The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 20, 1948, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    .Tues3ay, January 20, 1948
Delta Upsilon Edges ATO;
Captures IM Track Title
(Dally Nebrankan Knnrta U-ritt
It took the final event of the meet to recide the 1948
Indoor Track Championship Monday under Nebraska's east
stadium. Delta Upsilon set a new record of 1:57.9 in the
four-lap relay to nose out Alpha Tau Omega for the team
championship. Delta Upsilon scored 46 T-2 points, and
Aipna lau omega came in second
with 44-1314. Phi Delta Theta
Sigma Chi, and Phi Kappa Psi
finished in that order to round
out the first five places
Three new records were set and
one was tied during the tree-day
meet. rancis Fagot, ATO, clipped
off the one-lap race in :29.9 to
better his own record of :30.2
set last year. Leonard Kehl, also
an ATO, added a second record
when he vaulted 12'6" to erase
Jim Myers mark of 11'. Three
teams broke the four-kip relay
record in the final event. Delta
Upsilon owns the fiew mark of
1:57.9. Phi Delta Theta covered
the route in 1:59.6. and Alpha Tau
Omega finished third in 2:01.6
The former record, set last year
was z:oi.8.
Bi,ll Moomey, DeUa Upsilon, tied
the old mark of -05.7 as he raced
to the 50-yard dash champion
ship. Al Ruby, Phi Delta Theta
also tied that time in the pre
liminaries but only managed to
linish fourth in the finals.
Individual Co-champions.
Fagot and Kehl captured high
point honors as each man earned
16 points. Fagot won the one-lap
run, took second in the 50-yard
dash, and ran on the third-place
relay team. Kehl copped the pole
valut.n second in the two-lap
race, and ran on the imrd-paice
relay team.
.'iO-yard dash: Won by MoomfV, DU
2nd. Fagot. ATO; 3rd, Muellrr. Sigma
Chi: 4th. Ruby. Phi Delt: Rth. Brainard
Kami House; 6ih Brmmington, Bigma Nu.
Time :05.7. Ties old record.
60-yard dash: Won by Bennk. Indepeji
dent; 2nd. Yeatnena, PU; 3rd Bloom. Phi
Pelt- 4th, Finatrom. DU: ftth Hein, BetB ;
6th. -Ferguson. Kiirma Chi. Time :06.7
One lap run: Won by Fagot, ATO; 2nd,
Bloom. Phi Delt; 3rd Flnstrom. DU: 4th
Yestnesa. DU; tie lor 5th. Brainnrd, Farm
House, Hein, Beta, and Jones, ATO. Time
:29.9. New record
Two lap run: Won by Hollander, Phi
Pal: 2nd. Kehl. ATO: 3rd. Hale, SAE
4th, Wait. DU; 5th, Kemmerling. AGK;
6th. Crawford. Phi Pal. Time :68.5
Shot Put: Won hy Davis. Phi Delt; 2nd,
Jensen. Sigma Chi; 3rd. PeseH, ATO; 4tn
Johnson, Delt; 5th, Kimball, 8AE: 6th
Neilson, Cornhusker Co-op. Distance
53' 3".
Pole Vault: Won hy Kehl, ATO; tie for
second, Callopy, ATO, Capek. Phi pelt
and Hoff master. Kappa Sig; tie for 5th,
Bumstead. DU, Cossalrt, Slg F.p, and
Ackerman, DU; Height 12'6". New rec
High Jump: Won by Tom XSilliken. Phi
Psi. and Glass. Beta; tie for 3rd, nice.
ATO, and Hemminpsen, DU; seven tied
for 5th. Height 5'10".
Four Lp Relay: Won by DU (Flnstrom
Rltter, Hemmingsen. and Yestnessl; 2nd,
Phi Delt; 3rd. ATO. Time 1:57.9. New
1. Delta. Upsilon 46 Vt
Alpha Tau Omega 44-1314
Phi Delia Theta 24-37
KtKma Cnl 16-67
Phi Kappa Psi 14
Sigma Alpha Fpsilon 10-37
Phi Gamma Delta 10-37
Beta Theta PI 10
Independents 737
Kappa. Sigma 4
Farm House 3
Sigma Phi Epmlon 3
Delia Tau Delta 3
Alpha Gamma Rho 2
Cornhusker Cop 1
Sigma Nu 1
Beta Sigma Psi 0
Sigma Alpha Mil 0
Zeta Beta Tau 0
Morniiigside 6B'
Smacks Nubbins
Coach John Thompson's Nub
bins took it on the chin Saturday
night as the Morningside "B"
quint gained sweet revenge by
downing the Nebraska "B" club
The Nubbins whipped The same
Morningside club 57-37 in an
earlier contest played on the
Coliseum maples.
Forward Jim Van Burgh paced 1
the Huskers' losing cause with j
eight points. Center Forrest Mc
Elmurray of Morningside capped
high point honors meshing eight
field goals and one with 17 count
Morn 'side
Bronc'k I
Hand t 0
Collopy f 0
Fulton f 3
MrKJIm'ay C 8
Dixon e 0
Plp- e 4
Wll'aon e 5
McUuira f 0
Obrecht ( 0
Husker Cagers
Capture Initial
Loop Victory
Nebraska University's Cornhus-
Kers won their first Big Seven
conference start Saturday night
when they downed the Colorado
tiunaioes on the Buff's court. The
Huskers came from behind in the
iinal five minutes to capture a
59-55 victory.
Both clubs were unable to hit
the basket consistently. Colorado
oui-scored the Huskers from the
field by one basket but trailed
the Nebraskans in the percentage
column. The Scarlet cagers dropped
26 percent of their shots while
Colorado hit only 20 percent.
Claude Retherford, Nebraska's
top scorer, dropped two free
throws to knot the score with five
minutes remaining in the ball
game. A minute later Retherford
hit two more charity tosses to Dut
me nusk-ers in front to stay. Guard
weal Mosser and Retherford
topped the scorers from both
teams with 11 points each. Metz-
ger and Beattie were the high
men for Colorado with nine points.
Coach Good's cagers now hold
a record of one victory and two
defeats in circuit competition.
Nebraska e f nf in
Brown, f i
Cox, f 3
Retherford, t 3
Lawry, f 1
Srb. c 0
Srhlclger. c 2
Whitehead, c 2
Mosser. g 4
Cech, g
0- 0
1- 1
2- 2
0- 1
3- 4
1- 1
Totals J9
Colorado e
Hills, f 2
Metzger, f 3
Rolander, f 2
Bfsemann c 3
Bell, c . .' 0
Walseth. g 4
Fuller, g 3
Beattie, g 2
Sweeney, g 1
Ley. g 0
2 2
0 0
1- 1
2- 4
17 59
Pf tp
4 6
20 15-22 23 55
Half time score: Nebraska 30, Colorado
Husker Mat
Squad Meets
IS Teachers
Iowa State Teachers college
runner-up to Cornell (Iowa) in
the NCAA wrestling tournament
last year, will be the University
of Nebraska's fourth opponent of
the season Tuesday evening at
7:30 in the coliseum.
Coach Pat Patterson's grapplers
have one win in three matches
to date. The Scarlet bowed 28-0
to Cornell in the season opener
Colorado university fell to the
Huskers Friday night, but Colo
rado State Teachers salvaged
Colorado victory by dumping the
Nebraskans, 20-6, Saturday.
Last Home Match.
Tuesday's match will wind up
the home activities for Patterson's
pupils Until the district Olympic
tryouts which are to be held at
the coliseum, April 1-2.
Iowa S.T.C. has outstanding
grapplerss in each weight class
including three 1947 NCAA cham
pions in Russell Bush, Bill Koll
and Bill Nelson. A fourth star on
Coach Dave McCuskey's squad is
Gerald Leeman, 1946 NCAA
champion and winner of 12 con
secutive matches in the 12S pound
class during two years of inter
collegiate wrestling competition
Roster of Champs.
Coach McCuskey's roster reads
like a who s who of NCAA and
AAU wrestling. In the 121 pound
division is Harold Mott, Iowa
state AAU title holder; 145
pounds Koll, who is 1946 and
1947 NCAA champ and undefeat
ed in 16 matches during three col
legiate years; 155 pounds Jerry
Rohler, a freshman prospect; 165
pounds Nelson, who won NCAA
and state AAU championships last
year as a freshman and dropped
one match in seven starts; 175
pounds LeRoy Alitz, who cap
tured six of seven dual meet
bouts last winter; heavyweight
Fred Stoeker, a six foot two inch,
200 pound sophomore.
The Teachers swept through
seven meets in 1947, going unde
feated but tied twice.
The probable starting lineups:
Iowa S.T.C. Nebraska
Harold Mott 121 Robert Yambor
Floyd Oglesby ....12 8... Kenneth Brown
Gerald Leeman ..13 6 Jack Barrett
Bill Koll 14 5 Jack Tamai
Jerry Rohler 155 Dick Hill
Bill Nelson Ifi5 Jerry Calhoun
LeRoy Alitz 17 5... A. Marinkovieh
Fred Stoerer hvwt Rex Hoy
' ' 1
fg ft t Neb 'B' fg ft f I
1 Anderson ( 1
1 Ledy 1 1
Kam son I o
V. Burgh t 4
Pesek c 2
Ack'man e 2
Winter g 2
Allen g 1
Here's the beet value in America for the student
or professor who is hunting a new shirt.
Arrow's Doubler, in regular shirt sizes, is skillfully
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Doubler is made of Arrow's Gordon oxford cloth
and is Sanforized labeled (can't shrink oyer l'o).
Come in today for a Doubler.
Totals 24 4 13 Totals 13 7 14
Missed free throws: Morningside. Brock
S. Mcfelmurray 2, Dixon 2. Williamson 4.
Fulton, McGuire. Nebraska. Anderson,
Ledy 2, Samuelson, Van Burgh, Pesek,
Allen 2.
Evpertly Sharpened
While You Wait!
Only 25c
1831 "O" St.
Because of the lack of interest,
there will be no Badminton Club
second semester. A Rifle Club is
being organized to take its place.
Those who signed up for this club
at the Activity Mart will be noti-
tied after exams and given more
definite information. Anyone else
who is interested may sign up on
the W.A.A. bulletin board before
Wednesday night. No experience
in handling a rifle is necessary.
The W.A.A. office will be closed
during exam week.
Air Reservists.
This is mandatory for the 535th
Bomb Squadron and the 210th
Composite Squadron.
The school meeting will be held
at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 20,
in the 40 and 8 club in the Lin
coln Hotel. The speaker will be
Col. R. T. Nichols, assistant Chief
of Staff, A-lj 2nd Air Force.
N.C.A.A. Names
Husker Athletic
Staff Members
Three members of the Ne
braska University intercollegiate
athletic staff have been re-elected
to National Collegiate Athletic as
sociation committees. The men
were re-elected at the annual
N.C.A.A. meeting in New York
City recently. .
A. J. Lewandowski, business
manager, was again named to the
N.C.A... baseball committee, and
Charles Miller, gymnastic coach,
was re-elected to the gymnastic
B. R. Patterson, Husker wrestl
ing coach, was elected chairman
of the N.C.A.A. wrestling rules
committee. Patterson is also
chairman of the Olympic wrestl
ing committee.
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