Friday, DecemKer TZ, I$fiE PAGE 2 THE .DAILY NEBRASKAN Directory Vendors Give Passerby Rough Time BY FRANK JACOBS. I don't like to be obnoxious. I don't want to be known as a per son with a complex, but . . . the situation is becoming extremely difficult. It all started when I tried to be friendly. That's alf, iust friendly. I was walking thru the lobby of the Student Union, minding my own business when what should I spy but a nice-looking booth en closing a nice-looking girl. Being of sound mind, I took one mind you, ONE step toward the booth. That one step was my downfall. The second this hussy saw me ap proaching, she emitted a loud, sharp, piercing whistle. The Old One-Two. Immediately, the world moved around me. From nowhere, sev eral dozen glamazons, seven feet tall leaped upon me and with cries of "You haven't bought your new Student Directory, have you?" si multaneously kicked me horizon tally, collected my last fifty cents from my pocket, and threw a light blue colored book in my face. Then slapping me on the back they sent me off with the re joinder, "We knew you'd come SB a tig Nebraskan Intercollegiate Press FOBTT-FIFTH TEAR ktbsertptioa rates are 91 .M per HmMtn, St.ea prr Mmnln mailt, w $t.M for Mm K liege year. $3.64 mailed. eMncle copy ac ihlthei tally daring Um arbooi year ex cept Monday aad Hatardaya. vaeaMaaa and Examinauoa periods, by lae atudnaia M m latveraitv of Nebraska nder the aapcrrl- bloa of the Pabllratloa Board. Eatered M Nceand Clan Matter at (fee Pout Office la .lamia Nebraska, aader AM af Coa (tress, tank 3, 187, and at special rata af pont- provided for la aeetioa lias, art at e- i s, 117. aaiaaruea orpiemoer jv, inz. yjoibiL Want CI Souvmuh fikoJto J do! f r : T ' 1. ) V'- I I iff ' I R . J A PICTURE LIKE THIS JACKIE WIGIITMAN, AOPI AND JIM MEYERS, FIJI MORTAR BOARD BALL PICTURES.... Special Folder Foolproof identification on negative prompt delivery guaranteed or money bark Fine quality photo APPROVED BY A. J. I.EWANDOWSKI AND MORTAS BOARDS LARRY VENTZ PHOTOGRAPHY 1620 "N" St. across! Boy, there's a guy with school spirit! Bully! Bully for him!" Later that evening, as I was connecting several loose ribs, pondered those parting words, "Hmmm . . . now that I have my copy of Xhe Student Directory published by the Student Founda tion, (perfectly all right, Miss Landeryou, any time) what can I do with it?" Absorbing Title. I pawed on, page after page, until I reached a section titled Faculty and Administrative per sonnel. Here a wicked gleam formed in my eye. Now, I could learn some of the strange middle names of the unsuspecting in structors and possibly develop a few cases of blackmaiL The list that I gathered was an imposing one: Cuddington, DeWitt, Waldo Alonzo. DeVere, Darwin, Noel Claremont, Chauncey and TWO Sylvesters. Jammed With Facts. Making a mental note to start mv whispering campaign immedi ately, I paged on, hoping against hope to find something that l didn't know already. At last, my efforts were rewarded. Who could imagine that Norris Aardappel and Robert Zwiebel are the first and last names (respectively) ap pearing in the student section of the directory? well, I didn't, ana it certainly was a load off my mind when I found out. I was nearly in a cold sweat. In the student section of the 1947-1948 Student Directory I found 106 Johnsons, 61 Andersons, 59 Smiths, 48 Nelsons, 46 Millers, 40 Joneses, 36 Browns, 34 Han- sens, 32 Wilsons, 2 Hollingsheads, and 1 Ziegelbein. Your Church Christian: The annual Christ mas banquet of the Earners and Learners group of the First Chris tian church will be held Sunday, Dec. 14, at 6:30 p. m. Miss Mar garet Servine will present a play, "The Family Portrait." Special Christinas music will be played. A new group, "Cotner Circle," will be held at 7:30 p. m. every Tuesday evening at the Cotner House, beginning Dec. 16. The Circle is designed to answer ques tions concerning life, school or re ligion which students may wish to ask. Next project for Friendly at the House will be gifts such as rugs doormats, fireplace wood, books and other small items for the house. Next meeting is Dec. 17 at 4 p. m. Presbyterian: Sunday's program at the Presby house will have a Christmas theme, including a play, "No Room at the Hotel." Special Christmas music will be present ed by the choir under the direc tion of Ginnie Fierce. Beginning at 5:45 p .m. with supper, the evening will also in clude opening of gifts to the house (traditionally records) and a car oling tour in Lincoln. Methodist: The fourth commun ity singfest will be held at St. Paul Methodist church, Sunday, Dec. 14, from 8 to 9 p. m. for caroling. The Rev. J. Alf Johnson of the First Covenant church will give the meditation, and the Rev. C. B. Howells, Baptist student pastor, will preside. Sunday the Grace Methodist church will have a 6:30 p. m. sup per followed by songs, a Christ mas story and devotion. Ivan Thomas will preside. Foreign stu dents of the university "will be guests. Baptist: The Golden Band, mar ried student group, will have its Christmas supper at the Student House, 315 No. 15th street, Satur day, Dec. 13, at 6:00 p. m. Ten cent gifts will be exchanged and :;x 7jr -7 -. vi'--- ft Eyes rigrbti And so rigM you are -when your attention k focused on foe smartest shirt in sportswear, The Rogue by B.VJ). So handsome, so "beautifully tailored, so easy on the laundry bifl . . . youH agree The Rogue is the nicest gift Santa could . bring to a man . . . check trp now on . your Christmas needs and add The Rogue to your Esf! We have tbe accessories yos need for flit semi-formal Mortar Bosri SH tonirfit! VJ est brook Leads Choir In "Messiah" Sunday The most popuUr work of its kind will I periormed Sunday at 3 p. m. in the coliseum when Dr. Arthur Westbrook directs the 600 voice Choral Union in Handel's 200 year old oratorio, "The Mes siah." Altho the long work, divid ed in three parts, traces the en tire life of Christ from nativity to resurrection, Handel wrote the oratorio in less than 25 days. The complete choral, orchestral and solo score was written by Handel in the three week period, the first part of the great orato rio requiring seven days to write, the second part nine days, and the third six days. "Inspired Giant." Flomer, a biographer of Han del, describes the work as "the achievement of a giant inspired." He also wrote "Handel was un conscious of the world during that time, unconscious of its press and call. His mind did not leave tne house, his man servant brought him food, and as often as not re turned in an hour to the room to find the food untouched, and his master staring into vacancy. "When he had completed fart II, with the 'Hallelujah Chorus,' his servant found him, tears streaming from his eyes. 'I think I see Heaven before me, and the great God himself!' he exclaimed." No Hoops. The riremier of the "Messiah," given in Dublin, Ireland, resulted from an invitation sent by trie Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The concert hall management antici pated the large audience that plans for a new co-operative gro cery store will be discussed. A co-operative boarding ciud for Baptist men students is now functioning and will have a busi ness meeting Monday after dinner. A Christmas program under the leadership of Myrlee Holler will be held at 6:30 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 14. Supper will ze served at 5:30 p. m. TURNPIEtE pretentt Harry James AND THE FINEST BAND HE'S EVER HAD 25 OUTSTANDING ARTISTS SAT., 9 DEC. to 1 13 Ticket new at Srhmerller't 11.71 ea. ptaa tax. Door sale (2.00 ea. plui lal, Vet them downtowa and aave. would crowd to hear the oratorio and in advertisements tried to persuade the women not to wear hoops and the gentlemen to leave their swords at home, in order that there would be sufficient room to seat the crowd. This Sunday's presentation of the "Messiah" will be given by five University and Lincoln chor al groups forming the Choral Union. A seventy-piece orchestra under the direction of Emanuel Wishnow, will accompany the giant chorus. Assisting will be Earnest Harrison at the piano, and Myron Roberts at the organ. The University Brass choir directed by Robert Stepp will play a half hour program of Christmas carols before the performance begins. Classified WANTED I or 3 riders goinft to Yonngs town, Ohio. Leaving noon Thumday. Dee. 18. Call Kran Mandula. 2-7931. WILL sari ii Ice furllned gabardine over coat. Sire 40-L. Call Batson. 2-3837 at 1439 "S1' St. Practically new. LOST Round gold compact with engraved on fr.tnt. ,V2."34. Gin" BALLROOM dancing. Studio 270S Royal Court Nellie Speldell Telephone 3-5480. SAME AS NKW All-wool black gabar dine dinner suit. Suitable for Mortar Board Ball. Size 36-37. Call after S P. M. Phone 4-1789. WIFE, child and self desire ride to Ainsworth or vicinity over Christmas. Share expenses. 3-7267. RIDERS To Topeka and Dec. 24 and return 26. Emporia, Kas. Wolf 3-6S77. LEAVING for Chicago (west suburbs), December 20. Want 2 students to ride, share expenses. See Mr. Haack, En gineering Meoh. Dept. STUDENT desires ride to vicinity of Washington. D.C. Will share expenses. Phone 2-5307. LEAVING for Chicago (west suburbs) Dec. 20. Want two students to ride, share expenses. See Mr. Haack, Engineering Mechanics Dept. STUVDENT and wifedelre riie to vicjn ity of Cincinatl Christmas vacation. Will share expenses. Call 2-1862. STUDENT wants ride to Gering or vl- cintty. Call 4-3245 after 8 p. jn. WANT ride to Niobrara or vicinity Dec. 13 or 14. Call 3-5.'i43. LOST Brown leather portfolio tn Love Library, Wed. evening. Reward. Call Ralph at 3-4542. Contains important con fidential data, valueless to any one but owner. SPEET5 Graphic Flash PhotograrhyT Weddings, parties, student activities. Phone Greger. 3-4888. "GOING SOUTH '. Leae Dec. 20. Share expenses. Route: Tulsa, Texarkana, Shreveport, Jackson, Mobile vicinity. 3-3717. hot Too Late for XMAS CARDS to he pernonalixed Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street BE)' hie 2" 1 v.W."t-jO mm lU BROTHER