PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 12, 1948 Humming Bird Sex Life Lulls Student Into Hypnotic Sleep '"Once upon a morning dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, intensely over a volume of for gotten lore, while I nooded nearly napping there came a gentle tap ping, tapping, and my classmate began an ugly snore." And why shouldn't he? Miss Garfinkle McSnoot was lecturing to her class on the sex life of a male humming bird. This would have ordinarily proved very in teresting but Miss McSnoot had lulled us all into a queer sort of hypnotic sleep. Voice Carries On Her voice went on . . . "and so you see, even a humming bird has desire for family life ... in fact he gets a buzz out of it like any body else." "Tee-hee." This only deepened my classmate's snore from the gentle sucking noise of water going down a drain to the delicate roar of a male lion as he springs for the kill. But that is only one type of "teacher that my classmate and I have to suffer through. Hale and Hearty Type There is always the hale and hearty type who always likes to start his class off on the wrong foot by telling an anecdote. (After they've heard the joke they need an antidote, not an anecdote.) For instance, "one boy stuck a drill into another boy and said, 'Am I boring you?' " Then there is the speech instructor. You go to class with a 20 min ute speech which you have spent three hours on. You are all ex cited and emotionally geared to go up before the class to talk for 20 minutes on a subject which could not possibly take more than a paragraph. You are eager to go . . . to talk your way through to a possible 5 if you are lucky. Cold, clammy perspiration gathers on your hands . . . it's now or never to give your speech on "How I Spent the Summer" or "Why I Believe in Democracy" . . . well, it's never 'cause Mr. Frank Flap pinglips, the speech instructor, gives a dynamic lecture on speech. This goes on from day to day . . . ad infinitum. Never before have you talked so little and listened so much. Few Listen At the end of the day you go home, put on a suit and spend all night painting the town red. What I about sleep . . . did you say . . . why I've been sleeping all day. You'll have to excuse me, I've got to go for an hour snooze in psychology now. Faculty Notes BY JACK TIIORNBIRG. Something new has been added to the Rag. This is it. "Faculty Notes" will appear twice a week and will deal with the doings of the university faculty, their as sistants, and even an occasional graduate student. We will be most interested in books and research, but we hope to find a place for anything that is unusal and interesting. It is hoped that this column will give us all a chance to know our uni versity better, and to get a better idea of the work of our instruc tors. Dr. Alexis, for instance, is de voting his spare time to the studv of the Russian language. This is a big year in the history of Rus sian at the university, for this is the first time that two years of Russian have been offered and therefore the first time that the language requirement could be met in this language. Dr. Alexis points out that Rus sian is increasingly important due to our strained relations with the USSR. It may surprise many of twr readers to learn that while the Russians use Russian inter preters, we are forced to use Rus sians as Russian interpreters, due to the shortage of Americans who know the Russian Language. Dr. Alexis believes that it is very important that our colleges and universities to do something about this shortage, and is doing his part to eliminate it. Extension Division to Show Audubon Society Pictures By Fran Hanson A series of natural history and conservation lectures will be pre sented to university .students by the extension division in coopera tion with the National Audubon Society. The National Audubon society, co-sponsor of this series, is an organization devoted to arousing public appreciation of the value and need of conservation of soil, water and wildlife and -the relation of these values and needs to human welfare. The NASIs bringing this group of lectures and motion pictures to Lincoln and one hundred other cities in the United States and Canada to promote interest in wildlife pro tcction, wise use of natural re sources and conservation educa tion. Series to Present Movies The series, known as the Au dubon Screen Tours, brings to students and Lincoln residents an opportunity to see top quality color motion pictures of Ameri can scenery and wildlife, present ed by the nation's outstanding na ture lecturers. The programsvill be given in Love library auditor ium beginning Oct. 15 and con tinuing until May 10. Pettingill to Present First Film Olin S. Pettingill jr., one of the world's foremost natural scientists, will present a film, "Wilderness Mischief" in the opening lecture, Friday, Oct. 15. This film, taken in northern Michigan, reveals the "busy life, the complexities and the fun that are to be found in the wilderness." The second of the series will be a lecture by Alexander Sprunt jr. with an all-color film, "From HALF PRICE Stationery, Xole Sheet, Bill f aids and Dixon Rite-Kite Pencil Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street HEAR THIS! ROBERT SHAW CHORALE America's Finest Choral Group THURS., OCT. 14 8:30 P. M. St. Paul Church Coast to Crest." This film com bines some of the most skillful bird and scenic photography ever taken with glimpses of flowers, mammals and insects for variety Third Film Made at Night Howard Cleaves, expert in wild life photography, brings to the public the mysterious happening in the wilderness after sunset. The title of this film is "Midnight Movies in Animaland." This lec ture will be given Monday, Feb. 7. The fourth of these wildlife tours, to be given on Friday, April 8, will take the audience to a motion picture "symphony" of the out-of-doors. Alien to Imitate Birds The concluding lecture will be a motion picture, "Sounds of the Sageland," with interpretations of sageland sounds by Alice and Harold Allen. Mr. Allen will imi tate many of the bird sounds familiar to those who know "the land of the sage." Season tickets for the Audubon Screen Tours are available Fri day afternoon from 1-4 p.m. at Love Memorial library on the first floor and at Miller and Paine's, the university bureau of audio visual instruction and the state museum. Single admission will be sixty cents and a season ticket S2.40. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Good Sam," 1:00, 3 02, 5:1', 7:24, 9:'8. VARSITY: "Fighting Father Dunne," 1:17, 4:27, 7:20, 10:13. "Triple Threat," 2:50, 6:00, 8:53. "Superman," 1:00, 4:10. HUSKER: "Fort Apache," 2:15. 5:'7, 8:19. "Curley," 1:11, 4:", 7:55. OA coopw n NOW A Mr a I V." ;.-.V'5f':; ' plu, Crto j NEXT "RED RIVER" NOW AT THE V. OF N. BOB EASTER HAS THE EDGE IX "CORN COBb ...and in razor blades HOLLOW GROUND hasthemB"5ways Last longer Smotttitr sharing Keintr edges Mori economical Uniformly perfect Li 1025 PAT O'BRIEN' "FIGHTING FATHER DUNN" CO-HIT THK C.KKATKST PHO KMITBAl l. STABS IX THK CO I MKV IX TituiJ: THIS EAT Mr TO r. m. NOW r 25c Tll.l. M. r it 21 tm 49J 1 44te98 fa 0 0"M . ... .... . i'j!! l I CO-HIT Vi' y.y ."x-x-,-. . WW - !7Z iZf. . S5I 1 " "M.; CI. Ml mi FA . .V..., THIS TEST REVEALED MfTONESNOE CASE OF THMAT IRRimON DUE w moxj?& GUJEIS! fa)r nnr?n nnnn(TnnirirsrfD 1 . .. 'A J. . n.'jm w s. m . V mi XT d 7 'PA . irJ M These throat specialists examined all . ( ijr unom ever' week and found " not one l'n1 case of threwt irritation Oj J 1 mmimmT due to smoking Camels! ZT i i i ... i -m "j r i L- mil In this test famous throat specialists examined the throats of hundreds of men and women from coast to coast who smoked Camels ex clusively for 30 days a total of 2470 thorough examinations. Si i if ....... H , . MAKE THE 30 DAY CAMEL TEST YOURSELF If, at any time during these 30 days, you are not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette you have erer smoked, return the package with the nnused Camels and we will refund your full purchase price, plus postage. This offer is good for 90 days from this date. (SifHtd) S. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Wiowoo-Saleaa, N. C PROVE IT YOURSELF in your T Zone"-T for Taste, T for Throat. Make the 30-day Camel mildness test with our money-back guarantee. (See below.) According to a Nationwide urvy; MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE Doctors smoke for pleasure, too! And when three leading independent rt search organizations asked 113,597 doctors what cigarette they smoked, the brand named most was Camel 3sss as-u