, IT-.1OJ4.
FOR S A L.E 1 948 Hariev iTaTiil.ioTi Vs"
3.000 ntir. Cll Wayne' Bath, 2-2.riS3
Instructions. Nellie Speidell studio 2705
Royal Court. Call 3-4692
TOR SALE Ued Corona portable ttpe
writrr. Good eoidition $25.00. See Vern
Anthony, 21 So. 15th, Apt. 14. after
p. m.
KN and U.lier. leeded at Nel.raska
Theatrt Peronal applications only.
"er 4 30 UntU 4:3- Thom8on
F3843le 193' CheVrole, 2OT07
B Flat Trun
mnpi tin i u , . -rr
RI.I.T mi u,...;.r. .T"1
" '"criie12-nnl f-fc772
R?.M b'oJlTTrWAi CnTnT
Pus. Norman Ritrher 6-mh tn.r.-,
I iter.
Rler, 1439 S at.
-.-.or.- .cams cji timer years
have been known to rise to the
occasion when Notre Dame in
vaded Lincoln," Coach Clark said.
e are hoping our present crop
will catch fire as those teams of
the early 1920's. I believe there
will be room for both eivens on
the field."
given by Vernon W. Lapp and
Charles E. Miller, physical edu
cation staff members.
Coed Capers
The Aquaqueltes are holding
the second of two swimming club
tryouts Thursday evening, Octo
ber 14, at 7:00 at the Coliseum.
All those who did not try out
last week and would like to are
invited to come.
There will be a W.A.A. Council
meeting Friday, October 15, at 5.00
at Grant Memorial.
House lists must be in immediately!
Letters from our Mailbag . . .
According to Harry, who is
seeking to make his third consecu
tive year as Nebraska mentor an
other success, many of the re
turning lettermen and freshmen
numeral winners have been condi
tioning themselves for this grind
since the beginning of the semes
ter. .
Harry will begin work tomor
row with his squad which in
cludes returning "N" winners
Claude RetheiTord. Rod Cox, Paul
Shields, forwards; Bob Cerv,
Henry Cech, Anton Lawry, guards;
and Richard Schleiger, Milton
Whitehead, Dick Srb, centers. He
feels that he will be able to find
among the promising numeral
winners a depth of material which
the squad lacked last year. These
numeral winners are: Darrell
Br.indenburg, "Red" Gaston, Jesse
Sell, Jim Walsh, forwards; Ray
Lucht, Joe Malecek. Bob Pierce,
lore the Notre Dame game.
Fritz Daly, secretary of the
University's alumni association,
has announced thit the meal will
be served from 11:30 to 12:30
p.m. in the Union ballroom.
Tickets are one dollar per per
son and reservations may
made by calling or writing the
alumni office :t the Union. There
will be no program.
I ik.Mi! RI?1",t:U,n PoVtableTyTTew
2-3W7 Pa"" Ku'". i4
''If80; Custom 4-.!.K.r sedan. RtTli
JIT "39e'snSt.T.3g,7r'Ced ' Sr"- Ba':
FRi,s(XLoXi9i3 Ch'v- Rniiv -zr.
Tom''Lil2;7?Md',,,'n- lkbW)- Cal1
DRIVING"" Norlh PUttFricbctob??
15 Return Sunday. Will take our
mre exnenaea. Call Jimmy. 2-4SOO.
WANTED- ;ara!M near l.'Hg"
Please call John k'r... on-.o "
Jackman 2-2V(t. " vr "trD
LOST somewhere on campua, brown wallet
containiiT Jii.00. car title, driver- "
cense, identiticalinn itideRewar.i'
L1ST:,Phj M" Alpha SiTTfoSnTpin. c;or
donFlodPho,1,2.1137. Reward'
LOST-Black billfold. "UP.RTTF, baTiT
Contains important papers. Lost Tues
day, irnwi from Xook. Reward: Notify
F,,eN2"i,7"'h0d"'t S'"dfnt Hm-
BABY SITTKR for fiMitliall fcames. Nursery
in my own home. Call 6-573.
KR ' l36T)ldsraoliiie"
Brand new top. radio, and heater. Motor
newly overhauled. Price mo. Call at
iai i r a ... i u . .
Pe H.,E a fit! Buy a Mir of rood flni..7
saddle-slltrhrd menu slarkit with c.n
linnnira waint band. Ciabardine. tweedn,
eoverts. New fall ealara. ?..' In .5.
AKRS IXtTIII.NO, 1441 "O".
Lambert lo Speak .
At Omaha Friday
Dr. W. V. Lambert, new dean
of Ag col'tge. will speak before
the agricultural committee of the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce on
Friday noon of this week.
Dr. Lambert has been invited
to tell the Omahans about current
research wok in agriculture now
underway and that which is
a-.nAJ T I sr. .a. Ta 1 1 I
Del Ryder, university golf team member, writes that s; and wniiam Cronin, Bob - sneakin appea 7-
The' 1948-1949 Basketball Sched
ibsouri State CoDete
there is more to last week's Daily Nebraskan article than
meets the eye
Del tells us that the university has refused him per-, i-sntM m
. ; : i i l . a r . . i m Lincoln
iiusaiuu tu piay m ine American L?gion tournament at nec.
llmi r c i: iL.i i -l i : lec.
iiaini ucwuM ui a tuiiierenic ruling mat prom Dl IS a piayer : Det. 17
irom entering a tourney not sponsored by the university
during the time school is in session.
Ryder decided to drop out of th, Miami tourney so that
he would not lose his last year of eligibility on the golf team.
The golf ace found it rather embarrassing to have the
write-up appear in the Daily and then find out he would not
be able to go.
We are really very sorry to find out that Ryder will not
make the trip to Miami. It was probably a very hard de- k
fisinn in malrp hilt txe lrnnm that avondhmn -.- Anna Msr- 1-Kansas Stat si Manhattan
- - - - , v u w w .vtv wiui VIVI J lUlllg Y a& UUHb 1U1 j
tne Dest
Coach Potsy Clark in his weekly letter to alumni says
Pee. a slmriesota in Lincoln.
Iowa Stafe Teachers
Purdue at Lafavette
Dec. 18- Smcinnsti at Cincinnati
Iec. 20 Iuouene at Pitourth
Ir. 21Wefterin Reserve st Clee1snt
Dec. 27-30- bit Seven Tournament at
Kansas City
Jan. a Ksnsas In Lincoln
Jan. 11 Warbincton Ht. Louisl In Lin
coln Jan. 1.1 Iowa State in Lincoln
Jan. 2- South Dakota L'. in Lincoln
Jan. 31 -Kansas Klate in Lincoln
Keb. 6 Colorado m Incoln
Keb. 12 Kinui at Lawrence
Keb. 14-Oklanoma at Norman
Keb. IK Iowa State at Ames
Keb. 21 Missouri in Uncoln
eb. 26 Colorado at Boulder
ance in Omaha.
He will be accompanied to the I
meeting by Marvel L. Baker, as- !
Mci:ite director of the Experiment
Station; Clyde Noyes, district ex
tension supervisor; and extension
editor George Round.
STATE: "Good Sam," 1:00, 3:02
5:15. 7:24. 9:38.
VARSITY: 'Fighting Father
Dunne," 1:17, 4:27, 7:20. 10:13.
"Triple Threat," 2:50. 6:00, 8:53.
"Superman," 1:00, 4:10.
HUSKER: "Fort Apache," 2:15,
5:17, 8:19. "Cm ley," 1:11, 4:20,
I'. M.
A rano ('onihinatlna .
tor A Hilarious Time
5 Oklahoma id Lincoln.
Mar. 7 Missouri at Columbia
AtutrtmrnU mnd All-Alike,
for Signing or Imprinting
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
vuv. s liojr VUIS 1I HU V V CIV I J ICLlfl IU 11UII1I11 bd) S ' p -v
. . . "This probably Ls the time to recall to you that, before : ki
the season opened, 1 went on record as sajang that some-'c, , If ' 1 I .
. I did I "e
where along the line we would win a football game
not say which one. , I know you appreciate the building job
we face. It requires time. We are making progress. But
it is a slow and sometimes painful task."
"We met with the team soon after our arrival home
from Boulder. I told the boys that I had been hired to get
them out of the rut, and that we would make it if they stuck
with us. I feel that, if Minnesota had been as synchronized
as the Colorado team we played Saturday, the Gophers
would have beaten Northwestern. The players agreed, de
claring that Colorado "hit harder than Minnesota."
The coach goes on to say that it was just one of those
days when the Huskers did everything wrong and Colorado
seemed to do everything right.
"It's Notre Dame Saturday. Maybe we can furnish
one of those shocks for which football is famous and pro
vides the game's greatest appeal. You never know what
eleven boys will do on a given afternoon," concluded the
Husker mentor.
The Elementary Education de
partment held its annual "Kid
Party" Tuesday evening at Ellen
Smith hall. Approximately 225
university girls dressed in chil
dren's costumes attended.
Prizes for the prettiest cos
tumes were awarded to Mary Lou
Graham, Ellen Mahood, Mary
Libc-rshal, Janet Rallam, Wanda
Young and Madelon Feldman.
Corrine Lundin and Shirley An
derson were given prizes for the
most clever costumes whi.'e
Eleanor Skelnar wore the funniest
Guest :peaker for the Vesper
Services to be held at 5 p. m.
Thursday in the University Epis
copal church, will be Charles A.
Wells. Wells will ppeak on
"Power Over the Atom."
Football Sensation!
with all of the Bit Pro's.
S4e Till
r. m.
! " . I I, .
yl.MVlBSITV OF I if rvMso mad
xvinc rmrn
Dance In the DancUtt
Hand in the Land ml the
Sponsored by Lfnrola
Fire DepartmenC co-nrt