PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 21, 1947 JPul (Oaih ybJbha&karL Member Intercollegiate Press t'OKTY -SIXTH I LAB Nuhnrrlpllnn ratrr are SI. AO per temnifor, 5J.O0 prr rmrnter mulled, or $2.00 for Ch rolli-ice yrar. :i.(M ma Hid. MUikI copy 6c. I'uhlliilirit dully during thfl m-IhhiI yrr escrpt Mondays And SaturdityK, vacations and Ktantlnatlon period, ity the :nlvrilly of Nrbrmki under lh aiiervlHlon ol the I'nhllratloii Board. Knlered aa Second iaa Mailer at the I'nat Olflee In Lincoln. NeliraMka. under Art of Contirn, Mnroh 8, 1879. and at upeelal rntc of onia:e provided for in Mellon 1103. Act of October t, IBI1. authorized Meptemoer Ml, lOii. The Dnllj Nettraakan la ambliahrd toy the Undent! of the t nlvcrull? of Nebraska aa an erraalon of students nrwa and opinions only. According to article II of the By l.nwa irovrrnlnic student puhllcntlona and admlnlatcrcd by the Board of rnhllcatlnna: "It la the declared policy of the Board that fHihlirati ma onder Ha JnriNdictlon ahall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Board, or on the part of any member of the fpculty of the nnivrrailyi but niemiiera of the ataff of The Dully Nrbrankna are personally rcaponailile for what they aay or to or eauae to be printed." EDITORIAL STAFF I'd I tor , Pake Novntny MimHKlng Kdltora Jack Hill, tleorce Millet News fcdltnrs Jeanne Kerrigan, Nnrr' l-eger, Hally Becker, Cub Clini, Tottle r'lddoek 8rmrta Kditnr Ralph Stewart Ag Newa Keillor , Keith Krederlekson Special Feature tailor. Nam Warren KocletT Kditor Charlea nrmmtnrsMi BISIMCSS STAFF Bnalneaa Manager Gould Flagg (renin! Ion Mnnp,gcr Jnck Scire Aaalalant Business Managera Bill Wilklns, Merle Htadler. Irwin theses (Kd. Note: The oplnlona e pressed by columnists In The Dally Nebraakan do aol neecssarlly represent thoae of the I'nlvrraity or The Dally Ncbrnakan.) New Addition . . . For the past few years the Daily Ncbraskan has subscribed to a slick, brown paged insert sheet containing pictures of college students in all parts of the country and their various activities in campus life. Today's edition of the paper contains our own insert which shall be a regular feature hereafter. We hope you iike the idea. The insert will reproduce pictures exceptionally well due to the slick surface, so once a week we will give our own version of campus activity here at home. Last spring it was planned that the Daily Ncbraskan would become an eight-page daily but the printers changed our minds. Even though our circulation remained the same we still were forced to take a reduction in pages, one eight page a month. A wire service was another now feature but that too went out the win dow with the limitation of four pages a day. Complaints of too much advertising may or may not be well founded but we have no choice. Our contracts with advertisers were made last spring and during the summer when it was thought that The Daily would be a larger paper. You, our readers don't like it but that only begins to express our real feelings about it. Through the use of this new insert which will be made larger in the near future, we will be able to partially reduce the ad-heavy makeup of the regular editions to give you more intensive coverage of social events, intramural athletic contests and campus life in general. If, at any time we can secure the newsprint you will get the benefit of a larger paper with a wire news service, but until then we will strive to meet your demands with any new additions to the paper that we are abTe to make. Margaret Liston Attends Farm Structure Meeting in Chicago Miss Margaret Liston of the Home Economics department re cently returned from Chicago where she attended a meeting of the co-ordinating committee for research on farm structures under the Flanagan-Hope appropriation. Miss Liston has completed a study of Nebraska farm families, and is interested in the adminis tration of the appropriation. Classified GTRL, WANTFD FOR THEATF.R CASH IKR Plenaant working conditions, good pay. Apply at 325 Slunrt nuililing. SINGLE-BREASTED 2-5(193. tux cheap. Call FOR SALE Size 38 "Tux" complete. Top coat size 38. Reasonable. Call 6-8018. FOR SALE One Conn piccolo, good condi" tlon. Call 6-9fi74. Ask for Don. FULL DRESS suit, size 40 long. Worn five times. Call evenings. 3-8321. : You9 re the man most likely to succeed! "M Van Heusen shirts You're the star wherever you go in Van Heusen Shirts. You'll lile the smart sewmanship, the low-set collar models, the action tailoring, figure-fit. Sanforized fabrics, laboratory-tested 1500 times a month. Get your money's worth always say Van Heusen Shirts. $3.25, $3.95, $1.50. Phillips-Jones Corp., New York 1, N. Y. Straight Stuff Jody VVolcott pulled a quickie last Sunday night. When her date called she said she had the flu, but Jody was seen at Ash land later with another date. Clive Ostenberg, ATO, and Mimi Loomis, DG, started their pinning last week as a big joke, and now Clive seems to think it's a pretty good idea. From over Theta way Anne Miles is dating Thi Delt prexy Don Draeger again. While sister Rillie Trombla has been dating Phi Gam Bob Nickerson. One of the big events coming off this weekend is the Dclt party which all the coeds have been clamoring to have dates to. Big plans are being made for Thanksgiving vacation by Jacquie Mcrrit, Kappa, and Rus Gustav- son, Dclt. Janet Loudon, Gamma Phi, sprouted up with Joe Philbrick's ATO pin after going together for one weekend. Pretty fast work, eh Joe? Another Gamma Phi doing all right for herself is Norma Clements. She received a ring Monday night from Johnnie Lehman. Bob Berkshire, ATO. has been debating if Joan Noble has a date for the Military Ball or not. Why not give it a try, Bob? Carol Calder, Alpha Thi pledge, is dated up indefinitely with Rus Laird, Si gEp. Don't be discouragedw, though, fellas. This deal isn't in writing. If there ever was anything be tween Myra Maupin and Phi Delt Fred Schrocder, it's now a thing of the past. There seems to have been a parting of the ways for these two. Sig Chi pledge Harold Rosclius would give his eye-teeth to know the names of the four gals who called him the other night. Besides expressing a desire to meet him, these mystery women made him an offer with possi bilities plus, and Rosy wants to take up this offer. Tom Novak was seen saluting a mailman the other day. Is he suffering from war nerves, or was he just a little punchy from a rugged Saturday afernoon? The Sig Chi pledge sweetheart dance takes place Saturday night, and Tom Donoahue still hasn't decided whom he's going to take. Don't give up hope, gals, you may be the lucky one. Biggest plans for hhis week end is the Kosmet Klub Review. We wouldn't miss seeing the fellas don their feminine curves and- what-not to present an evening of tremendous entertain ment. See you there! Gah Get Leap On Leap Year At MB Ball Nebraska coeds are getting the leap on Leap Year! First it was the Sadie Hawkins dance which gave the gals an excuse for ac tively going after their men, and now the forthcoming . Mortar Board Ball hands them the op portunity to dial the phone in stead of fervently awaiting its ring to ask the "men of the hour" for a date for one of the big dances of the year. And the coeds are getting the break where it counts financial ly, that it. Unlike the price of tickets for the Military Ball, an occasion which may be attended if the male purse can stand the strain, the amount asked per cou ple for the Black Masque Ball is $3.00 regardless of dress. Mazoola. While $3.00 may not seem like the smallest amount of mazoola to the average coed, there still is enough time left until Dec. 12, the date of the Ball, for each girl to stack away enough pennies to make the difference -when the ticket buying time comes. Members of the Tassels will be selling tickets which rqeans that anyone even thinking of going will be asked if she cares to pur chase one. The only acceptable answer this season is "yes." Corsaffcs. Then comes the fun, or call it what you will, of making your date a corsage, arranging to take him out to dinner if he insists, of course; transporting him to the Coliseum via taxi, wheelbarrow, little red wagon, or piggy-back, depending upon where the coed classifies herself in a range from Victorian fraility to modern ama zon. Remember the facts: Mortar Board Ball, December 12, Coli seum, tickets at $3.00. To be kept well jn mind is the item that the women foot the bill from start to finish. You lucky girls!- Campus News In Brief 4-H rix. 4-H club members will meet at the West Stadium at 5:30 p. m. Friday, Nov. 21, for a group pic ture. All wishing to be in the pic ture are asked to leave their names at the 4-H club office in Ag hall before Friday. Transportation will be furnished from Ag hall at 4 Friday. W.A.A. Funds. All girls who worked in W.A.A. stands at the football games may go to the Administration building to receive their money. HOMECOMING TIX. All individuals who took pic tures of the Homecoming float and house decorations, are requested to turn them in at the Cornhusker office immediately. Especially needed are pictures of the winning floats. HOUSE PRESIDENTS. All house presidents, are re quired to turn in their racial dis crimination poll ballots to The Daily Ncbraskan office by 3 p. m. today. Big Six . . . 9, nearly a week in advance of the Big Six session in Kansas City. The athletic advisory board is comprised of three faculty mem bers, two alumni, an "N" Club member, and three ex-officio un iversity officials. Previous to the war the Student Council had a representative on the board. "The council failed to elect a member for the year 1944 45, subsequently the board per sonnel was reconstituted to in clude only one student," Harold Mozer. council president, said. :4 r : Beta Sigma Phi Charity Ball TURNPIKE Not. 21, 147 8:30 U 12:0 Admission $1.20 eo. Tickets at door, Downtown stores, or X Hotel Cornhusker Proceed to go to the Cerebral Palty Foundation 7 BY e.J.HOlcOH Now is the time to plan on a fine formal season. . perfectly acceptable at formal af fairs, ball or banquet, is a dark colored suit, preferably double breasted. This beautifully draped suit is smartly tailored for your wear ing pleasure. Harvey Brother suits have a superb flair for comfort as well as fashion. White shirt and plain color or small pattern four-in-hand tie and dark shoes complete this handsome outfit Drawinc admiring at tention from every trim step you'll be fash ionably in steap for the Grand March! Choose your suit today from a M'ide selection f the finest suits in town! 1230 O St.