PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, December 19, 19471 FEM FUN AOPi Wins 3: . It .'Wta,,..., . . -ail f ... I Alpha Omicron Pi are the girl's volley ball champions of 1947. They defeated Alpha Xi Delta by a score of 34 to 16 in a cham pionship match Thursday night. Both learns played a spectacular game, but the Alpha Xi's were unable to combat with the over whelming power of the A. O. Pi's. The A.O.Pi line-up included: Jackie Wrightman, Doris Gibbs, JoAnn Srb, Marion Pratt, Jean Shaw. Peg O'Donnell, Janet Nutz man, and Lois Fritz. The Alpha Xi line-up was: Marian Staplcton. Nancy Smtih, rat MiCormick, Marilyn Eidam, tWo ton tnams from each league took part in the playoffs Pat Black Marily Beyer. Mar- ,u, C; trc ,,-,;rr r tnntvith o 9 3KA crnrn ...V. V..W -0 J Sigma Phi Epsilon New IM Bowling Champion BY LEE HARRIS Daily Ni'lirnskan NtI Wrltrrt Sigma Thi Epsilon replaced Sigma Nu Wednesday night as the Intramural Bowling Champion by rolling high score in the final playoffs held at the Lincoln Bowling Alleys. The PACES VOLLEYBALL WIN Marian Stapleton, Alpha Xi Delta, prepares to slam over the winning point in this semi-final action of the women's volleyball tournament Wednesday. Stapleton was the Alpha Xi's top player as they defeated Women's Residence Hall to advance to the final round. jorie .Vaplcton, and Jocelyn Ehrmann. Nancy Smith and Janet Nutzmmi in siioerior performances for the winners. All health permits and the names of basketball players must be in the W.A.A. office Friday by 5:00. f.4 4a v r . tchen your gift nays : iia van u NU Athletic Board To Meet Monday The Nebraska Athletic Board will meet again Monday evening, j Business to be taken up is not I known but it is presumed it will I concern the football coaching sit Tlic board announced after alst week's meeting that it would ' make "a later report" regarding ; Head Coach Masterson's status at i Nebraska. copy Cornliusker Picture. The following groups must have in lor their CornnusKer stories by Jan. 9: Women's organised houses: Al pha Xi Delta, Pi Beta Phi. Sigma ! Delta Tau. Women's Dorm, Inter- j national House, Love Hall. How- i ;rd Hall. Rosa Boutun. Rimdell j Hall. Loomis Hall, Pagley Hall, Amikita, Kernals, Pallndian. De lian Union, and Hesperia. Men's organized housrs. Aloha Tau Omega. Alpha Gamma Rho. I Alpha Sigma Phi. Beta Si-rma Psi. Beta Theta Pi. Delia Sigma Pi. Farm House, Kappa Sigma. Phi Gamma Delta. Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Al pha Mn, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Zeta Beta Tau. Brown Palace 1-2, Cornhuskcr Co-op, Pioneer Co-op, Men's Dorm. 249,730 Fans Watch Husher Griddcrs Play Nebraska's Cornhuskers played before a total of 249,730 fans dur ing the 1947 football campaign, according to the attendance fig ures released by Business Man ager A. J. Lewandowski. Three of the games played away from home are based on estimates since the official reports of attendance have not been re ceived. The 1917 attendance mark dropped 59.829 below the 309.55 mark of 1946. Largest one-game crowd to witness the Hunkers was the afi.OOO attendanc e at South Bend wheie the Nebraskans lost a 31-0 decision to Notre Dame's t p- collcgiate giidiron ma- ranking cliine. A com sons: arison of the two sea- i T-..TT1 Kansas M:itt 19 1 VJ47 AtTeii'l.-inre Attcri:tnc? . . . S'J.MM , ... 3U.2I2 io- i: 2 m Kansas Imitna Mi.ssou. j . . . . lm a St.tte . , Oklahoma i; i. a Orf.'tin N'tre Panie . 2S 3l.i-o 2".7 2:i li., 41. nS7 31 7!'l In.'Ul 32 iii 2'.l lit) 22.imi" 12 ."Ml" 21.176 out on top with a 2.3S6 score Runner-up in the 47 bowling race was Beta Sigma Tsi with a team score of 2,336. Following the Beta Sigs were the Delta Taiil Delta bowlers who wound up with ' a 2,306 total. Grabbing the next three posi tions were Delta Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta, respectively. 200 Jack Best Points. The Sig Eps. who will receive 200 points in the Jack Best race for their efforts, had Jim Liggett, I Vic Bradshaw, Walt Dorothy, Kenny Fowler and Melvin El ward in action for them. The , number two team. Beta Sigma Psi, received 170 points, while the rest ! of the final six participants racked up from 150 down to 75. An interesting note on the tour ney includes the fact that the Sig Eps, new champs, were in a three i way tie for second place in league j two with Delta Upsilon, and Sig ma Nu. The three teams held a playoff which the Sig Eps won. j They continued their hot streak then bv winning the overall playoffs. Sop Loop Honors. The loop champs of league -rre Beta Sigma Psi and Phi Delta Theta who ended up at the end of the regular season with a win loss record of 16-5. Sigma Alpha Epsilon took the honors in league II while Sigma Phi Epsi lon ran second until the playoffs. Delta Sigma Pi had the best rec ord winning league III honors with a record of 20-1 while the Delta Tau Delta korlers won 171 Tot.-, 3T.v. 7ii and Iost 4 to ct'P second plac . - KMimaird. 'honors. i V,:1 x-wvj, ur,; 1 ' ''.:' i hand Lira uiw an nru.Hn i, r . 2? . M v 1, ' i '..!-' . ' --N. ; v.tii.i . I. ; -ia . i.v ; w. . j s i J '.i.7i r.. .. :'!'... ".' v. a ba' - 1 - i ' - JTl , Wftl-'V I ml ft:"? ll Oil''. 1 ' '.! t . it 'Ja t iii it Mil V: ' H il Pulcr up, vhf n you hand Lira llier Van H-u.-ctt Cifts this Chns-lmas. Bemuse they're every one of them good for an extra hearty thanl-you list-! He lno& Van Heusen style and quality and he'll know you really ut your heart into choosing his gifts. Van Hruseti Shirts, with Dew low-set collar models. $3.25, 3.93, 1.50. Van. Heusen Tie the kind he'd choose for bimelf $1, J1.50 and 2. Men's Store fwn ail uM nn i a ji i mill iimuhu'WJU'M ' i --m rurniir'Tirn iniinuro nil mmm m 1111111 mm N.r. GYMNAST t ACTION Clarence Leflcr, Ui.ivt-rsity of I.Vbra-!:a r.ori.ii.tal bar expert c;iugiji in this e.u1ti.idir.g sl ot by a Daily Nebiasvm Miofoaj aij! cr a-.niiyj ; f::iirtimo ovhiliiii.m Tuesday night at the NVur;.: ka-South Dakota basketball game. C.ach Chat lie nasts s'.viug into action when they travel to Champ January 10, to beat Miller's Scarlet gym the Illinois U. team. I. m ... r fOR YOUK USUNINGAND DASCINO PLEASURE I in PERSON! " i7 r2i rTrr; fit S) w Club rOCJ) J -f I? TrnXI'llliK SAT. I Adin. Only Jl.a flas Tax 4 Mii'lrrMMi, Iiir Ilni-krrs Ia'uc for HliM -Ciray Tilt Coach Heinle Masttrson and two Nebraska griddcrs, Guards Fn-d Loienz aijd Gene Wilkins, left Lincoln Thursday night for Montgomery, Ala., to open early woikcut.s for the annual Blue- Giay gridiron classic. Masterson will serve as an as si-tant coach for the Blue squad while Vulkins and Lorcnz, Htisker 'eniors. will pa'Hc-n'e in the New Ym 's Djj b-Ule the Blue team. ;J