The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 08, 1948, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Thursday, January 8, 1948
What Good Education?
Have you ever stopped in the course of a college day to ask
yourself, "What am I doing here?" This is a question which de
mands an answer of every student. It involves the answering of
two further Questions. What is an education? What do I want in
a college education? The first is a matter of definition, the second
a question of values.
Indeed many of us in college are guilty of the error committed
by the man who gets on a train without knowing where he wants
to go or whether the train will get him there. One might even say
that many of us board the train without any definite idea as to
what a train really is.
Let us suppose that these assumptions are valid; rha' know
the kind of success for which we ought to aspire and th. -, allege
education will help us get it.
Some of us seek success in banking and some in politics. The
banker besides having a knowledge of finance and economics is also
a judge of men. When the banker is asked for a loan, on what basis
is it denied or granted? He will inquire into the applicants finan
cial status and possibly ask a mutual friend for an opinion on his
personal character, but in the final analysis the banker must make
his own judgment of the 'person. All business is conducted this way.
The successful politician is not only a judge of men but of ideas
as well. But on what basis do we judge a man or an idea? What
is a good man or a good idea? This is a judgment of values.
If success is, in part at least, a matter of value judgments, and
success can be achieved through education, then proper value judg
ments must be a part of education. But can judgments of this
type be taught? Are they a matter of science? .When you ask for
advice and it is granted, it remains a matter of your own judgment
as to whether or not the advice is put into action. In the final
analysis, then, matters of value judgment are individual. They can
not be taught.
Obviously, then, we cannot look for success in a college degree.
Success in college need not mean success out of college. On the
other hand is a college successful if it fails to produce successful
men? Or is education something more than university study?
(pAn. -9tw&nioAy, Sah.
All Wool. Val. to $11.95....
AH Wool, sleeveless
Yal. to $4.95
virNSNI PIJinTf Entire stock
Oris. $4-95 to 18.95.
AH wool. Orif. $12.50.
CCCATCDC Entire stock.
JrCA I ClW Oris. $3.95 to $8.95.
SPORT SHIRTS Orfe. $3.95 to $12.50.
I A IX PTC Gabardine. Zelans.
JMVIVC I J orif. $8.95 to
TIES Silks, rayons, wools,
$13.50. $1.00 to $2.50.
Wools, rayons. Orif. $1.95 to $3.95.
y3 OFF
DRESS GLOVES Orif. $2.95 to $7.50.
SPORT COATS Origr. $17.50 to $24.50.
Val. to 5.M
.NOW $1.95
..NOW $4.95
In the January 6 Daily Ne
braskan the University of Ne
braska Veterans Organization';
report on the activity of the Na
tional Conference of Veteran
Trainees meeting in Washington
was published with the final and
most important paragraph de
leted. This was no doubt due to
the lack of space, but it destroyed
the full import of the article
Therefore, I wish to take this
means of informing the veterans
on this campus of the full decision
of the conference
The delegation unanimously de
cided to support an amended ver
sion of the Meade Bill (1IR 4212)
calling for $100 for single stu
dents. $125 for married students
plus $10 for each additional de
pendent. It further instructed each
delegate to request the veteran
students of his state to contact
their representatives personally by
letter, demanding immediate pass
age of this bill
Because of our interest in and
familiarity with this proposal, this
organization urges all veterans to
make this contact!
Keith B. Kittle
Veterans Organization.
Campus News
In Brief
Gamma Delta will meet Thurs
day, Jan. 8, at 7:15 p. m., in Room
315 of the Student Union. The
Bible study topic will be "Which
dence for the .truth of Christian
There will be a joint meeting
of the U.S.A. and the B.A.B.W.
at 4 p. m. Thursday in room
309 of the union.
Nu-Meds who plan to attend
the dinner to be held at 6:30
p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 14, in
room XY of the union, are urged
to sign the attendance sheet in
Dr. Powell's office in Bessey Hall
before Monday noon.
The Beginning Social Service
Commission group will meet to
day in Ellen Smith at 3:00 p. m.
to hear Miss Caroline yiau, tx
ecutive Secretary of the Girl
The University 4-H Club will
meet for a square dancing party
in the Epworth Methodist church
at 30th and Holdrege Thursday
night at 7:30. Refreshments will
be served after the dancing.
A membership meeting of the
University of Nebraska Vets' Or
ganization will be held Thursday,
Jan. 8. at 7:00 p. m. in Parlor
C. Union.
Election of officers ana coun
cil members will be held. The
polls will be open from 7:00 p. m.
to 9:00 P. m. in .Parlor c
Mr. Elmer Bock, retired Lin
coln business man, will present
a Christian business man's view
of the business world at the regu
lar weekly meeting of the In
ter-Varsity Fellowship Thursday
at 7:30 p. m. in Room 313 of the
JULY 25. 1947 OR PATE Of MCmG$
For correct information contact your nearest
JJvl (Daily. VkbhaAkcuv
Intercollegiate Press
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Tbs Dally Nebraska to published by the students of the University of Nebraska aa
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Ncbraskaa are personally responslbls for what they say or do or eauso U bo printed."
Rdltor Dake NoTotny
Managing Editors Jck HIU. George Mllle
News Kdltnrs. ,. Jeanne Kerrigan, Norm ITgrr, Wally Becker, Cub Clem, Tottie Stewart
Sports Kdltor Ralph Stewart
Ag News Kdltor Kfllb rrederleksom
Oneelal Feature Editor Kam Warrea
Socletv Editor Cbsrles Bemmlnius
Photographer " '
Business Manager Oould Flnrg
Circulation Mnnncer HrlM-r
attialant Buslursa Managers Bill Wllklns, Merle St Rider, Irwin Chesea
(Rd. Note i The opinions expressed by columnists In The Dally Nebraskan do aot
necessarily represent those of the University or The Dally Nehrsvkan.l '
. I
By Susie Reed and Ilac Lilly
The Pi This really had a jolt
over vacation. President Sherry
Leeka arrived back in Lincoln as
Mrs. Bill Wiese. An other Pi Phi
taking a drastic step of another
nature is Jody Wolcott. Her clue
of the week is a New Year Reso
lution .... no dating until after
finals. Anybody want to place a
bet? :
What's the big secret that Jim
Snencer. Sie Ed. tries to hold out
It wouldn't be a certain chick
from out of state that has kept
Jim tied up over the holidays?
Jack Russell, Sig Ep, has been
very active over holidays. In fact
Jack got rid of his pin. The lucky
gal was Dorothy Davis, Kappa
(Calling all females).
Be on the lookout for date
breakers Stan Johnson and Kenny
Plith. Kenneth put irt his bid ear
ly last fall for a date with Jane
Hale, Alpha Phi pledge, to the DU
"orchard party, and the other
night he called to uninvite her,
Explanation he d arra n g e d a
steady hook-up with another gal
in the meantime. A few days later
Stan dialed Jane. He'd heard that
Jane was pinned and had made
another date. That is all.
In the spotlight again is "Big
Al" Lawson. How is the lighting
in the Kappa driveway, lover?
Tell us if were wrong, but isn t
Alpha Chi pledge Dee Bahensky
wearing somebody's class ring
Home tome flame, maybe? Lets
look into this, Alpha Chis!
Little Match
AOPi Marilyn Miller and ATO
Bob Richards . . . little match that
grew into a big flame. Quite a few
things have happened since you
two broke dates last fall to go
steady for an evening, haven t
Why don t the Phi Delts check
up and see who the blonde bom
ber is that Joe Williams takes off
to see in Kansas City these week
New diamonds at the Tri Delt
house belong to Jan Wilson and
Kay Darlington. It seems the bet
ter halves are Paul Burden and
Leroy Stoes.
The Sig Alphs certainly went
out for pinnings in a big way
during vacation. Additions to the
already long list include Don
McArthur who pinuned a Kappa
from Illinois, Joe Sanchez who
claims AOPi pledge Marilyn Nel
son, and Ben Creed who got him
self hooked up with a home town
gal. "June" Mehrhoff also man
aged to pin Pi Phi pledge Fran
Copsey before vacation was offi
cially over.
The Sig Chis didn't fare so well
over the holidays however. John
Anderson has his pn back from
Virginia beacrest lor tne second
time this year, and Kappa Barb
Zemer sent Arlie Battson s pin
back to him. Both Vaydn Ander
son and Dale Bloss brought steady
deals to an end too.
Plans are in the making for the
Tau formal this weekend. Tom
Noble is having Grace Smith
shipped out from Omaha for the
big event. Of course, Bill Denker
will be escorting beauty queen
candidate Kay Menke, and Bobby
Hunt will be there with Arlene
Peterson. Chick Story will be seen
with the one and only Susan Lan
caster. We understand that Don
Berquist will have a date too. Jack
Pesek is still looking!
Louise Komisor surprised the
gals at the Sigma Delta Tau house
when she walked in wearing Lar
ry Goldblatt's pin. A half hour
Rev. Nutt Says
'Pleased' With
New Pastorate
Rev. Richard W. Nutt, new di
rector of the Wesley Foundation
at Nebraska, was "still in the
process of getting settled" yes
terday. Interviewed at the Meth
odist Student House, the young
director remarked, "I am very
SWS, rr
I es
Court esv Lincoln Journal.
pleased with my welcome and
the gracious hospitality shown to
me here."
"I believe I will have over two
hundred Methodist students with
whom to work at Nebraska," ob
served Nutt. "I have not yet had
a chance to meet many of them
due to the holidays and final
exams," he commented.
Rev. Mr. Nutt plans to put a
put a total program in action
next semester. "We will prob
ably have Holy Week and Len
ten programs," he stated, "and I
hope to establish a University of
Life discussion program at St.
Paul church for students. There
is a fine opportunity for signif
icant work here, and I am anxi
ous to get under way," he added.
Rev. Mr. Nutt is living at the
Methodist Student House. 1417 R
St., with his wife and two children.
Award Ferguson
Elks' Scholarship
Gerald Ferguson, former Scotts-
bluff high school star athlete, has
been awarded the $150 Lincoln
Elks Lodge physical education
Ferguson, now a freshman at
the University of Nebraska, held
down a first team halfback post
on . Coach L. F. "Pop" Klein's
freshman football team.
The scholarship is awarded an
nually to an outstanding fresh
man who is majoring in Physical
education, who shows promise of
future success and who is in need
of financial assistance.
Ferguson was a three-sport let-
terman at Scottsbluff and was an
all-state gridder in 1946.
later Bernice Paoernv "waltzed" in
from New York wearing a diamond
sne received from Allen Wilson.
And the big shock of all came
when prexy Jackie Gordon "fox
trotted" in sporting Buddy Pol
sky's ZBT pin! Next In line to
pass the candy is Myrna Samuel-