The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1948, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, April 27, 1948
Engineers Tell Traffic
Route for Open House
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Intercollegiate Press
abMtrtptlaa nUfc mr pat wraio, CZ.M P aenintdi mM, $t f Mt
Mm Mttoc few. 3.t mailed. Sialic cop) to. PaMicbf datlf aartat k tboot ef
caewt Mauaaya aai 6atortera. ncatlMU aa azkmlaatwa penaaa. lai (Jalvaralty
f Naraka aadrr tha aaprrvtaioa at ike Pabllratloa Baara. Entered ai' :evan4
CUaa Matte at taa Peat Offic Uneola. Ncbraaka, aadet Act at CMficaa. a!iraa
I. I87v. aa at pedal rata t aoalagc an-naea isr as aacnaa tiva. aj i-mot
a ail. aatknrtMi Utiattmaat ta. lazi.
IV uaily Mattraakaa m paauahc aj taa ataanatt at tha Unlwrrt at Mebnuka aa
a aapresatoa at aniaeau aewa aaa apiaMtaa aaiy. aeeoratBg w mntmm u
Latra caTeraiat ataaat pabllrattoat aa aaminlatercal oj tat Baara at PabUealtaaa:
"It (a ta aeeiarea palley at tna noara mat paDiirau tnt anon m (wiwh
aa frw from adttarlai eeaaarabip aa tha part at U Baara. ar aa taa part at aa
awtnaar al tha fiiealt al the vmvrrailr ; aal laiMtn -a- uw atari ai ibc uaiu
Nahraakaa ara paraaaaUf rcapaBaiUa lar what they ar a ar aaaaa ta a prtntaa.'
Baalacaa Maaam OoaM flari
Ctrcalatloa Maaacar Jara eliei
Aaalnlaat Bmlaraa Maaacara BUI WllUaa. Merla 8talaT. Inrta Caaaaa
Van Heusen stripes exclusive
1 I S A xdffik.
5 I liVv 1 I i . '
On na alhar thhH will you End patterns
exactly like these exclusive Van Heusen
(tripes. These are truly fine fabrics, laundry-tested.
Sanforized. A new shirt free if your Van Heusen shrinks
out of size! In this season's smartest shades, on white
.and colored backgrounds. They feature the new low-setting
"Comfort Contour" collar styling that's won its varsity
letter on every campus in the country. Join the smart crowd
today ... in Van Heusen stripes. $3.95 and $4.95.
Phillips-Jones Coep., New Yohk 1, New York.
I 0
You're the man most likely to succeed in
Van Heusen Shirts
Engineer Week
Slate Features
Public Exhibit
Engineer's Week will begin
Thursday at 2:30 p.m. at which
time all students, faculty, nd
public may attend Open House.
The Open House, feature of the
two-day annual event will allow
all interested persons to view the
engineering laboratories, special
displays, lectures, demonstrations,
films, and other exhibits that have
been prepared for the occasion.
Convo in Union
Engineer Week activities also
include a convocation with one of
the nations top men in chemistry,
Francis Curtis, as guest speaker.
Students will adjourn to Pioneer
Park following the convocation
for the annual field day and
There will be a banquet that
evening. Awards will be presented
to the winners of the various
games to be played at the after
noon picnic.
Banquet Concludes
Displays have been arranged by
the architectural, civil, chemical,
and electrical engineers.
Among many of the displays
open for inspection will be the
equipment used by the Na,val
Science classes in the newly built
The banquet in the Union at
7:30 p.m. Friday will end the '48
edition of Engineer's Week.
Rodeo Competition Soars;
Parade to Highlight Fair
Engineer's Week Program
Open House 2:30 p.m. until
11 p.m. All engineering laborator
ies and buildings will be open to
inspection by the public.
Convocation 11 a.m., Stuart
Theatre building.
Field Day 1 p.m. until 5 p.m
Pioneer Park.
Banquet 7:30 p.m. Student
Union building.
YM to Show Film
'Life Dances On'
The last of a series of foreign
films, sponsored this year by the
University YMCA, "Un Carnet
De Bal," will be shown in Love
Library Auditorium at 8:00 p.m.,
April 30 and May 1.
This film, whose English sub
title is "Life Dances On," has
won several film a.wards, and has
been acclaimed by such maga
zines as Time, The Nation, and
New Republic. It was directed
by Julien Duviver, and stars
Raimu, Harry Bauer, Lois Jovet
and Pierre Blanchar.
Admission is fifty cents. Tickets
may be obtained from any YM or
YW member, and at offices in
the student Union,- Ellen Smith
hall, and the Temple building.
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LET 'ER BUCK: FRANK KENT prepares to open the chute gate
for Shorty Nelson coming out aboard one of the bucking horses
used for practice for the Farmers' Fair Rodeo as Walt Eggers, one
of the rodeo clowns, looks on.
By Merle Stalder
With the date of the Farmers'
Fair rodeo less than a week away,
the roddo hands who plan to com
pete' in the various events have
been practicing in the newly con
structed arena with their roping
and cutting horses.
Some bucking stock has been
available for use by mpp entered
in the bronc and steer riding con
tests. Several student owned
horses were brought fn during the
weekend and more will arrive the
latter part of the week.
Plans are completed for a Farm
ers' Fair parade to begin at 10
a.m. Saturday, May 1. The parade
will leave Ag campus, pass thru
the city campus, proceed down O
street and return to Ag. The
University Pep band, which is to
furnish music for the rodeo, will
be included in the parade as well
as all rodeo contestants and a
number of floats.
Competitions Listed
The list of competitive events
for the rodeo include the follow
ing: bareback bronc riding, steer
riding, calf roping, saddle bronc
riding and a cutting horse contest.
All of these events will be run
off in 2 or 3 sections, except the
cutting horse contest which will
climax the program.
The cutting horse contest is a
newcomer to the narmers Fair
rodeo and has been added to rodeo
and horse show program thruout
the midwest only in recent years.
Most of the horses entered in this
event come from the sandhills
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l merely stepped out for some Dentyne Chewin; Cum!"
"It wasn't tha confinement that was fettlng
down, Guard it was doing without
Dentjrn. Chawin. Com. Boy, how mi.s.d
Oentyne s keen, long-laUng flavor. Helped
"'7 em nica ana wnitef tool
Dentyn Cum Made Only by Adams
region and require considerable
training for proficiencyi i
Women Chase Cows
Interest in the Coed Calf Catch
ing contest has soared as the date
for the rodeo draws near. Entries
of teams have been pouring in and
competition is expected to be
spirited. The program will be com
plete with songs by - a cowboy
quartet and the antics of two
rodeo clowns.
Thje rodeo will begin at 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 1. Jack King, well
known midwest rodeo and horse
show announcer, will handle the
verbal account of the rodeo and
can be counted on to brfng the
audience some colorful bits of
rodeo history. Bleachers with a
capacity of 2,000 people are being
put up along the south side of the
Judges Are Old Hands
The judges are: Ab Burke of
Lincoln, veteran horse show judge
and owner of several prize win
ning stock horses; Frank Jones of
Lincoln, big money winner in the
Cheyenne rodeo of 1917; Fred
Knorr of Lincoln, a well known
horse show judge. Competition in
all events is limited to regularly
enrolled students; rodeo associa
tion rules will be followed by all
Prizes for the winners of the
various events including the Coed
Calf Catching contest will be on
display in the Union beginning
Tuesday, April 27 at the ticket
booth. Tickets are fifty cents for
aauiis and twenty five cents for
The list of contestants and their
Saddle bronc riding: Frank
Stewart, North Platte; Walt Eg
gers, Byron; Lee German, Cozad;
Al Clawson, Curtiss; Don Finch.
Steer Riding: Jim Marshall,
Cozad; Vernon Burton, Bingham;
Harry Stokely, Lincoln; Jack Wil
son; Rob Farnam, Lincoln; Bud
Smith, Fremont; Tom Cornish,
Omaha; Kirk Gillespie, Arlington
Hts., 111.
Bareback bronc riding: Frank
Bruning, Bruning; Jim Curtis,
Saguache, Colo., Britt Mason, Fre
mont: Howard Rnrtnn R!v,nk-,,.
Frank Kent, Red Cloud.
Calf RoDine: Ppfc Rwiror- AcV,.
by; Jim Monahan, Hyannis; Ver
non Burton, Bingham; Sam Spenc
er, Roswell New Mex.; Britt
Mason, Fremont; Jim Curtis,
Saguache. Colo.: RnH Smith irr
mont, Vaughn Johnson, Denver.
Cuttinsr Hnrce
CT ,..uw wvainoi. 4 CIC
Becker, Ashby; Rodger Egan, '
Ashbv: Jim Mnnah-n TT.ronnio.
Vernon . Burton, Bingham; Sam
jpencer, ftosweu, New Mex.
Mother's Day Cards
Also tpecialt for Grandmother t,
' 'Neva Mothert, Aunts,
Secret Pali, eM.
Goldenr'od 'Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street