The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1948, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    .Wednesday, October 13, 1948
IM Football Featured by
Phi Delt and Tail Victories
One-sided contests featured in
tramural touch football activity
Tuesday evening.
Phi Delta Theta racked up one
of the largest point totals as they
thumped Phi Kappa Psi, 41-0,
out at Peter Pan park. Three in
tercepted passes were converted
into Phi Delt touchdowns during
the first half and the onslaught
continued for the remainder of
the tilt. Dick Meissner, Al Hruby
parked the Phi Delt win.
ATO's Spank Sig Chi's
The ATO's, sparked by the
passing of Mack Robinson and
Gene Deeter, sparked Sigma Chi
19-0 in the other Peter Pan game.
The winner's first score came
when Norm Lock blocked a Sig
Chi punt in the end zone.
Winners Control Ball
Howard Wolfs passes netted
Sigma Phi Epsilon a 13-0 win
over Cornhusker Co-op out at Ag
The Beta Sigma Psi gridders
edged Acacia, 6-0 on a pass from
Bob Bull to Norbert Tiemann
early in the second half. The
winners : controlled the ball
throughout the contest but bogged
down when near the goal line.
Delt's Crush Pioneer.
Delta Tau Delta found Pioneer
Co-op an easy touch as they
romped to a 28-0 win. Jim Sharp
was the Delt star.
In the other Ag College battle,
Sigma Nu nudged Alpha Pamma
Rho, 13-7. The passing combina
tion Bob Hinde to Rex Pettijohn
spearedhended the Sigma Nu
Frosh Gridders
Show Promise
The freshman squad under
went a rough and tumble scrim
mage and some promising candi
dates stood out on the practice
fields west of the Coliseum.
Among the ends were Dittman,
Reemts, Sipp, Newton, Voils,
Cooke, Schaffer and Litchfield.
Standouts at tackle were Britt,
Mockett, Lee, Moritz, Hildebrand,
Jones, Coba, and Rector. Bright
spots at guard were Loucks,
Dean, Blackett, Eddy, Epp, and
At the pivot position were
Reece, Regier, Adle, Busch, and
Quarterbacking .looked good
all the way around with Murphy,
Gottsch, Schmidt, and Martin
handling the ball. At left half
back were Hopkins, Yost, Clark,
Huston, Liggett,, and Buhereb.
Playing at the right half posi
tions Mfre Sommers, Wooters,
Posiego, and Bones. The spark
plugs at fullback were Overturf,
Diers, Adduci, Gifford, and Johnson.
There will be no intramural
soccer games played Thursday
evening, October 14, because of
the Panhellenic Dinner which is
being held that evening. The soc
cer schedule for Wednesday is as
Tri Delt No. 2 vs. Sigma Kappa.
Towne Club No. 1 vs. Gamma
Phi Beta.
Call for Frosh Capers
Physical examinations for all
freshman basketball players
will be held Wednesday at 7
p. m. at the Field House, Coarh
Harry Good announced. All
freshmen must take t';ese
physicals before equipment
can be issued to them. Coach
Good said.
Dame game
All N-club members are re
minded to meet at the north cor
ner of the East Stadium at least
, Classified 1
LOST Green Sheaf for lifetime pen on
campus. Tall Huh Cooke. 2-774. Ho
ward !
FOR sale 1A47 Chok motorcycle.
James Monahan. 8-r034.
N-CIub Men Present New Son"
The University of Nebraska N-jine once agairi at tho xotre
cjuo voteu unanimously 10 in
troduce a new Husker fight song
"Hail Nebraska" at a meeting
held in the Student Union Oct. 12.
Hail Nebraska, a spirit song
u-'i'r u-iiltaii Kir A T i- A O A-.L-i
man father of ' N-club member ! tenmintes before game lime
Bob Ackerman. I
N-club members nope to push
the song and use it alongside the
recent addition Huskerland.
The wearers of the big "N" are
planning to give the son gto Don
Lentz, University of Nebraska
band leader, for a hearing. Mem
bers hope to include the tune in
the University library of songs.
N-clubbers will form a spirit
Assort mrnts and All-Alike.
For Signing or Imprinting
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
FOR 8ALK-l(i33 Chev. Recently over
hauled. Good condition. $180 do. Call
Tom Ixilsel, 2-77W4,
4 n")Kli)TO"T'iiiitorn 4door wWan.Rir
Had excellent care. Priced to Hell. Bat
aon. 1439 8 SI. 2-38.17
FOR SALE- 19,48 Hu7Tev Pavidsou 4.1
3.000 miles. Call Wayne Bnth. 2-2.',K3.
DRIVING North Pla 'ft 7 Friday Octnber
15. Return Sunday. Will take tour.
Share expenses. Call Jimmy, 2-4SOO.
LOST Weldon watch between-"Sosh-and
Library Call 3-4fi4.
FORSALF. At IKflO.OO. 1947lndin Chief
with extras. See Cadwallader at 34113
So. 4iith
Instructions. Nellie Seidell Studio, 2700
Royal Court. Call 3-4 92.
FOR SALK-Used Corona porta b le tvpe
writer. Good eomtition! J2S.00. see Vern
Anthony, 219 So. 15th. Apt. 14, after
r p. m.
POORMKN and Usher leeded at NetTra.ika
Theatre. Personal applications onlv.
Mr. Shire until 4:30. Mr. Thompson
after ij.'M.
JKRKSi-Bny a iwlfaf Yhrw fsnwii Mtcki
at Avers Clothing Store. 1 40 ".
Colorful arayle or solid colors. Hlur4
construction. Fit your feet, wear like
Iron, ftfte to 7 Re.
LOST pair of shoes on the east mall afte,
football game Friday nlfjht. Call Paul
Versch at 2-4S72. Reward.
FOR sale 1936 Chevrolet." J270 00. Call
B Flat Trumpet, excellent condition 54,r,T
Bldg. 321 B Huskervllle. Pliotie fid-8772.
ROOM to rent: 1 or 2 boys. Cull sTSstiST
2129 Kuclid.
ROOM for rent One block from Ar Cam-
pus Norman Ritrher. 6-5131 or 2-2!i:7.
FOR sale ReminKton-Portable "tvpe writer"
Like new. J70. Paul KuKler. 143!! 8 st.
At the scneral election, November 1, 1948, there will be sub
mitted to t lie electors of the State of Nebraska for approval or rejec
tion the following amendment to Section 1, Article VIII of the Con
stum ion of Nebraska, as proposed by the Legislature:
"Sec. 1. The necessary revenue of the state and its governmental
subdivisions shall be raised by taxation in such manner as the Leg
islature may direct; but taies shall be levied by valuation uniformly
and proportionately upon all tangible property and franchises, and
taxes uniform as to class may be levied by valuation upon all other
property. The Legislature may Impose taxes on reservations of
mini ral rights and fissionable material In land and royalties. Taxes,
other than property taxes, may be authorized by law. Existing
revenue laws shall continue In effect until changed by the Legis
lature." The ballot for the submission of the proposed amendment will
be as follows:
F0R amendment to Section 1, Article VIII, of the Constitution
of Nebraska, to authorise the Legislature to impose a tax on
reservations of mineral rights and fissionable material In land
and royalties.
r AGAINST amendment to Section 1, Article VIII, or the Constitu
tion of NebrasVa, to authorize the Legislature to Impose a tax on
reservations of mineral right and fissionable material la land
and royalties.
...Secretary of Stat
Sheer wool loomed jp . V
carf in N.U.'s f '"' )
scarlet and aain.3r
Our Campus Co-ordinates
V Vk. V howe,,er POir or parted, are going places on all N.U.'s smartest co-eds!
?Sw3'vii Study hall to stadium to snack shack 1
O Y a clever way of showing there's a girl who knows I
Vjfva jf r. good tailoring talks and that turnabout tricks I I
Bermuda Knits ' IjF f Y . I ' ' ' '
short-sleere slipover f s v
s U )0 A .' ;
7 CmX-U-r
9ja 'V:
jr J C
b " a mm olm pj a a m mh m s t i
Cashmere and wool
short-sleeve slipover
card ;g an
All in a sweater
heavenly rainbow
of luscious colors.
Cotton shirt classic
in crisp spanking
white, short or long
Straight-cut, lean
line skirt, hip
tapering tucks, or
Semi-flare skirt,
high-rising waist
Choose from
gabardine, flannel.
Menswear worsted
or wool, rich colors,
plaided or plain.
to 1 1.05