The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1948, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, May 21, 1948
Paae 3
Year's Activities Hit All - Time High
Never say RIOT unless it's in
capital letters, 'cause it's been a
specialty at NU for well nigh a
school year, now, with the first
relief still two weeks of exams
Activities hit an all-time high
on Sept. 18, when Rag headlines
screamed more housing for vet
erans, classes opened as sched
uled (darn it), and some 10,000
students became thoroly confused
when Andrews and Bessey halls
were camouflaged behind tempo
rary classrooms. Bernie had the
football boys on the ball, fall pic
nics began, rush weeks ended, and
registration hit the freshmen with
lines a mile long.
Skirts Down, Tickets Up.
Ellie'Swanson set the Bloomer
girl campaign back 50 years by
asserting the rights for longer
skirts; and tickets for the theater,
football, and Cornhuskers went
on sale, at prices higher than ever
The Union received $9,000
worth of "face-lifting" . . . new
men's dorms opened . . . Indiana
outclassed the Huskers 17-0 in the
first game . . . Farm House and
Chi Omega took high honors for
grades and the library had a
grand opening.
T. Dorsey played at the Coli
seum, first of a series of "greats"
to play there this year . . .
Mash Minnesota" became the
battle cry (better luck next time)
. . . Queen of the calico was
Bernice Young, at the Farmer's
Formal . . . AUF went all out for
blood, five women were the first
donators and U. Hall got a sen
tence of death at dawn in sum
mer of 48.
Hello, Lois.
Lois Gillett began her own hall
of fame with the Barb "Hello
Girl" top honors . . . Iowa State
Cyclones were whirled to a 14-7
defeat by NU . . . Fank and Skip
started on the road to notoriety
as heads of "Cornshucks . . .
and Huskers received royal send
off for Notre Dame. RIOT No.
1 was the welcome home rally
when the boys returned from In
diana, and what a parade!
Theater and Debate.
Joan of Lorraine was a huge
success . . . soap boxers heard
about Schussnigg and NSA . . .
Kappa Sig copped first in new
yell contest, and migrators took
off for Mizzou . . . Oh-oh, time
out for RIOT No. 2! Jayhawk
hung and abducted night before
Winner and Losers.
Homecoming game score, KU
13. NU-7 . . . Gillett again, in well
deserved position of Pep Queen. . .
Fiji's and Phi's took decoration
honors for house, KD's and Sig
Chi's had best floats. . .Big 6 began
racial discrimination discussions
as Student Council project. . Jun
iors and Seniors set sail with
I Johnston and Blinde at the helm
...Gamma Phi won Pan-Hellenic
award for achievement. . ."Legs"
took' the limelight in the first
Cornshucks. . .and KK sweetheart
Joannie Farrar was escorted by
"Prince" Ted Gunderson, while
Fiji's took more honors, with their
Anthony and Cleo skit. . .RIOT no.
3 was the rush for trains and
busses at Thanksgiving.
"Life on the Ball."
Life magazine snapped (and for
got) June Gast's photo as Honor
ary Colonel. . .Chancellor Gus re
ported on UNESCO. . .basketball
-III . fc-'l
fi The High-
ffi Scoring Fashion
For ilieer, Wr lovelincM
here are the goal-geltere:
wain-free nylon idenuV
fied by I lie Seal of ibe IMfSClIN
TWINS. They've an eirlunvo,
patented heel for ankle-hugging
fit; a Gusseloe for .Mil tr,
comfort ... no aeama rfWV
to twit out of line! Look
fur them under leading
brand name at your
favorite college liop
or store.
crowds kept traffic cops on their
toes. . .the manhunt was on for
the MB Ball, and "Woman's Hnmo
Companion" shot more pics, this
nme oi eiigiDie bachelors, irv
Dana. Lee Goodwin Jnhn Avr
Bob Wenke, Dugie Doyle, By
nooper, Jim bwanson, and Al
Potter. The Union Xmas nartv cpt
the pace for carols, hanging of the
greens, and Yuletide vacation,
while Santa came to town, leav
ing dubious gift of two w;eks of
exams. Anoxner noujj
Closed Sections.
Same old registration story, and
me with a number in the 7,000's
(wonder if Frankie Jacobs will
ever finish Basket Weaving 1)...
Jack Hill and Fig Flagg took over
the Rag. . .same for Barbara Speer
and Shirley Sabin in YWCA. . .
and the campus recovered from
mueDooK Diues with help from
Dr. Fuennine's new Merl. renter
. . .another president, Genene
raticneii, worked out for her fu
ture Mortar Board honor, as head
of Student Foundation.. .Master-
son resigned as football mentor. . .
Valentines and hearts themed en
trance for beauty queens, Kay
Menke, Sherry Swanson, Ellie
Lykke, Joan McMahon, Pris
Knudsen and Joan Patton. ..NSA
was voted another closed section.
Carson and the Coeds.
The Follies came to town. 'Nuf
said, (but confidentially, Johnny,
most men have to sneak in, com
plete with womanly disguise) Peg
O'Donnell (and who could be more
typical, of a well-liked college
girl) was chosen TNC. . . Huskers
take win over Jayhawks in final
basketball game . . more typi
cals presented, this time Marge
Reynolds and Harold Kopf were
hailed as Ag's typical couple . . .
George Miller moved into the edi
torship of the Nebraskan at Jack
Hill's resignation (he knew fin
als would come up again this
spring) . . . Wiseman and Green
wood "kicked in" with a story, for
the Kosmet Klub Revue . . . moot
court flourished in law building,
while the Dri-nite Club opened a
new form of entertainment in the
Union, and Potsy Clark started
the ball rolling for more pep. He's
hoping for some of that riot spirit
in next year's rallies.
Lois Gillett lasted through the
year to become new Tassels prexy
. . . Coed Election winners were
Marian Crook, Dace Boylan and
Jackie Wightman . . . Veterans
held a spring benefit for European
relief and the University Singers
gave a Palm Sunday "Requiem."
Owen Lattimore lectured on Rus
sia .. . McArthur (Jane, that is)
made front page of April 1st edi
tion, and Stassen, Dewey and Taft
appeared in same spot the fol
lowing week . . . Masquers picked
Walt Davis for top position . . .
seniors began fall registration
April 19.
Near riot caused by spring elec
tions, with Ball winning Council
presidency . . . 1,300 recognized
for high scholarship (anti-crib-sitters,
no doubt) at honors convo
. . . and Engine College brightens
the day with broadcast music be
tween classes.
Early Ivy Day.
The BIG week-end of the year
contained three main festivities,
Ivy Day, Engineers Week, and
Union 10th birthday. Pris Flagg
reigned, Innocents tackled 13, and
MB's masked 17, with Joan Far
rar and Norm Leger tagged for
presidents of the groups. Singing
honors went to Alpha Phi's for a
second year, and to the DU chorus
. . . Tempo slackens toward end
of year . . . City campus turns
out to see Pat Nordin rope calf
i t Farmer's Fair . . , Tassels tab
31 . . . New men's point system
put into effect . . . aBseball sea
son opens, and NU nine on the
way to Big 7 championship.
Riot Rages.
The campus had one last fling
at the riot act, as police copped
cars double-parked . . . gathering
nearly as many as the Rose Bowl
rally . . . tear gas causes crowd
to cavort up capitol steps . . .
Parking problem takes back seat,
as new Cornhusker staff is chosen,
with Jerry Johnston as high mo
gul . . . Spring football banquet
boosts spirit for fall . . . and new
Union board named . . . Sports
highlights include fern "Sea Cir
cus" and high school track meet
. . . University to serve as testing
grounds for United Nations proj
ect.. . . Cornshucks to continue
with Jack Schirmer as Ed . . .
Exam schedules printed and last
classes of the year close today.
Catching Up.
Well, kiddies, there it is, and
if you're as out of breath as I am,
you'll need that three months, to
recover for another year. It's just
possible that a new all-time high
could be hit again in '49, heaven
forbid, so make the most of these
summer days, and never fear,
school will come again ere long!
Alpha Kappa Psi
Marks Anniversary
The 43rd anniversary of the
founding of the campus Alpha
Kappa Psi, commercial fraternity,
chapter was celebrated Thursday,
May 20, at the Lincoln hotel .
Instructor Richard M. Bourne
acted as toastmaster for the event,
and Miles W. Johnson, president
of the Toastmasters club, gave a
speech, "Your Decisions." Movies
of the Nebraska-Notre Dame
football game were shown.
An initiation ceremony held in
the Union earlier in the evening,
named the following new mem
bers: Raleigh Barker, Willard
Coffin, Harvey Orley, James Phil
ips, Robert Kellner, Emil Kluck,
Dale Kuster, Robert Larson, Ray
mond Muller, Ernest Prosser,
Dwayne Pullen, Richard Schoett
ger, Daniel Taylor, Frank Tipp
ner, and James Wroth.
"Oscar 1 Get the Dentyne Chewing Gum it'i a date!"
"I'm 'way ahead of you, Pal I aaked for
Dentyne Chawing Gum while you were still
talking over the phone. Show me any date who
doiih't fell for that clean-titii g, long-laating
Dentyne flavor! Dentyne'e fot everything, It,
even helpi keep teeth white, tool"
Dentyne Gum Made Only by Adam
IT! AF f . I n)rrrn irnii "
CourtMy Lincoln Journal.
Nebraska's Don Cooper gets ready to take a practice jump in
preparation for Saturday's Big Seven Track and Field Champion
ships. Don set a new indoor record this year as he went 14 feet,
2 '4 inches.
Nimble Spaniel . . .
Continued From Page 2
unsolved mysteries ' of Ivy Days'
eowle and baldric antics.
Our Junior Awards for Sparkle
as those most likely to "succeed"
go to sophomores, surnamed Gun
derson. Stalder, and Connelly;
and Black, Sampson and Nutz
man. "Predictions for things to
come:" Watch the faction organ
ize as an open party next year,
or see some interesting steps
taken. Watch for a show-down be
tween Innocents on the one hand
and Faction-TNE fores on the
other. Keep an eye on Student
Dean of Engineers
Installs Officers
The new officers of Sigma Tau,
honorary engineering fraternity,
were installed by Dean O. J. Fer
guson at a dinner Tuesday eve
Those installed were Fred Pel
ton, president; Cecil Doubt, vice
president; Wayne Swift, treasurer;
Charles Kellogg, recording secre
tary; Warren Koenig, correspond
ing secretary; and George Olive,
Council; it has the leadership to
Van Ilcusen Shirts
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