THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, November 9, :947 Can You Guess the Band? it PAGE 8 f T 4w fjil GUM make you a swirling beauty! Rustling taffetas and moires . . . delicate chiffons, laces, marqubettes . . . shimmering satins . . . sheath-like crepes . . . they're all in Magee's Formal Collections We make it exciting to choose a lormmal . . . exciting to wear an evening beauty. Come in this week while the whole star-studded selection is here. Sizes 9 to 15 ... 10 to 20. Magee's Third Floor. $22.95 to $49.95 Sketched: water-melon pink chiffon, rhinestone-st lidded, $39.95. Nylon marquisette mitts and Jewels by David . . First Floor You can be in the limelight formal clothes IB5' IB" Military Ball Contest Winner Gets His Tux from Magee's TUXEDOS Go to the Ball knowing you're dressed correctly! We have smart midnight-blue tuxedos in fine unfinished worsteds . . . grosgrain facings. Wide-draped shoulders, double-breasted style to last you until you're an old alum! Regulars, longs, shorts, stouts. Magee's Second Floor. Shirts, ties, jewelry, hose, and shoes for forma) dress . Magee's First Floor. FOBS v iv $45 feh&A