Thursday, January 8, 1948 THE DAILY. NEBR ASK AN PAGE 4 Exam Schedule laboratory rliuse f lastes meeting on merlins: Wednesday or Thursday on the second hour ol Ihelr nx-fting; rnaay or oainraay rir on i I nit examinations have been scheduled, for all sections In the following subjects: (1) Business Organisation 8, (t) Civil Knglnrcrlng 1; S Kconomlc. 11, 11. 115; (4) Education SO, 1, 82; (5) J-leclrleal 1,'n,nT,r,n KnKllHh 1, . S, 4, 11. 17; 7 rrenrh 11 and IS; (8) Home Kconomlcs 41 and 42; 9 Mathematics 11, 14, 1ft, 16, 105. IM, 107; (10) Mechanical Knglneerlng 1; (11) Psychology 70; 12) hpanlsh 61 and 6S. If students ha .... u An mA lima atiil meet for examination as follows: Monday and Tuesday shall be examined on the date scheduled for the first hour of their laboratory Thursday classes on the aecond hour of their meeting; Friday or Saturday classes on the third hour. 98, 237; (A) 17, 41, 42, ave regularly j i.. (iMii.i .iih ih above sneclallv arranged schedule, arrangements to take such specially scheduled examinations at another time should be made with the department concerned on or before January 15. For example: If a student Is scheduled for an examination which conflicts with a specially scheduled examination in French, arrangements should be made with the French department to take such French examination at another time. THIKSDAV, JANl'ARY 22. -00 a.m. to 12:00 m. Classes meeting at 11:00 a. m. five or four days or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two these days 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (lasses meeting at 1:00 p. m. Tues. and Thcis. or cither one of these days. FRIDAY, JAM'AEV 2S. :00 am. to 12:00 m. Classes meeting at 12:00 m. five or four days or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. :( a.m. to 12 m. All sections in Civil F.nglneerlng 1. .,... 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. All sections In Business Organisation 3 and 4 (Coliseum), 10:80 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All sections in Education 30, Ol, 82 (Coliseum). 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All sections in I'sychology 70 (Coliseum). 2:110 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 1:00 p. m., five or four days or Mon., Wed., Frl., or anv one or two of these days. SATIRDAY, JANVARY 24. 00 a.m. to 12:00 m. Classes meeting at :00 a. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 10:00 a. m., Tues., Thurs., Mat., or any one or two of these days. MONDAY, JANVARY 20. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. All sections In English 1 (Coliseum). 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All sections In English S and 4. a m. to 11:00 a.m. All sections In English 17. to 1:00 p.m. All sections In English Z (lolisenm). to 1:00 p.m. All sections In English 11 (Collsenm). to 12:00 m. All sections In Elee. Engineering 135, 198, 2S7. f:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.AII sections In Economics 118. 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Classes meeting at :00 a. m. Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any one or two of these days. TI'KSDAY. JAM ARV 27. :O0 a.m. to 12:00 m. Classes meeting at 8:00 a. m., five or four days, or Mon.. Wed., Ft"., or any one or two of lhe day. 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 11:00 a. m., Tues., Thurs., Nat., or any one or two ol thrs? days. WEDNESDAY, JANVARY 28. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. Classes meeting at 8:00 p. m., Tues., and Thurs, or either one of these days. :00 a.m. to 12:00 m. All sections In Mechanical Engineering 1. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. All sections in Home Economics 41 and 42. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. All secttlons In Business Organisation 21 (Coliseum). 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. All sections In Business Orgtnir.atlnn 141. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. All sections In French 11 and 13 (Coliseum) n-nn a.m. tji 1A.-00 a.m. All sections In Spanish 61 and 63 (Coliseum) 1:00 p.m. All sections in Economics ll ana iz uoiiseutm. p.m. g lasses meeting at z:uu p. m., live or ionr nays, or aiun., tt ru . , -n., u, snj v iw w j - THIRSDAY. JANVARY 29. m. Classes meeting at 10:00 a. m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two or tnese oays p.m. Classes meeting at s:0 p. m., live rr lour oays, or mon., nr rn or y nr in- i im-"; n p.m. Classes meeting at t:IHI p. m., live or iour oays, or .-nun., nra., rn., or snj one r ui turm FRIDAY. JANVARY 80. m. Classes meeting at 4:00 p. m. Tues., and Thurs. or either one of these days. to 10:00 a.m. All sections in Mathematics 11, 16, 41, 106 (Coliseum), to 1:00 p.m. All sections In Mathematics 14. 18, 17. 42, 105, 107 (Coliseum). 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 8:00 a. m. Tnes., Thurs., Mat., or any one or two or inese oays. 5:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 8:00 p. m., five or four days or Mon., Wed., Fl., or any one or two of these day 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 8:00., Tues. and Thurs., or either one of these days. 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 7:00 p. m., Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. 6:00 p.m. Classes meeting at 7:00 p. m.. Tnes., Thurs., or either one of these days. r "... .... -n . v.-.-. n ' ma Mil nif.iiisinni di. 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Classes meeting at 2:00 p. m., Tnes., and Thurs., or either one of these days. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. All sections In Geography 71. 11:00 11:00 9:00 a II :00 a.m 2:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to to 6:00 to 12:00 to 5:00 to 6:00 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to 7 2Sv cv. m.JLZC " ' 1 1 ..1 3" THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS 1r Just ten Btirring sentences in alL But they are an immortal expression of democracy and freedom. Shown here, in Abraham Lincoln's own handwriting, is part of the manuscript from which he spoke on the afternoon of Nov. 19, 1863. The original, along with more than a hundred document famous in American history, is on exhibit aboard the "Freedom Train". This train is now on a nationwide tour. Watch for its arrival in your area! . . t ., AW- "' Be proud of what you write . . . and the way you write itl Pride cornea with the possession of a Parker "51 For this is the world's most-wanted pen . . . flaw less ia its beauty and performance. It writes in a way that does you proud. No urging No coaxing. The "51" starts instantly. Coasts across the page with clean, easy strokes. Two sizes: regular "51" and new demi-size. Both with choice of custom points. The Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis., U.S.A., and Toronto, Can. Parke r"51 This Week In The Union 12:00 6:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 7;30 7:45 8:00 12.00 6:30 10:45 11 :00 3:00 5:00 7:30 5:00 Thursday, Jan. 8. Rlnfonia. Parlors XYZ. Sigma Tau, faculty lounge. Religious Welfare Council, Parlor Z. Gamma Lambda, Parlors YZ. Vets OrRanizatlon, Parlor C. Committee on Commutes, faculty lounge. Gamma Delta, Room 315. Christian Scloncc, Room 316. Intervarslty. Room 813. Friday, Jan. . Towne Club Mothers, faculty lounge. Unlonlrer, Gens Moyer, ballroom. Saturday, Jan. 1. Board of Repents, Parlors ABC. Tau Kappa Epsllon, Parlors XV. Monday, Jan. 11. Lutheran Chapel. Catholic Mass, Parlors XYZ. Alpha Phi Alpha, Room 315. Sphinx Club, Room 316. Coffee hour, main lounge. Movie, ballroom. Monday, Jan. It. Tassels, Room 313. Cornlmsker Asks Groups To Submit Story Material Tha-Jollowing groups are re quested to have material for stories which they expect to ap pear in the 1948 Cornhusker de livered to the Cornhusker office bv Friday. Jan. 9: Brown Palace 1-2 Cornhusker Coop Pioneer Coop Men's Dorm Veteran's Organization Women's Dorm Bagley Hall Pnllndinn Oelian Union Beta Sigma Psi Beta Theta Pi Delta Blxma PI Farm House Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Psi 3lKma Alpha - Epsilon 3lpma Alpha Mu 3iKma Oil Mpha SIRma Phi 3lsma Phi Fpsllon Mpha Tau Omega Zeta Beta Tau 5:30 Towne Club, Parlors XT. 6:00 Kernels. Parlor Z. Delta Kappa Gamma, Parlors AB. 6:30 Adelphl, Parlor C. . 7:00 Alpha filgma Phi, Room 315. Tau Kappa Epailon, Room 316. 7:30 Delta Sigma Delta. facuHy lounge. Delta Sigma Phi. Room 313. Uncoln't im Qausilimal Stem III) r H Slurdilwisl smmrs Tailored by Clothcrafr 4lg50 Here Is your "miracle" sait . . . it's wrinkle resistant, snar resistant and wear resistant. Smartly tailored by Cloth craft In both single and double breasted styles. Youll like the colors, too . . . tray, tan and blue. See these Storditwlst suits soon! , 1048 by Tks Faitut Fas Ctapaw OM'g Men's Street