Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 26, 1948 New Trends Replace Wartime Escapist Art -.,..-S---&i''s-f- 1 ' " I :Jsl V ii... iii fill "Him A i j :5 , -4.. SS XS (XT J j IOIIT KIKSIf. Hirpf'tnr nf t ho nniioi titu nr( nullAriA - ' v-i m vi v 5UUI.I oiuiiun amid newly-arrived crates containing oil paintings to be displayed in the annual Nebraska Art Association exhibit which opens Sun day in Morrill Hall. The show will feature contemporary art from the western hemisphere. BY rilVL MA HER After ten years of selecting art exhibits for Nebraska from gal Jencs throughout the United States, Dwight Kirsh, director of the university art galleries, be lieves that noticeable past trends in American art have given way 10 new developments. Shown in both the manner of expression and in technique, these movements are evident in the forthcoming Nebraska Art Asso ciation exhibit opening Sunday, reo. z in the Morrill Hall gal leries. Because the body of American ri is as carious as the person alities mat make up its people, fit is difficult to form any blank et opinion of American art as such," Kirsh said yesterday at an interview. It is equally dif ficult to organize the exhibit be cause the art work does not nat urally fall into any specific categories. "Before the last war, patterns of art were related to events an ticipatfng the military crisis. The uneasiness of the people was re flected in the work of the art ists." Wartime art took the shape either of gloominess or. escap ism. Hence, the escapist revival of mid-victorian art, romantic tendencies, and surrealism ele ments. This tendency was preva lent in other fields of endeavor, as well as artistic. Since the war, art has changed in iwo general ways. There is less of the romantic psr.mUm found in the pre-war art. More aostraciions are found in the gal leries IniS vear Whirh Mr Kirch believes to be the artist's Hociro to put order in the world oter a world crisis. In this way, art nas laKen a turn in fv,t or World War I. There has been a "reincarnation of cubism," wnn the main difference twinn that modern art is less cold, less oci i Derate. Mr. Kirsh believes that art nnur is more vigorous mn turous. Current expressionism is strong and has more color and experimentation than th nnVinni cubist art. One weakness of early American art, the failure to adopt superior forms of technique used DV t,ur0Deans. has hrn roma aiea 10 some extent, Kirsh com ments. Better use of color and brush techniaue has ben arhi Plf. in me iasi lew years. thla lie goes wllh this shirt Hi i!jh ! fit -r4i because they're Vnn Ileuscn Sliirt-mates-9 Not merely color-ensembled, but actuall designed to go with each other. And smartly too for Van Ilcusen "Shi'rt mates" are tylod with all the good bwte you expect of Van Henscn. Yoa choone a itriped shirt. Then you choose a tie that repeats that actual str'pe within its own pattern - in the same or contrasting colon. Smart, eb? And handsome R(. u. s. Pt OC Van Ileuiicn atriped aliirU, 3.95 and $4.93 Van Ileiuca "Sbirt-matc" ties, $1.50 Many Schools Give Approval To NSA Setup One hundred and twenfv uni versities from all parts of the na tion and Hawaii have ratified the USNSA constitution. They will become affiliated with the organ ization after an official ratifica tion form is received and annual dues are paid. f.'llll flim I a . Navadn TIa .... II . If.i --' - ainwnii, J ril vrr "iiy oi (.;nnrornia, immnruiAte Hert Mtnnfnrrl Ml at ... . UCLA, Mill, Notr Dktne of Belmont, "'"i i yiiiuurii. Houthern Nw Knrcland: Albertim Mfic nu, University of Cnnnrtlcut, Nw Vrn YUPA enll. Tini... v.i i. - . in, iiviniiv, Brown, Unlvenity of Bridgeport. Con- bull Brunch of Univermty of Connecticut. CUt. NW Hivan Tih... ..ii... . J"J colleire, Weyllitter Jr. ColleKe. Hiirt- wt u nrmiiiAry Tounaniion, Yale colleKe. ,,r"K' Aiaonnia riorida: Auburn Or At Nflrihwait TTnlw..i .. lllinoln: Mundrleln, Unlvrmlty of Chlca fo, Aurora. Chicago Teachers college. Korkford collem Indiana - i.iura - t i . i . . . lr aware - DC - Mlmmulppl . Arkania.: 81. Joneph'a. Notra Dame, Indiana Tech nical. Ixiraa, Unlvomlly of Iowa. Unl vertllf of Arkanaaa. Arkanaaa A M Unlvenllv nf H. n in... u ..r' ora : CCNY. Main Day. NtO Unlverally Helghta. NTU Waahlnnlon r.vafiiiuc. iinr a ami iini.....i.. .. . iii anuaic, i:cNr Bualneaa Day, Quec-ng, Columbia. NYU School of E ration Vaaaar Alfred, St. Lawrence Cor nell, Bard. Mlaaourl - Kanaaa - Michigan - Mlnn e"'i.":F!vn,l,r of Mohican. Aqulnai, o. J"' c,rIe,"n. AUKalmrg. College of St Tereaa, College of fit. Thomaa, MacAlealer, Concordia, William Wood., uf..!.0!".0' T,or oBnn. Kanaaa State. WaahlnRton Unlveralty. New Jeraey: Rutgera. New Jersey Col- legt for Women Northern New England: Harvard college, Harvard Divlnitv. Mnnin.t,.n t cllffe, Mt. llolyoke, Wllliarna. Bo'wdnin, Colby Jr. College, Welleaiey, MIT, Bmlth. Ohio: Antlorh. Unlveralty of Akron, Flora Htone Mather, Youngatown, Hiram, Our Lady of Cincinnati, John Carroll, wuuaifr, miami, iNotra Dame. Pennsylvania - Thlel College-Byrn Mawr, Klttcnhoime, Cheatnut H I I lr nniimrt, nioominurg Htate Teacher, Temple Martin, Haverford, Unlveralty of Pennsylvania Men's Undergraduate, Uni versity of Pennsylvania Women'i Under graduate. Rocky Mountain: Unlveralty of Colo rado, Regis college, Regis Downtown di vision, Loretto Heights. Texas - Oklahoma: University of Texas, Stephen F. Austin Stats Teachers. Virginia - Carolina: Lynchburg, Unl veralty of North Carolina. Wisconsin rrnlvMitt . -j m u,n,li nuuiiiiin, LaCross Stats Teachers. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Extension. UN Prof to Inspect Wisconsin School Dr. Frank Z. Click, director of the graduate school of social work, has been requested by the American association of school of social work to accompany the executive secretary of the asso ciation to the University of Wis consin, Madison, Wisconsin.- The trip is for making an ac crediting evaluation of the new school of social , work there. He will be on the Wisconsl n ram mm from March 3-8 conferring with auminisirauon oniciais Friday Is College Night AT Couples Only Adm. $1.50 Per Couple Tax Incl. Poncing 'til 12 T Our Forty-Third Yeorf I" Sportswear JUL DfilZZLER PREFERRED BY AIEN EVERYWHERE 'iiVA th New Qithk Acliom QUICK EXIT ZIPPER FLIP ZIP ir$ 0iv ViFl -ri , , , aurtitu W3 Hie nation most popular jacket . . .with the quick-exit zipper that doesn't zip you out but flip you out. Norane durable water-repellent, wind-resistant, and colorfast. Featured in grey, green, maroon and gold. 10 95 Men's Furnishing., Main Floor