Sunday, Ocfbb'er 3, 1948 Our mail bag had a couple of Interesting letters which we'd like to pass on to you. Mr. A. J. Lewandowski writes, 'I appreciate very much the team work that the students showed at last Saturday's ball game. Crowding together I think will permit many of these aisle seats to be moved into the stadium porper. All your good work is greatly appreciated by me and the department of intercollegiate athletes." "Lew" also passed on to us a letter written by an anonymous character who calls himself "Mr. X." We'd like to give you a few excerpts from mysterious "Mr. X's" note. Take it for what it's worth. "Mr. X" claims that student activity books are selling for as high as $50 and that the price for activity tickets for the Notre Dame game is currently $Z5. Mr. X," who is a student himT i self, also claims that it is the stu wfcfts wno have caused the short Ta7ii nf cpats in Ihe stadium. He says the students bought the tickets and resold them to friends and members 6f their family. The man or woman calling Table Tennis Play Opens The annual table tennis league starts play in the Coliseum base ment Monday, October 4, at 5 p. m. with team matches scheduled daily at 5 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. Teams have entered from both the fraternity and independent di visions and spirited competition is assured. Five-man teams will represent each club or organiza tion in all matches. Monday's schedule, October 4: 5 p. m Alpha Tau Omega vs. Alnha Gamma Rho. 5.30 p. m. Delta Sigma Pi vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Tuesday's schedule. October 5: 5 p. m. Sigma Chi vs. Beta Sina Psi. Siy :30 p. m. Newman Club vs. usele Men. Gophers Drop U.N. Continued From rae I- and he faded back once more to hit Jim Bierman on the 20. It was Faunce all the way when he yt. carried around end to the 18. The r Vpher hotshot then dropped back oirvthe next play to complete a pass to Mallaski who crossed the Hosker goal line untouched. Faunce couldn't be stopped Sat urday afternoon. The fleet Gopher back had all the time he wanted when it came to passing. Jim Bier . man. caught another Faunce pass and was brought down on the Ne braska seven by Bill Mueller. It was Faunce again on the next two plays as he carried for five yards and then faked a pass to score standing up. The name Faunce was written all over the gridiron as he set up the next touchdown with a pass to Bill Field. Somehow a player named Dale Warner got into the Minesota lineup and he scored on an intercepted pass from Gerry Ferguson to make the score board read Minnesota 25, Nebraska 13. It was the same old story how ever when Ev Faunce returned from the bench with glad tidings to his teammates from Coach Bierman. This time it was Bill Hind who caught a Faunce pass to score giving the scoreboard a 313 halftime score and allowing 1 Classified WANTED-2-.YSU5. -APARTMENT for P.eCT. Cli LOST-Dark brawn ilppcJ- Purae ' (!. IninalK rontatntnK each and valuable ioeniificauou on An College bue. Cull Jo Ann Lrur. t-7371. FOR Mle 1931 PontlM. Krllnt m ditUm. I m Mcrl f irttitr at 105 32 o. part Ihfreof, Call 2-3I2Q. FiislMtrcury Convtrt. 7.000 actrl miV , rudin. hraler. .poC Call 3-4478. - BALLROOM PANC1NG Kxort Prlvalf tn.lrurtlonn. Nll)- RpKlell Studio, 27ai Royal Court Call 3-4692. 8TORT3WfcAR. We have a full-time po rtion for a salesgirl in our aportswear dipt Must be the energetic type and like portwir. Apply employmrnt ol fire, 7lb floor, 11-12 or 4-5. Miller Pain FORaLK: Standard typewriter. Eacellenl condition. 3748 M St. WANTED: Ride from city to ax cirapui for 8 A.M. claaa every morninR. Finance arranged. Arlene Biel, 2-7371 after S PM. LOST: On cimpufl, red billfold. Call 6-VI63. JST: Kin- Friday BiKlit. Black faill irse. Call Bartwra tunc. -bz. ST: Red billfold Sept. 30. near Lniver- ulty riruK. Keep money, return pajers. Reward. Marilyn Couse, 2-7371. himself X assured Mr. Lewan dowski that he had never writ ten an anonymous letter before but that he could no longer con trol himself. Mr. X wants to eat his words and poin the ranks of anonymous letter writers. ( We think triere are some stu dents who would like to help him eat his words also. Our guess is that "Mr. X" has been reading too many comic books. Next time, old man, try to keep calm, cool and collected. Remember "It's bigger than both of us." Our next letter is from Mr. George Potsy Clark, athletic di rector and football coach. Says M. Clark: "We go to Minnesota this week. I still am confident that there will be enough room for both teams on that gridiron. We appreciated your fine support in our opening game. The play ers told me they were offside a time or two because they could not hear the signal over the noise atade by the crowd. And that's eixactly the way we want it. If a wildly cheering bunch of root ers won't more than offset a couple of offside penalties, then my football psychology is and al ways has been wrong." Coach Bernie Bierman to stop pacing up and down in front of the Minnesota bench. Neither team threatened se riously in the final half. Minnesota scored an anti-climatic touchdown in the final minutes of the game when Malloski faked a run and passed to Soltau to make the score read 39-13. The game was supposed to have been a very long afte-noon for the Huskers but Coach Potsy Clark's charges showed they can be tough. The Nebraskans played good foot ball exccDt for their pass defense which will probably be improved in this week's practices. Are sold exclusively in Lincoln at Hen's Store Street Floor iWVlWVtUVM VVVaVVVV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvVVVVVVV'VVVV It's of a shirt! comes 1 I I wi shrinks out of size! Action tailored, figure tapered, tug-proof pearl buttons, too. Other Van lleusen shirts $3.50, $.3.95, $1.95. You'll find cvllegr men's Van Heusen llie world's smartest shirts pTTTLLTPS JONES X)RP, It. T. 1. NT. -VAN MEWtCH" IS A TAOl lVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVVVVVWvVVVV. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN HALF-BACK ST EDWARD. 4lr - CAN HIS "POTSy 'IH1945 NJURiES DUAiNG 1946 AND '47 KEPT " "t, Vi A THE HARD-RUNNiNG BACK ON THE BENCH HOST OF THE TiME. Means Calls Barb IM Managers Mct Oct. 6 Meeting of all managers of in- dependent intramural teams being called for October 6 at p. m. in lua f. t. Kunaing. Plans for the year will be completed, according to L. E. Means, director of intramurals. All groups desiring to partici pate in any of the following com petitive units are requested to be Sir1 jy. . . ' Widc-pprcad Van Britt th "Comfort Contour" collar HLv S Jhs c nhii I All LiiuLi of pretty maidens hang around nhen you wear Van Britt. Phis soft-collar favorite (with slays) in oxford at $3.95 and in broad- loth at $3.95 and $4.95. Sanforized, new shirt free if your Van lleusen collar favorites in MASK ECISTtCO IN THE U. . PATENT OrPICC 5 cisns present: Interdependent leagues, interdepartment sports, Law college, Dental college, interde- r.nminnf innnl militnrv intflnn- 6 XZT1ttS ' is;tional groups, Ag college, and 5 any others. GOLD'S ' Tlie gras4n s most popular sport shirt! Comfortable, durable, diagonal zip-front style in large, medi um, and small sizes. CORONET Gabardine -?Vine, Grey, Grt-n. - Red. tt95 MARLBORO Corduroy Wine. Grey, 95 Brown, " Red. GOLD'S Men'! f- snv 'fan PAGE 3 Tennis Singles Tourney Opens Sunday, Oct. 3 The all university tennis singles championship tournament is scheduled to get under way Sun day morning, Oct. 3, at 8:30 in three sections of Lincoln. 118 men are entered in the title tourney, and all are requested to visit the intramural bulletin board in the new sports arena building to see who they play, and the exact hour and place. All first and second round matches' will be played Sunday exactly on schedule, and all men failing to appear will be eliminat ed without delay. Matches will be played at South street courts at 35th and South; Muny courts at 22nd and J streets; and the City courts at 27th and A streets. All players must furnish a can of three new tennis balls. The winner of each match retains the new and unused balls, with the loser of each match keeping the used balls. Thus, new tennis balls will be available for every tournament match. A large number of excellent players are entered and . a wide cpen race is expected for both team and individual honors. Gymnasts! Anyone interested in going out for varsity gymnastics should report to the Coliseum basement Tuesday, October 5, at 4 p. m. Coat Style Sweaters! Usual 8.S5 to 10.95 Here's a value that's hard to beat! All wool coat sweaters in the style so many men want. Light and dark shades, sizes 36 to 46. Store. . Street Flaar sii Z A Ul o J !: ff .?