PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 5, 1948 Ag Speaker Leaves for FA A Contest Eugene Robinson, ag freshman left Monday for Waterloo, la. where he will represent Ne braska in the regional F.F.A public speaking contest. The 18- Jallopies Offer Thrills, Chills To Lively Student Joy Riders year -old ag man hails from Oshkosh. The Water loo meet will bring together winners of 12 state contes t s held last spring. Winner of tin' meet will par ticipate in the national con test scheduled for Nov. 14-It! Robinson, at Kansas City, Mo. Entitled "The Prairie." Robin son's speech deals with the prob lem ot moisture and lertility con servation on the wind-swept prairies of western Nebraska. He offers a solution in more co operation with state and na tional conservation efforts. h A Classified W'ANTKi". Riik' Iroin iil in ;ik i;iiniui tor H A.M. cliisa every morning. it'.-iiires arrant;.'.!. Arlenf Hir-1. 2-7H7I a ft it ft P.M. IHJK SAI.K: St.-in.iitr.l i i'e nirr. rrxcellent condition. .'746 M St. l!it8 Mrrurv Convert. T . mciu.i1 miles, radio, hrau-r. ut. Call J-H7S, eve- mn WANTKll APAKTMKNT tor I'eBS'. tall 2-.VHI.Y BXI.I.HOiVm DANCING - (.nvale instructions. Nellie Sienlell Studio, 27U5 Royal Court Call 3-4(i;i2. STL"PKNT:5 WIVK(?--We have several in teresting position for the wives of stu dent? ho desire full time work either until Christmas or on a permanent basis. These are selling positions. Complete training will le niven you. Store hours are ! :.'t'-5::tn Apply Kmployment Olfice 7th Floor, Miller Paine. FOR SA L :40 Cliev.C"nVert. foTii tau dition. Reasonable. Apt. B loti't Husker ville. FOR- S A lJc33"Vori. t2:,. " ; paint Job. tires, engine. Ac College Hon Barn. Kxt. "l.'.'J. AK Collet;.-. WANTKD- Ride to Boulder lor two rlieer leaders Call Aasen or 'iele, 2-7'.l.l. "yOKSALK -Lite I re.l Chrysler convert! New top. Spitfire encme. nistum built Only 4.").oiiii miles Call 2-1231. Kxt. 37 at 11 A. M. A new thrill in mdl jring awaits you. Come and take a ride in Beulah, the Theta Xi sta tion wagon, or Fifi, the Alpha Phi town car, or if you're in a hurry there's the DU fire truck. And the Phi Tsi Ford is line for sight seeing. The fire truck, claimed by its owners to be the oldest vehicle on the campus and the veteran of many famous fires is owned by Chuck Ilemingston, Bill Wenk, and Bill Vlc-ck. The advantage of the fire truck seems to be that any number of people can be carried with the sanction of patrolmen. Not so with the Theta Xi station wagon, a 1925 Ford, as its owners, Dave Slusher, Paxton Rickctts, and Bob Rogers were made to real ize. Bud Campbell and Bruce Buch annan have red upholstrey on their Phi Psi Ford that could com pete with the best of Buick con vertibles. The thing that distinguishes ''Fifi'' from all other cars in Lin coln is its paint job. The crate of orange is owned by Baru Wil liams, and Pat Hickcy. Campus News In Brief The military department is in possession of i2 PORCH CHAIRS it as announced by Sgt. John Far row. Members of fraternal organi zations owning these chairs may claim them at the west stadium. CURRENT HISTORY class un der Dr. A. T. Anderson will be dismissed lor the convocation today. DELTA THETA PI law lrater- nity will hold a luncheon at noon Thursday, Oct. 7, at the Continen tal Cafe, 15th and O streets. Guest speaker will be Jiulge Harry Spencer. A.S.A.E. will meet Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 7 p. m. in Room 206 of the Ag Engineering building. A.I.C.E. will meet Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 7 p. m. in Parlor X, Un ion. A movie will be shown and efreshments will be served. French students, don't forget! Le Ccrcle Francais will meet to day, Oct. 5, at 4 p. m in the Faculty Lounge of the Union. Please bring 15 tents for refreshments. All-Engineers Convo Planned An all-engineering convocation is tentatively scheduled by Sigma Tau, honorary engineering fraternity. The convocation, which mem bers hope to hold this semester was planned at the honorary's first meeting this fall. Ihe pur pose of the meet would be to ac quaint engineering students with the opportunities in the field of engineering. The campus Sigma Tau chap ter named Fred Pelton, president, and Cecil Doubt, vice president, as representatives to the national conclave. The convention is to be held Oct. 7, 8, and 9 at the Uni versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Cleveland Indians Monday won the American league pen nant by beating the Boston Red Sox, 8-3. Manager Lou Boudreau hit two home runs and Ken Keltner hit one. The Indians will face the Bos ton Braves, National league win ners, in the World Series. Ag Research Holds Open House Open house will be held at the Nutrition Research quarters from 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. in the Foods and Nutrition building on Ag campus. Students will be taken on tours throughout the day to better ac quaint them with the research work being done, and to show the equipment used. The open house is being held especially to inform new students on the campus of the extent of research done in that department. Officers Plan Conlosl . . . Continued from Page 1 a sample or samples of fabrics to be used in making the cos tume along with typewritten in structions outlining construction details of the costume. These must be placed in a separate en velope marked INSTRUCTIONS and attached t. the back of the design. The military depart ment reserves the right to uti lize in the execution of the fin ished costume a fabric or fabrics and constructional details other than those suggested by the en trant. C. The entrant warrants that his or her design is original and agrees to indemnify the military department against any claim that said design infringes any copyright or property right of another, 7. The decision of the judges will be final. ENTRY BLANK Date Name College Standing (Soph., Jr., etc.) Address Telephone NAPKINS tall Designs low Available Also I'vrsimalized Matches Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street 7 and Jlfg wun if The functional sweater set . . . indispensable tor nippy Monday o.m. classrooms, so good-looking you'll wear II on tht B.M.O.C. dote I Controlling stripes on Ihe neat fitting slipover match the cardigan. Soft rVench spun 100 wool zephyr In wonderful new colors. Set. about $11. free! write tor Shepherd's Booklet: Sweater Stylet jXX j with the Slim look." available at Hovland Swanson or write i :r ''$' -A S: " ''- " ' ' ".-' ; i y i isxri m mm 9? Ecry week through- f) 1 ft J In a recent test, hun 11 ' drcdi of men and women all across the country ... of all ages and occupations ...were closely observed as they smoked Camels and only Camels for 30 consecutive days. And they smoked on the average of Sne to two pack ages of Camels a day. But only Camels! Ecry week through out this dramatic 30- day test, their throats were carefully examined by noted spec ialists-a total of 2 i0 ex acting examinations. And among all these smokers, tht-e famous throat specialists found not one single tase of throat irritation due to smoking Camels! Prove it yourself. In your "T-Zone" T for Taste and T for Throat. Smoke Camels for 30 days. Let YOUR OWN TASTE tell you about the full, rich flavor of Camel's choice tobaccos. Let YOUR OWN THROAT tell you the story of Camel's cool mildness. Yes, prove for your self that there's n h- v o r. .' , r f ""x' y NO THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING- CAMELS! -I'll: V 9, , Smoke Camels for 30 consecutive davs. Smote onlv CamAi If, at any time during these 30 days, you are not convinced rhat Camels are the mildest cigarette you have ever smoked, return the package with the unused Camels and we will refund your full purchase price, plus postage. This offer is good for 90 days from this date. (SirmtJ) R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA t Acording to a Nationwide svrvey: MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS fftoa any other cigarette Doctors smoke for pleasure, too! And when cbrc-e leading independent re search organizations asked I13.5V7 doctors what cigarette they smoked, the brand named most was Camel!