The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1948, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, April 22, 1948
Page 3
Drake Relays
To Draw Top
Track Stars
The Drake Relays, definitely
back to pre-war standards, will
CO to the mark April 23-24, ex
pected to attract one of the big
gest fields in the history of the
event. The relays bounced back
to par last year with 11 records
being set in the university, col
lege and hrgh school sections
As a comparison of its rela
tive strength, the Drake Relay
had better times in 13 of the 17
events in which both the Drake
Relays and the Penn Relays par
ticipated in, Since 1921, the Drake
Relays have come out on top 208
times while losing 177 times and
tieing 20. '
Eleven athletes, ertner lull or
part title holders, will be back to
fend their championships in this
year's games. Only two of ' th
individual 'relays titles will go
Bill Maitineson of Baylor, who
Is now at Oklahoma A & M, is
ineligible, because of his transfer,
to defend his 100-yard dash title
and Herb Grote of Nebraska has
graduated, leaving the javelin
event undefended.
Fortune Gordien, Minnesota's
national discus champion, will be
back to take on all comers in the
shot put event, and Mel Sheehan
of Missouri will defend his dis
cus title. ,
Harrison Dilliard, who runs for
Baldwin Wallace, will also be
back to defend his 120-yard high
hurdles title. Dilliard is now after
his 55th straight victory in the
hurdles. The dusky timber-topper
lias virtually topped all opposi
tion in this country, and last week
set a new world's record in his
event with a time of 13.6 seconds
Jerry Thompson of Texas will
be back to defend his two-mile
title. If he succeeds, Thompson
will be the tenth athlete to win
a single Drake Relays event three
Willie Steel of San Diego State,
who is national broad jump cham
pion, will be back to take his pet
event again. Last year he won the
event with a jump of 24 feet, 6
inches. Later he set a new NCAA
record, jumping 26 feet, 6 inches.
Sig Alplis Take
Water BB Title
In one of the roughest games
of the tournament, the SAEs took
a close decision from the ATOs in
the finals of the interfraternity
Water basketball playoffs. The
Sig Alphs will play the Muscle
Men for the all-university cham
pionship. In the consolation bracket, the
Betas won out over the DUs by
a vscore of 10 to 9, to win third
place in the final standings.
Phi Delta Theta won out over
"Nut, to tkr
Where' my Dentyne
"You'd think that bird wai human the way ha
oe for Dentyne! 1 can't blame lira though.
I aura go for Dentyne'a refreshing, long,
laating flavor myself. I like the way Den.
tyne Chewing Gum help keep my teeth
. white, tool"
Dentyne Cum Made Only by Adams
Hurts Husker
Title Hopes
Cornhusker baseball hopes suf'
fered a tough blow Monday when
Fritz Hegwood, a top hitter for
the team the last two years, broke
his ankle sliding into a base dur
ing a practice session.
The loss of the fiery little out
fielder will seriously hamper the
Nebraska batting attacks In the
eight games played to date, Heg
wood has batted well over .400
in the leadoff position. Hegwood's
ability to get on base has been
almost uncanny this year. The
squat one has drawn many passes
this year, and is one of the better
base-runners on a speedy squad.
Heading the list of possible sub
stitutes for Hegwood are Harlan
Powley and Don Hays. Powely
is a great' fielder and has a -good
arm, but his hitting cannot meas
ure up to Hegwood's. Hays, who
was a utility infielder last year,
could be a capable starter with
more experience and power.
Whethet 'or not Wes Maser will
be ready ro go against tiig Seven
competition this weekend is
doubtful. If so, he will .probably
take Hegwood's place, leaving Bob
Cerv in center and Jin) Sharp
in right.
The Huskers will hit :the road
for two game series with Mis
souri and. Iowa btate tms week
end and early next week'.
Delta Tau Delta Tuesday to take
the fraternity Badminton champ
ionship. The Phi Delts will play
the YMCA team for the univer
sity title.
In the new horseshoe league,
only one game was played, with
the Sig Eps taking the Sig Chis
bv a score of 3 to 0.
st Jeweled Sigma Nu pin. Cull 2-7858.
Paul Johnson. Reward.
RIDE a hike for health and run. 25c
per- hour. Ted's-Rent-A-Bike, 25th A
"N" Street. 5-9129.
R' A Real Value $1295 00
21" Klectric refrigeration, alum
inum 199.". 00
.V Aluminum a beauty! 1995.00
2V Klectric refrigeration, hot
water 2295.00
27' Tandem, electric refrigeration 24'I.VOO
27' Aluminum, electric re
frigeration 2695.00
All trailers guaranteed, funy equipped,
'i down, balance 6'.o Interest. More
value at lower cost. See these befure
you buv.
1528 O Street
3514 OPKN EVENINGS 4-2114
1KRK Is excellent business opitort unity
for person wllh small Investment and
car. Must sell ' commercial weed
sprayer and equipment which may be
used to spray lawns and golf courses.
Cull in person at 1439 B St.
LOST purse containing valuable glasses
at Roundhouse Saturday night. Please
return to Jo Ann Lisher, phone 2-7371.
Chewing Cum?'
.. . .. ...
Hats off to Newt Copple, Ne
braska university's National
AAU 147.5 pound wrestling
champion. Husker Coach Pat
terson, who accompanied Newt
to Hempstead, New York, said
that Newt has been coming
along very well and that he
looked better in the AAU than
he ever has. "Most of the peo
I talked with seemed to think
that Newt's match with Kent
Lange of (Cornell (la.) College
was not a split decision," the
Husker mentor said. "They
thought he should have been
awarded the decision." Lange
later won a unanimous decision
over Defending Champion Jim
Miller of the Ithica, New York,
YMCA. Coach Patterson also said
the Oklahoma Aggie coach
thought Copple was "head and
shoulders" over all other men in
his class.
Charles Fonville, Michigan's
great weight star who set a new
world shot put record of 58 feet
V4 inch in the Kansas Relays, is
a small man compared with other
outstanding weight men in track
history. Jack Torrence of Louisi
ana, former world record holder
in the shot at 57 feet 1 inch,
Elmer Hackney, Stan Anderson
and the late Al Blozis all stood
overj 6 feet and weighed upwards
from .' 220 pounds. Fonville is 6
GOLD for playtime
tfr mr
feet 1 inch and weighs approxi
mately 194 pounds. And putting
the shot is not his only accom
plishment in track. The Wolver
ine Negro can high jump over
six feet, broad jump 23 feet, throw
the discus 150 feet and run the
100-yard dash in less tljan ten
seconds. As a 19-year-old sopho
more at Michigan, he put the
shot 54 feet lOty inches.
Harrison Dillard, the other
world record breaker in the Kan
sas track carnival ,is also small
compared with other top hurdlers.
The Baldwin Wallace Negro
stands- only 5 feet 10 inches tall
and weighs a mere 153 pounds.
He set a new world mark of :13.6
in the 120-yard highs at Law
rence, breaking the old stand
ard of :13.7. Dillard is the holder
of the National Collegiate and
AAU high and low hurdle crowns,
both indoor and outdoor. Dillard's
victory at Kansas was his fifty
fourth in a row.
If anyone is interested in see
ing two expert handball players
in action, wander over to the
Coliseum on Tuesdays and Thurs
days and watch John Thompson,
Husker B-team basketball coach,
and Jerry Moore, football men
tor, perform. Those men should
hit the big time.
Nebraska's Intramural horse
GOLD for J, ess wear GOLD for
our scintillating new anklets
24-Karat GOLD Kidskin... ,
rVWfM4 "BONANZA" amounts to only two IrigTt
huAlei straps over your toes and on around your
an as a goU -piece, it' just that precious! 10.95
Jt "FORTY-NINER" is cushion
wedge J, witJi slot-cut vamp ... and as rightfully hrilliant .
at noonJay-in-toum as at a Itack picnic 8.95
shoe tournament got under way
this week. Those men who are
entered in the competition may
be interested in knowing that in
a tournament of 30 games the
average player walks nine miles
and pitches three tons of metal.
Coach Potsy Clark's spring
football drills have brought out
a number of men who should
make things plenty rough for op
ponents next season. One of them
is Frank "Junior" Collopy, 190
pound Scottsbluff fullback. Frank
was another boy on last fall's
squad who received too little at
tention and played too little ball.
But this spring lie's showing
plenty of football know-how.
Frank is a hard-driving back who
never stops churning until he's
flat on the ground, and sometimes
he doesn't stop then. If anyone
on the squad has spirit and fire,
Frank's the boy. With players
like Collopy in the backfield, plus
some of the speed boys Nebraska
has, plus the big, fast line the
Huskers can develop, Coach Clarks
should have a team next fall that
will give Nebraska a big boost on
its road to grid supremecy again.
One? In-a-Lirtime Opportunity!
68-DAY $TTQQ All
Tour Expenses
By Ship from New York July 2
Spttnored by the
For descriptive folder, writ:
Spanish Student Tours
500 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 13, N. Y.