The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1948, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Wednesday, Icmuary 14, 1948
YM Presents Russian Classic.
Simonov's 'Days and Nights9
"Days and Nights, Konstantin
Simonov's cinema adaptation of
his moving novel about the de
fense of Stalingrad, will be pre
sented by the YMCA oti Friday
Jan. 16, at 8 p. m. at the Temple
The Russian production, with
English sub-titles, is one of a se
ries of foreign films being made
available by the YM. Admission,
including tax, will be 50c.
Although "Time" magazine
claims that "Days and Nights"
possesses the weakness of so many
modern Russian films, lush un
realism, and claims that it has
"more than a touch of Hollywood
with-Russian-dressing," "N e w s
week" in its acclamation states
that the Soviet film "captures
what must have been the true
spirit of those men and women
who by sheer power of will, won
Stalingrad back, building by
Although all of its people are
Russian, they might be Americans
or Englishmen fighting to defend
their country against invaders
The days and nights of the title
are the days and nights when
most of Stalingrad was in Ger
man hands, the days and nights
which historians may decide
marked the beginning of the end
of Nazi might.
It is an exciting movie, action
packed and almost devoid of
propaganda. None of its charac
ters, all vividly and humanly pre
sented, spout the party line. It is
a tribute to the Russian motion
picture industry and to the peo
ple of the country that fought so
courageously at Stalingrad.
It is no movie of black and
white, in which the Russians are
all white and the Germans all
black. There is even a Russian
traitor willing to sell out his coun
try. Such Germans as move into
the movie are not bestial, Holly
woodian villains with monocles
and blood mania. The general
feeling is warm and real.
The hero of the movie is a red
army captain, whose job it is to
take and hold three apartment
houses in Stalingrad. This he does,
but not easily, and not without
severe losses among his men. Un
skilled at the start in the dread
ful modern art of house-to-house
fighting, Captain Saburov does
not move with incredible movie
like precision but like red army
A. A. U. P.
An annual business meeting of
the American Association of
University Professors, will be held
Tues., Jan. 20, at 6 p. m., in par
lors XY of the Union. The .elec
tion of officers will be held, and
Dr. Carl W. Borgmann will speak
on "The Dilemma of a Univer
sity Administrator." The dinner
will be $1.25 a plate and reserva
tions should be made by Sat. noon
by calling Dean Oldfather's office,
4140, or by sending your name by
campus mail to 112 Social Sci
ences. All are invited.
Needed at once!!
Must have pleasing
Good pay and pleasant
1210 P St. 2-7045
At Nebraska
Lloyd says:
"I've compared many brands
and Chesterfields always
come out on top they're
tightly packed, full-flavored
and a cooler smoking cigar-
Voted TOPS! Chesterfield
the largest selling: cigarette in
America's colleges (by nation
wide surrey).
men must have moved when Si
monov fought and wrote with
them. Most of the movie is about
how Saburov held his buildings
and how, finally, in the distance,
the Russians heard the rumble of
their own heavy artillery and
knew that with dawn the siege
would be lifted at last.
Registration . . .
Psych 1R8
Psych 1S9
Psych 280
Zool 1(12
Zool 112
Zool 142
Zool 144
K. M. 123
KiiKlixh 21
Knullnh 12, Sec 3, 9. 12. 14. 1
KiiKllsh 22. Sec 3. 5, 6, 7. 14. 15, 16 19
KnKliah 212 See 1
OeoR 62 Labs B. C
GeoK 71, Lab A
Geog 72, Sec 1, 3, 4; Labs C, H, I,
A, J
Jnur 175, Sec 1; Lab A
Math 11. Sec 3
Math 15, Hoc la, 2a
Math 16, Sec la. 2a
Math 17, Sec lb, 2a, 4
Math 41, Sec 2a
Math 42. Sec la, 2. 3
Math 105, Sec la, 2a, 4
Math 106, Sec la, 3a, 4a
Math 107, Sec 1, 2a, 3a
M. L. 3 Sec 2
M. U 4 Sec 1. 3
M. L. 14 Sec 1
M. L. 52 Sec 3
M. L. 53 Sec 2
M. L. 54 Sec 2, 3
Phil 10 Sec 1. 2
Phil 20 Sec 2
P. E. 52 Labs B. C
P. E. 54 Lab 6, 7, 8. 10, 11, 12
Pharmacognesy 120 Lab B
Physics 2. Lab C, D E
Physics 4. Rec. 4. 5: Lab E, F, O, H, B
Physics 12 Lab D, E
Pol Sc 4, Sec 2, 3 (Correction, Sec 1,
1 A'H r . a MILLER & PAINE .
J 1 Presents
J , I fj I "&PrinQs Hew Viewpoint
I MkJ: w a fashion-fabric show
"I i v V I ' v iK " I
! ! ' U breath-taking in A
I ! ' wfx i ' , i ! ultra smart in
ill .- ?V " ! I VOGUE DESIGNS I
! I H V' ' - 'ill it Vv.j-'' ; 8
; rlp hrnitLJ. ;h W ! ' Wednesday 12:30 1
I I i i UMMmUW V- - and S
ft N i;t l v I I THURSDAY 12:30
I t 'Trvl-. J J V i I 3:00 P-m' B
f ,..,., ; ,," ,,,,. , ; , ' I I
Farm Implement Co.
Seeks Graduate Salesmen
Represeneatives from a manu
facturer of hydraulic farm equip
ment will interview prospective
January and June graduates on
Thursday, Jan. 15, for sales posi
tions. Students who have an agri
cultural background, regardless of
their major, and who are in
terested in selling farm machi
nery, are eligible for positions.
Appointments should be made
with the University placement
office in 104 Adminitsratioii
building by Wednesday, Jan. 14,
by 5 p. m.
still open)
Prac Arts 50 Lab G
Psych 70 Sec 1. 2
Soc 53 Sec 2. 3, 4
Soc 54 Sec 2
Speech 9, Sec 3. 4. 5
Speech 10 Eec 2
Speech 55 Labs A, B
Speech 56 Lab E
Speech 75 Open only to Speech Majors
Speech 76 Labs P, E
Speech 109 I-ab A, B, C, E
Speech 110 Lab A
Speech 111 Lab A, C, D, E, F, G, H. J,
K, L
Mil Scl 2 Sec 5. 6 Lab A
Mil Scl 4 Sec S, 4. T-ah A
A. E. 7, A lew places available from
Professor Hurlburt.
A. E. 21, Section I closed.
A. E. 25. All Sections closed.
A. E. 152. See Professor Hurlburt.
Agron. 3, All sections closed.
AKron. 53. All sections closed.
Animal H. Sect. Ill and IV closed.
Animal Hus. 17, All sections closed.
Chem. 5 Lab B closed.
Chem. 13 Lab A closed.
Euto. 1. All sections closed.
EnKl. 2 Sect. 1, 2, and 3 closed
HE 3 Sect. 3 and 4 closed
H. E. 42 Sect. 2 closed.
H. E. 103 Sect. 1 and 2 closed.
H. E. 140, All closed.
H. E. 163 Sect. 2 closed.
Hurt 1 Labs D and E closed.
R. E. 2 Labs B, C and E closed.
R. E. 103 Sect. II, closed; Labs A, C
and D closed.
World-minded Alpha Phi's are
keeping up with the news by
delving into all the available cur
rent literature. The latest book
which has fallen into their eager
hands is the Kinsey Report, a
study of the behavior of the North
American male animal. The Phi
house is a-buzz with discussion
concerning this worth-while best
seller. The aquarium unit of the dor
mitory zoo is now located on third
floor Love in the room also in
habited by Alpha Xi pledges, Toni
Flemming and Joyce Buck. These
gals are carefully supervising the
raising of two goldfish which are
named Dick and Art after the gals'
current loves. Believe me, these
fish get attention plus!
Love at First Sight.
A moment of silent prayer is
now in order for all the ferns
who were left broken-hearted
when ATO Fran Fagot started
going steady. Fran had his first
date with Alpha Chi Ruth Miller
on the last Sunday night of vaca
tion, and by the next Wednes
day, the two were going steady.
This dashing new twosome also
made quite a showing at the Tau
formal Saturday night.
The gals out Alpha Xi way are
wondering when Bev Thompsen is
going to get a Sigma Nu pin. The
shadow knows! Another Alpha
Xi, Pat Black, seems to have gone
off the deep end over Beta Theta
Pi. How's the Water, Pat?
And the wedding bells will soon y
be ringing for Sig Ep Dave Port-r
wooa ana ni kj jviary tamp,
January 18 is the date set for
the big ceremony when these two
will go on a permanent hook-up.
Jaw Breaker.
The female population of the
campus is on the look-out for the
gal who put Sig Ep John Brower
out of circulation by breaking his
jaw over the holidays. John, more
popularly known as "Mumbles,"
remains "N. C." And over at the
Phi Psi house we have the man
who is surrently featured as
"Whispering" John Ayers. May
be these two should get together.
Another romance goes on the
rocks. Alpha Chi Ann Webster
and Sig Ep Art Tirro are ready
to call it quits after several weeks
of feudin'. Well, it was nice while
it lasted.
Smoe Ackerman, N. U. footbal
ler, had little trouble getting
around stiff arms until he tried
to gain ground on the Kappa
iront porcn. mat sun arm with
front door has him stymied.
Back on the dating lists are
Bill 'Spare Tire" Vlcek and Joan
"Gizzards" Gifford.
Cosmopolitan Club Dance.
A dance sponsored by the Cos
mopolitan Club will be held Sat.,
Jan. 17 at 8 p. m. in parlors XYZ
of the Union. There will be
games, a short program, and re
freshments besides dancing. All
foreign students and interested
American students are invited.