The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1947, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Sunctay, November 2, 1947
Huskers . ...
(Continued from Page 1.)
fore the Tigers came up with the
pigskin on the last exchange at
the Husker 40-yard stripe.
Quarterback Bus Entsminger di
rected the MU club to the nine
yard line where he spurted around
the Husker left side to the two and
in avoiding a trap by Nebraska
defenders lobbed a lateral to Half
back Bill Day who completed the
jaunt to pay dirt. Reserve Full
back Bob Dawson added the first
of five successful placekicks for
the extra point.
Alert defensive work furnished
the Bengals with two scores in the
second quarter. All Big Six End
Holland Oakes leaped, high to
block a punt by Jack Pesek on the
second play of the period. Swiftly
Lloyd Brinkman captured the ball
and ran for 16 yards to the Husker
20. At this point Braznell failed on
a pass and then the deceptive
Entsminger circled the Nebraska
right side on a 14-yard sweep to
the end zone. Dawson again pro
vided the extra point.
Fuchs Intercepts Fass.
Lumbering Bob Fuchs, 212
pound Missouri center came up
with the third Tiger touchdown
when he intercepted a Dick
Thompson pass intended for End
Alex Cochrane. Fuchs barged
down the west sidelines on a 50
yard scoring trip slipping by
Thompson at the 20 with a nifty
change of pace. Once again it was
Dawson who added the place kick.
The Huskers stiffened in the
third quarter and were all even
with Missouri in the scoring col
umn although the Tigers piled up
nine first downs during the pe
riod. Day set up the MU" tally
with a booming punt which sliced
out of bounds on the Husker one-
yard marker. Nebraska kicked"
out of danger but the Bengals
staged a 43-yard scoring march
climaxed by Day's three yard
scoring blast. Signal Caller Ents
minger, the spark plug of the
Missouri offense in the first half,
was forced out of action early
in the third quarter when he re
ceived a kick in the back (of his
head. Instead of slowing down,
the Tigers boiled over and rushed
to a trio of scores in the final
quarter with Martin Sauer at the
Score Through Air.
Twice in the final 15 minutes
Missouri took to the air for
scores. Left-handed artist Dick
Braznell spotted End Ken Bounds
all by himself within Nebraska's
five and fed him a six point toss.
Later in the quarter it was Nick
Carras who received a Braznell
pitch for a score.
Substitute halfback Alan Roby
wound up the touchdown parade
with less than 30 seconds to play
when he lunged into the end zone
after Nebraska had been set back
within the shadow of the goal
posts because of an unnecessary
roughness penalty.
The Nebraska offense was nil
during the second and third quar
ters, but in the closing stanza the
Huskers perked up to register a
pair of first downs.
Once again center Tom Novak
sparked the Nebraska defensive
play, plugging gaps in the Scarlet
forward bulwark with unfaltering
Tear Goal Posts Down.
Tiger fans took down the goal
posts at the end of the game but
in the struggl for possession of
the souvenirs a near riot broke
loose on the field.
Nebraska Innocents met with
the Missouri senior men's hon
orary society in midfield before
the game and although the Inno
cents returned to the Nebraska
M - i ' s ;
PETE GETS, THE EGG Pete Becker, Kappa Sigma (left), receives
the traditional egg, last place award in the annual intramural cross
country turkey race. University of Nebraska Track Coach Ed Weir
makes the presentation while Bill Mountford (right), winner of the
race, watches. Others seated in the order of finish from right to left
are: Bob Darr, Robert Reece, Carter Iddings, Dick Hollander, Jess
Sell and Bob Theisen.
Call Special
IM Meeting
A special meeting of all stu
dents of the university from for
eign countries has been called by
Louis E. Means, director of phy
sfcal education and intramurals
for Monday, Nov. 3, at 5:00 in the
Coliseum "N" club room.
Recreational plans will be dis
cussed for the group, and a pro
gram specially adapted to their
interests worked out.'
Plans for a special exhibition
soccer football game featuring for
eign students will also de dis
All men from countries outside
of the United States are welcome
and urged to attend this meeting
side of field with the bell it was
the Tiger group which claimed
the prize at the end of the battle.
Coach Bernie Masterson's Husk
ers now have a Big Six record of
two wins and one defeat, with
games against Kansas and Okla
homa yet to play.
Nebraska Missouri
Cochrane le Oakes
TooKood It Krita
Wtlkins Ik Abrams
Novak c Fuchs
Lorcnz rn Stone
fiamuelson rt Pepper
Pesek re Sheehnn
Thompson qb EntflminRpr
Hutton In lionnctt
C. Fischer rh Brlnkmnn
Adams (b Volz
Officials Referee: Bus Hasklns, Okla
homa; Umpire: Dwieht Tteam; Linesman:
Art Htnrk. Kansas mate: Field Judge:
Clay Van Reen, Bradley.
Score by periods:
Nebraska 0 0 6 0 8
Missouri 7 14 6 2047
Missouri Scorlne: Touchdowns: Day 2.
Entsminger, Fuchs, Bounds, Roby, Car
ras. Point after touendown: Dawson 5.
Nebraska UcorlnK: Touchdown: Fischer.
Missouri substitutions: Left end: Hulse,
Bounds, Elilngpr, Wutzig. Left tackle-:
Bcholfleld, Donley. Left guard: Carter,
Wright. Center: Cliffe, Hamman. Right
guard: Maruslc, Angevlne, Cox, Kixon.
Right tackle: Bullock, Bavage. Right end:
Dusenbury. Armstrong, Wren. Quarter
back: Entsminger, Bauer, Welch. Left
half: Carras, Bonnett, Englert, Bussell.
Right half: Braznell, Kling, Roby. Full
back: Quirk, Dawson, Ashley.
Nebraska substitutions: Left end: Co-
Knhagen," Doyle. Left tackle: Oolan,
itton. Left guard: Hoy, Jacupke. Cen
ter: none. Right guard: Means. Right
tackle: Becker. Right end: Nyden. Quar
terback: Thompson, Partington, Wle
gand. Left half: Fischer, Mueller, Myers.
Right half: Monmey, Ackerman, Callopy.
htinnacH: waiestrom, Adams.
d fohdLod 9nvitcdlon Jo
VM Urn Tbuo
'N' Club Members
To Elect Officers
All members of the "N" club
are asked to attend an important
meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
in the Coliseum club room, ac
cording to an announcement by
Jim Brogan, acting secretary.
It is imperative that all mem
bers attend. Election of officers
for the coming year will be held.
Any member unable to attend
should leave word to that effect
at the athletic office.
Watch Service
In the Nebr. Book Store
Ag Free Tbrow
Tourney Begins
First round pairings for the ag
college free throw tournament
have been announced by Ed Hig
ginbottom, athletic director at ag .
Initial contests will be held Mon
day evening, Nov. 3, at 5.
Thirty-one men qualified for
the elimination rounds in the pre
liminaries run off last week. Both
the defending champion. Merle
Stalder, and the runnerup, Rob
ert Scheve, of last year's event,
are back in competition this year.
Contestants and their opponents
for the first round are posted on
the Intramural bulletin board in
the Activities building. Final
round will be shot off on Wed
nesday, Nov. 5, at 5 p. m.
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