The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1947, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, November 4, 1947.
credit due Ogden Nash)
Monday is the day that
everything starts all over
again. Monday is the day
when just as you are re
ginning to leel peaceful you
have to get up and get dress
ed and put on your old grey
jacket and drag over to the
Library again. It is the day
when uie becomes grotesque
again. Because it is the day
when you have to face your
books again. It is a day
with no fun about it. because
it is the first oi a series of
days filled with one task or
another that some thing has
to be done about When the
telephone lings on Saturday
or Sunday ycu are pleased
because it probably means
something pleasing and you
take the call with agility, and
when it rings on any other
day it just usually means
some additional responsi
bility, find if in doubt, why
the best thing to do is to
answer it in a foreign accent
or if you are a foreigner
answer it in a native accent
and say you are out. Oh,
there is not a week-day
moment that can't wring a
sigh from you, because you
are always being confronted
. with a Cob or Tassel who
want to sell you something,
or if they don't want to sell
you something, there is some
thing they want to buy from
you. find every shining as
signment swaggers arrogant
ly up to you demanding to
be improved, and apparently
not only to improve it but
also to shine it, is what you
are requested to do. Oh, for
a remedy, oh for a panacea,
oh fefr a something, eh yes,
eh for a coma or swoon, yes
indeed, oh for a coma that
would last from eight -a. m.
on Monday until Fnday noon.
LTW NOTTS: ... on the
weather include a warning
that cold, cold winter is not
far Irorn the campus . . . beat
the weather now by buying
a warm, heavy cloth jacket
You'll want an fiLBERT RICH
ARD sport jacket interlined
with the revolutionary new
spun clolh made of hberglas!
Never before so much
warmth with r.o little with
weight! This lining keeps
out cold and holds heat bel
ter than any other lining.
Important to remember is that
is specially cut to combine
freedom for action with custom-like
fit. It's sportswear
you'll own with confidence
and wear with pride because
it's from HARVEY EROTH
"School is like a model T, a
crank in front and a lot of
nuts behind."
1230 O ST.
JJisl (Daik 7bd)hadJicuv
Intercollegiate Press
Subscription rater ara SI per mrnnr, fl.aa per wmrsttr mailed. r S3.M tot
Um culk-fc yrar. J mailed. Sinnte rmpr . Paaitahrd daily darta UN arbool year
except Mondays and Saturdays, aratioaa aad examiaaUaa nertada, ay taa Uaiveraity
f Nebraska ndrt tSa anrrvinioa at tha PabUratian Board. Entered aa K
( lam Matter a the font Oiftce la Uacola. Nebraska, aatder Art af tHM, Marra
S, IK:, aad a apcrta! ml af pastam provided br aeeUoa 113. Act at October
t, IS17. Mthorirrd September M. Hi 2.
The Daily NttnukM la pnblished by tba afndenta af the rarrentty al Nebraaka a
aa uprrsrooa af ntndeata newa aad apiaioaa aaly. Accorduir to article II at tha By
Lan-i cwvrrnint atadrat pabliraUani and administered by the Board at FabilraUoasi
"It I Utr declared polity af tba Board Uat publications nnder Ma jarttdlctJan aaall
be fire from editorial erasnrship oa tna part af the Board, or aa Iba part af aay
member af tha fnralty af tba anivrnuty: bat members of tba etaff af Tba Daily
V . .M - "- .till. u H-kft k MB A A I M ktt IHlJ
It's Up to You . . .
This'week the university student body will determine
the success of the effort put forth by several hundred stu
dents working on the All University Fund fall drive. Such
effort is evidence that these students have faith not only in
the causes served by the drive but in the student body as
well faith that students, realizing the great needs of for
eign students and the help-at-home given through the Com
munity Chest, will contribute.
AUF is asking ten thousand students to give $13,200,
$10,200 of which will help to relieve tragic conditions which
students in France, Greece, China and countries all over the
globe must endure. $3,200 will go to the Chest, an organiza
tion that will, in turn, aid the University YMCA and YWCA
in figures of twice that amount for the coming year.
We talk about the deplorable conditions in Europe, and
even squirm uncomfortably at times realizing how well off
we are in comparison to people of the rest of the world, but
can we do anything about it? Will we do anything about it?
THE AUF drive gives each student an opportunity to
do something. It's simple enough to stop at a booth and
contribute or to respond to a solicitor's question of, "Will
you give to the drive?" Yet the results will do an almost
inestimable amount of good. $5,400, for example, will be
sent directly to ureece to maintain a Greek women s rest
The AUF, its director and workers, can do only so
much. The rest is up to you.
N. L.
By Jean Leadly
And Jean Millane
4 1 to 6 p.m. DOORS OPEN 12:43
mm rjiTQ
the vmm
la Gurjceous Trthaitriolor
mm .mm
Nu-Meds will meet at 7:30
p. m. Wednedsay, Nov. 5, in Un
ion 315. Dr. Harold C. Morgan,
Lincoln obstretidan and ' gyne
cologist, will be the guest speaker.
While the mood of the wonderful
Jazz at the Philharmonic concert
is still with you, we'll tell you
about some of the records featur
ing the Der formers. .
Coleman Hawkins: Body and
soul, Stompy, Talk of the Town.
Bill Harris: Buou. Caleuonia.
Howard McGhee: Vol. I and II,
Jazz at the Philharmonic.
Flip Phillips: Almost any Woody
Herman Record.
Ray Brown: One Base Hit; Two
Base Hit
a a a
We have arrived. We have had
a fan letter. Not a very nice one.
but nevertheless it means that
Somebody Cares. So, with plea
sure, we'll answer it (IT was in
the LetteriD column of Nov. 2).
To oar ardent admirer, Chuck
Our congratulations. Your tal
ent for wide-ranged and colorful
name calling is unsurpassable.
However, it's rather a piUful sub
stitute for a good, sound argu
ment We have a few choice in
vectives in our vocabulary, too,
but doubt we'll ever have to re
sort to them.
We welcome criticism, as long
as it s constructive. But your rant
ing had very little to offer. The
issue which troubles you so great
ly is, after all, a matter of per
sonal opinion. Some have a taste
for the wild blowing of Shavers;
others perefer a man like Elman,
who can hit the high note he aims
If you happen to have any other
more pent-up emotions which
need giving vent to, we suggest
another amusing note to Lettenp
else a column of your own.
STUART: -Dark Passage," 1.10,
3:13, 5:16, 7:20, 9:13.
LINCOLN: '-Singapore," 1:39,
3:41, 5:43, 7:45, 9:47.
NEBRASKA: "The Road to
Hollywood," 2:44, 5:17, 7:50, 10:23.
Second Chorus," 1:14, 3:47, 6:20,
CAPITOL: fcBuck Privates
Come Home." 1:20, 4:10, 6:55, 9:45.
"Jungle Flight," 2:40. 5:30, 8:15.
with Artie Shaw 4c Band
Baitara LaaT
trf-ru t'lyaa a
rim Thrill. 1
Hvmt aaa
-Htarta toaaCar!
riM TW CrtnHH
Dorm adored,
Campus News
In Brief
Cosmopolitan Club.
A meeting of the Cosmopolitan
Club will be held on Wednesday,
November 5, 1947, at 5:00 p. m.
at the Union, room 315. Mr.
Jacques Levi will discuss Egypt.
Dance Class
Miss Donna McCandless' begin
ners dance class will meet in the
Union ballroom at 7:30 Tuesday.
Movie Shorts
Movie short subjects to be
shown at the siesta hour in the
Union main lounge at 4:00 Tues
day are "Goose That Laid the
Golden Egg," "Here Comes Ma
licious." "Gay 90's Live Again"
and "What Every Boy should
The Beginning Social Service
Commission Group will meet at
Ellen Smith, Tuesday. November
4 at 3:45 p. m. and will go to the
Union lounge to see "Seeds of
Destiny" in connection with the
A.U.F. Drive. This meeting will
replace the regular Thursday
meeting this week.
Intercultural Group
The Intercultural group of
YWCA will meet at 5 p. m. Tues
day, Nov. 4, in Ellen Smith halL
Members please bring CARE do
nations. Gamma Lambda
Gamma Lambda, honorary band
fraternity, will meet in Parlors
XYZ Union on Tuesday, Nov. 4,
at 12 noon.
Style Show
All those in the Coed Counselor
Style show report to the Union
ballroom at 6:30 Tuesday evening
for a dress rehearsal. If it is im
possible to attend, call Genene
Mitchell at 2-7875.
WAA will meet Tuesday at 5
p. m. in Oram Memorial miL.
Yearbook pictures will be taken
Thursday at 4:50 at Vis. Ed. for
WAA sports board, representa
tives and counciL
Freshmen women interested in
Y groups can sign up in the Y of
fice in Ellen Smith before Wed
nesday, Nov. 5. council member
Nadine Anderson announced Mon
Teachers' Wives Elect
Undergraduate students' wives
of Teachers College elected offi
cers at their meeting, Oct 29.
They are: Mrs. Charles Jennings,
president; Mrs. Jack Tilden, vice
president; and Mrs. John McCor-
mick, secretary. Telephone com
mittee members include: Mrs.
Vernon Arnold, Mrs . Raymond
Holinberg, Mrs. Ralen Mansfield.
Corn Cob Meeting
Meeting Tuesday night 5:00,
Student Union, room 313. All
workers and actives wear sweat
ers as a Corr.husker picture wiU
be taken.
All A.U.F. team captains will
bold a short but vitally important
meeting Tuesday. Nov. 4 at 7 p. m.
The Advanced Social Service
group of YWCA will meet Tues
day, Nov. 4 at noon in Ellen
Smith. Members are to bring their
Per&hinx: Rifles
Pershing Rifles will not meet
Tuesday. Nov. 4 due to the Cadet
Officers reception for Military
tiaii linaiisis.
Iota Sis ma Pi
Iota Sigma Pi meets Thursday
at 5 p. m. in room 313, Union.
Came Movies -
Movies of the Missouri-Ne
braska game will be shown in
me coliseum Tuesday night at 8
p. m. The switch from the usual
showing on Monday nights was
made so as not to conflict with
fraternity meetings, A. J. Lew
andowski announced.
The Tommieset
in easy-to-keep cotton chambray. Paste! striped thigh
high coat ... solid Blue, 2-piece pajamas. 32 to 38
odjustcbfy waist-banded.' Fast color. 10.50
f. V. t. Vai. on.
LOST Vaciraity of HUi and R. ladies'
black leather upper bii3oJ(JL Peraonal
coclgpta nt.awi bkdlr. Reward. 4-1 VIZ.
LOST Parker S1" rajr. tjjver and frold
pencil beioncin la a art. Call
"Rr-"jt - Rt-aard.
FOR SALE Martin tenor uuphonr. 1
anth old Om-k Ajaderaon. a-7757.
WRi TEr F.r Brand eew. rvcr
LOUT Brwra hiliuH la iZil k
HfcIL rtrm u Bern pcklr:z It er.
Pilars to Nt&iraWuui of IV. Keep f;v
K-'Un. JCo qomxmm nk.t4.
FCrtrXD: Brown Vntftirr iiyiiit. Ovurr
cu Lve caac t-J parwz tut ad at Lj1
PC'P. S VL& WfcU-taiiwvd. i'ut.l trnd
Tvi. so aa, uurttiued at 2iraMLa
CVxii: Alio 2 Ktrvm Tax ah;ru. (ut
it H- mu. ;
LXjPT Tu CiUr?" out m-nh Kin
isucm tI at TMCA caie'.ria 1rw.di
aairukea Wirtrtjly. OTrrr jt ' Pali 'air"
mnm eta i-7! aMT J P. V. or
et TMCA lor n ot jl