Friday, April 23, 1948 Page 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Your Church Baptist The Baptist student fellowship will hold a picnic meeting, weatn er permitting, Sunday, April 25, at Pioneers park. Cars will leave the Baptist fatudent house, J 13 North 15, at 5:30 p.m. Catholic Mass will be held Sunday, April 25, at li:uu a.m. in parlors XYZ of the Union. At 3:00 p.m. there will be an afternoon dance at the CYO hall at 18th and J streets. Lutheran Miss Margareta Neovius will speak to Lutheran students at the First Lutheran church, 17th and A streets, at 5:00 p.m., April 25 and at the Ag student center, 1200 North 37th at 6:30 p.m. Miss Neovius, Foreign Secretary of the Student Christian Federa tion of Finland, is touring the country under the auspices of the student service commission, visit ing colleges and universities, and will be one of the principal speak ers at the ASHRAM in Hebron this week. Lutheran chapel services will be held Sunday, April 25, at 10:45 a.m. in room 315 of the Union. The sermon will be based on "Jacob at Bethel.' The annual Lutheran student and alumni banquet will be held at 6:30 p.m. April 25 in parlors XYZ of the Union. Bob Scheve will act as toastmaster and Pro fessor C. T. Brandhorst, of Sew ard will speak on "Religion and Science." there will be an alumni meeting following the banquet. Methodist The Delta Sigma Theta pledge meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. Friday, April 23. The Kappa Phi Banquet will be held at 6:00 p.m. April 23. The group will meet at the student house for a party at 7:30 p.m. following the meeting. April 25, the University of Life group will hear Gil Savery speak on "What Religion Means to Me," at 5:15 p.m. at St. Paul Methodist church. The students who attend the Elm Park church will meet at 7:30 p.m. to hear Dr. L. E. Mat tinglly from Wesleyan University. A social hour will follow. Presbyterian There will be a kitchen shower and taffy pull at the Presby house at 8:00 p.m. Friday. Stu dents are invited to bring a pres ent to the shower to help furnish the "student kitchen." A list of the needed articles will be found on tne bullitin board at the Presby house. Ed Saad and Elie Gedeon will ispeak at the Forum Sunday, April 25. at 5:00 p.m. They will discuss "An Arab Looks at Palestine." Supper and recreation will follow. Unitarian The celebration of the 50th an niversary of the Unitarian church in Lincoln will be held April 24 and 23. There will be a reception for charter members at 5:00 p.m. April 24. The reception will in clude an exhibit of pictures and documents of the founders of the church. At 6:00 p.m. the anniversary bannuct will be held. Former ministers or nearest kin and for mer officers of the church will be honored. Messages from neigh boring churches will be extended. Dr Raymond B. Bragg, Execu tive Director of the Unitarian Service committee, Boston, Mass., will be the principal speaker. The morning anniversary serv ice will be held at 11:00 a.m. April 25. Dr. Curtis Reese, direc tor of Abraham Lincoln center in Chicago and head of the Western Unitarian conference, will be the guest speaker. At noon there will be a Coffe Social hour. The College age group' will meet Dr. Bragg at 4715 Southlstreet. He Is planning to stay in order, Jo meet especially with this group. Call 5-834 or 3-6078 for trans portation. Christian Miss Kady Faulkner will speak to the fellowship at First Chris tian church at 5:00 p.m. April 25. Her topic will be "Religion and Art," 4 w L, s J-" V. r y 'As?- p 7 v4 v 3 itr? Li JUNIOR COLLOPY (right), full-back and' Jerry Ferguson, half back, talk things over during spring football practice. Both are first-string squadmen from Scottsbluff. W MM v.-4v?S'i .-Xt f v J f ' " . v ; I . DADDY, WHAT'S A BRASS HORN? One of nine married members in the University's ROOTC band, bass player Vern Moseman, says goodbye to his two children, Janet and Jimmy, before one of the band's several appearances. Band Routine Complicated! By Married Members9 Wives From the precision of its march ing exhibitions, one would never guess what extent of internal complications plague the ROTC varsity band, and its director, Donald Lentz. Running a band or ganization of nearly 120 pieces is never a picnic, but an unexpected post-war situation has troubled Director Lentz during this year. The difficulty is, namely, mar ried men! The main alteration made in band life by the membership of nine married men (and one mar ried woman) crops up. in rehear sals regularly. Meeting three days a week at 5 p. m. on the third floor of the Temple building, the band often practices past the 6 o'clock bell. And therein comes the rub. It seems that the "little wimmin" at home have an idea that their in strument playing husbands ought to sit down at the supper table at 1 just about 6, and resent the in trusion of a band schedule on the domestic schedule! For having to dismiss rehearsals promptly when he feels a few phrases need going over again, Lentz compensates in this way. Whenever the band takes a trip, such as the student migration to Missouri last fall, he assumes that married men are men of responsi bility and makes them the ad vanced guard in charge of bag gage! This, Lentz figures, will re lieve worried wives about the chance for their husbands to cut loose, i . , Althq about three engaged band couples mostly seniors, are plan ning a marching episode all their own, come the last rehearsal and June 7th, there is only one married couple now in the band. The duo is Cleo and Paul Austin, whose equally masculine-sounding first names caused some confu See Band, Page 8, CoL 1 m ' jc7- .'-Ay r ;i fit si. , t ill r vli If F V s " iv -V . JIM SANDSTEDT, Varsity pitcher from Omaha, who will take the mound in the Huskers-Missouri opening game. mm CAD07, HAVE THEY SHORTENED COURTS? boss- rrfc -rnoSfe VOOOSVUlRE using: Mmsrj THE GREENS SEEM. A. LOT NEARER. WHEN "TOO SWITCH TO PALDlNO WOODS MEW AtoDELS' .. . PERFECTLY BALANCED TO PUT WORE 5Wlr46lM6 VTEU3HT' BEHIND THE BALL .... ADD POWER. And accuracy tovour. WOOD GAMB....TKErR. PATENTED 6R1P GROOVES YOUR GRIP THE SAME WAY TOR EVERY SWINfl- NEW SPALDING WOODS 7 HEW 71 JPfl BO" BV JONES A WOODS "MMaw hiT7"frJ fcroVWrrrJ t-J.rrrrri fc-Vl" rrr ,-rrrrrt UP'"" o1 n yyr r Dt a4 TaptH l fvt Pr Mtly. SPALDING SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS