PAGE 4 Union Alls (Continued from Page 2.) might stop by the Union office to say hello to Rickie Day, the new activities director. Rickie's first big job of the year was helping direct last Friday's open house. For all know what a huge success that was over 3,000 at tendance! Rickie will soon have a new office in the east end of the main floor, from which she will guide all the activities for the year. Get to know her we know youTl like her. Do you have those end-of-the-month, hole-in-the-pocket, wish dad - would - send-my-allowance blues? A date with a beautiful gal, but no moola for the movie? Here's a little tip designed just for you. The Sunday evening tfree variety movies begin this week. First pic, none other than "Razor's Edge" with Tyrone Power and Gene Tierpey. What's more, the G.E.C. (general enter tainment committee) has seen to it that new movie equipment and THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, September 23, 1948 sound projectors were purchased during the summer. No more changing of reels during that thrilling love scene, no more punch lines lost because of bad sound. Sounds like a good deal, doesn't it? Starts at 7:30 p. m. in the ballroom. And for those with "early" dates try the cof fee hour with free refreshments and the organ interlude with Jay Norris. The time, Sunday at 5 p. m.; the place, Union main lounge; the date, not a. necessary requisite, but a nice addition. I say... here's a little Union etiquette note found in the Kan sas U. Student Union bulletin that's a mighty good first-of-the-year hint for Nebraskans, too. I SAY . . . Have you ever gone into the Union lounge and looked for a nice comfortable chair only to find every one of them occupied by people commonly called "smoochers," "neckers," "spoon ers" or just plain lovers? This is an everyday occurence. These "smoochers" don't think a thing of daylight glare and a seething place. They are so ab sorbed in their own little world that they are completely oblivious to the milling throng around them. However, the passer-by cannot help but notice the "smoochers." It is as interesting for him as a free picture show. And who would pass up a chance like that? But when he has watched for a while the scene no longer interests him. Why? The atmosphere is just not quite what it should be, and also his conscience pricks a little because he realizes that he has cut in on something thai shouldn't be seen by anyone and everyone. His feeling of interest finally turns to thorough disgust and he walks away. Some commonsense, eh, what! In parting, a small reminder. Don't forg-et the Jamboree Dance in the Union immediately after the Iowa game, OR the much talked of Frosh Hop, Saturday evening-. Come to the Union it suits! ATTENTION CATHOLIC STUDENTS! FREE ORCHESTRA DANCE IN STUDENT UNION BALLROOM All University Church Nite Friday, Sept. 24 MEET. IN PARLORS XYZ DANCING 8:30-18:00 Sponsored by the Wirmfin Club "Naturally, I smoked CHESTERFIELDS while working on my new picture, BEYOND GLORY. They're always MILDER... It's FJIY cigarette v -ti.iih . j nnimwwi ".ma- -v x f . '" -' ( "'" . - -j I ' K I - ifeiiyX&ffi :;-5:?:::': 'WXvMMMM&f s I: ' , . ;V - V'-T " ' I . ' i ' 7 l3''" "?,' A P Ky STARRING IN - V' 7 ",VV ' ' i, I 1 BEYOND GLORY ; 4 'JT ,A . , , .: I 7 A PARAMOUNT PICTURE jT j . '7'" ? ' '' 1 y:: J : r ::f r ' mi i . ; A-f m i i j rsi !tly, I 1 JV y-rf - iifc- .lf T!5"' " X ABC GIRL of Texas Universi r smoke Chesterfields because I havt University says- always found them definitely MILDER and ll;:::::::- ; ,- ''.M- ' yM'''- MwM&MMy-: 1 ... - ' 7;;;;::;;:;:;xx:.:.:,.;:;.;:::.;.v.:.:::. x;: ::-:i.:;:.:.x: ::.;:;:;:;::X:.;-:-:::-x7:y ::.::.xvxV-::.-:--;-: ,. -v.. .. xx,.v . , , :,;x: ::::: ' Cxjf7rthi IMS, LNcm Hvn To Co.