The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1947, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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ThursHcry, October 9, 1947
JJul (Daily. 7bJ)hasJicav
Intercollegiate Press
t)ubcrlntlon rti- an 11.60 r Kinnlrr, fJ.OO prr armratcr mailed, or ft. 00 fur
the riiUi-ga rar. a 00 maili'd. Mii(le copy 6. t'ulillnhrd dally during tlx tcliuul year
rvrrl Muiidays and tialurdu)!, varatlmia and rtainlnallun iwrlod, by the l.ulvrrlly
of Nrbraslta under Ida iix-rvlmon ul the I'ubllration Hward. Knli'rrd aa Brcond
Ian Mallrr at I lie 1'oat Ulrica la Lincoln, Nrliraka, under Art f ConjrvM, March
s, I Mitt, and at aix-clal rale of poMnue provided lor la gecUou 1103, Acl of October
i, 1017. authorized tM-olcuiner Jtt, Mi.
To The Administration
This publication is in sad shape. We've heard deroga
tory remarks about the material published herein and we've
only been going to press for some two and a half weeks.
Consequently the time for clarification is at hand. In other
words we've been trying to please too many people and the
official school paper has suffered by that action. Hereafter
we are going to speak our piece and worry about it later.
Some two days past we published a letter to the editor
concerning an organization known as the united World
Federalists which, we assumed because of their activities
on the campus last year, was a university sanctioned organ
ization. Following the publication of above mentioned let
ter weMearned that the organization (nee Student federal
ists) is not at present and never was sanctioned by the
According to press releases of last year, the Student
Federalists met in the Union and on the campus without
intervention on the part of the administration. This year
the group announced, in this paper, a scheduled meeting at
which a university faculty member was presumably to
speak. Although this organization was apparently func
tioning without university sanction, no action was taken
to prevent their activities last year nor following the dis
closure of a meeting this year.
We have a Chancellor, dean of men, dean of women,
dean of student affairs, dean of faculty and an infamous
faculty senate: Yet a supposedly unauthorized organiza
tion is allowed to function for several months. Not only
allowed to function but allowed to sponsor an all-university
convocation on one occasion, (Feb. 7, 1947) and a ballroom
convocation (Nov. 26, 1946) on another.
While these convocations were being attended by stu
dents, and the speakers introduced by faculty members,
the administration of the university neither sanctioned nor
opposed these activities. Rumors were that a
mittee was invesigating the "red, white and blueness" of the
organization's basic policies. However, no official report
of their findings was ever published for public consumption.
Since no official report of their findings was forthcoming,
we assume that such an investigation was just rumor.
Now the Federalists are informed that they may not
maintain a membership booth in the union nor hold group
meetings because the ever present faculty senate has not
officially passed on the organization. If the senate will not
pass on the group and if they are investigating it, why not
make public an official condenmation of the group and state
their reasons or the investigating committee's findings.
Or, if they do not approve the organization but have not in
vestigated it as yet why not since their non-sanctioning
is apparent disapproval.
If an organization on this campus is considered sub
versive, students and faculty alike should be informed and
the organization should be dissolved! If the organization
is not proved subversive, and the action of the faculty
shows that they apparently disapprove the group, then let's
see some investigation and a decision one way or the "other.
The purpose of this writing is not to be misconstrued.
I have never backed the Student Federalists and am not
doing it now! The issue at hand is the complete ignorance
of the students and apparently the faculty regarding uni
versity sanctioning or non-sanctioning of an organization.
If the administration doesn't mind, the students who, after
all, are the university, would like to know the reasons be
hind administrative action!
Tells Russian
Story Friday
"Crime and Punishmen t,"
French film version of Dostoyev
sky's Russian novel, will be pre
sented Friday at 8 p. m. in Tem
ple Theater under the auspices of
the university YMCA. First in a
scries of foreign film are to be
shown this year, the French pic
ture has English sub-titles
Directed by Pierre Chenal and
starring Pierre Chenal and Harry
Bauer, the movie drew this com
ment from "Time" magazine after
its American premier: "Crime
and Punishment" with Dostoyev
sky's sociological polemics stripped
away moves, to a tempo of fore
boding, unheard drums, with an
intensity so great that the camera
seems itself to be the living and
tortured mind of Raskolnikov, the
central figure."
Members of the YM and YW
are selling tickets which are avail
able also at the Union office, Ellen
Smith hall, Daily Nebraskan of
fice, or at the box office in Temple
Fiiday evening. Price, including
federal tax, is 50c
15 of College
Students Need
Psychiatric Aid
Fifteen percent of all students
in the nation's colleges and uni
versities need some kind of psy
chiatric consultation or care,
the committee on mental health
of the third National Conference
on Health in Colleges announced
in Washington, D. C. ,
One-third of these cases are
urgent ones who need immediate
help before they get into trouble,
the committee said. Another
third have less serious neuroses
and maladjustments and the rest
can get along without preventa
tive psychiatry, but would be bet
ter off with it.
There are many students who
do not fall in the fifteen percent
class who have personal problems
which psychiatry could assist in
solving. The actual number of
breakdowns in any well-selected
student body will not exceed two
percent, however. The commit
tee found that very few colleges
offer the services of a psychiatrist
at the present and suggested that
teams of psychiatric specialists
would solve the needs.
Editorial Team .
(Continued from Page 1.)
are already members of the Na
tional organization.
Student Presidents
The fall banquet is jointly
sponsored for the school of jour
nalism by the undergraduate
chapters of Sigma Delta Chi and
Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour
nalism honorary. Tonight's pro
gram will open with greetings
from the respective student presi
dents, George Miller and Phyllis
Mortlock. Dr. William F..Swind
ler. School of journalism head, will
preside and make presentation of
the keys.
The banquet is open to all stu
dents, faculty members and local
newspaper staff members and
their families. Tickets are priced
at $1.25 and are on- sale at the
journalism office.
Uni Dames Hold
First Party Today
Returning members of the uni
versity chapter of National Dames
will welcome prospective mem
bers at a "get acquainted" party
in Ellen Smith Hall Thursday,
Oct. 9 at 8 p. m.
All wives of university students
have been invited to attend this
opening meeting. Officers and
faculty sponsors of the Nebraska
chapter will be introduced and
the program for the year will be
Chairman of various interest
groups will discuss their activities
and plans. Games and refresh
ments will complete the evening. .
Yearbook Picture Schedule
Weekly schedule of pictures of
organized houses for the '48 Corn
husker was released by managing
editor Nadine Anderson Wednes
day. Week of Oct. 6-11:
Delta Gamma.
Gamma Phi Beta.
Ksppa Alpha Theta.
Kappa Delta.
LOST Ring of keys between Student
Union and Avery Lab. Return to
Student Union office. Reward!
STUDENT LAUNDRY 504 North 15th
St. 2-6435.
FOR SALK Underwood Typewriter, stand
ard, 1941. Excellent condition. Phone
BALLROOM dancinei Studio 2705 Royal
Court. Nellie Speidell. Telephone 3-S48U.
ACCIDENT at 12th & R streets a. 5. DeSoto Sedan collided with
Cushman scooter. Would any wit
nesses to this accident .please call
You Must Be There
to W in I
1230 0 St.
The university Veterans Organi
zation, after conducting an inves
tigation of the sanitary conditions
of campus coffee shops, and res
taurants has found that entirely
too many eating places have failed
to meet the sanitary conditions
laid down by the state through
its agency, the county health de
The investigation also brought
to light the following situations:
The city, county and state au
thorities are aware of these con
ditions and are taking definite
steps toward their correction.
However, present conditions with
in these agencies including lack
of sufficiently trained investiga
tors, financial problems, increased
population, crowded living condi
tions arid insufficient public sup
port, have hindered elimination
of these conditions.
The city government will take
action on justified complaints
made by patrons against any
restaurant or coffee shop, and
such complaints will be of great
aid in controlling the sanitary con
ditions throughout the city.
The Uni-Vcts are collecting data
to present to the citj officials
in regard to the present sanitary
conditions of near-campus cafes.
The aid of all students and the
faculty is requested in ; gathering
this data. If you have a just
complaint, please send 'or bring
it to Room 209, Nebraska Hall
or to the Rag Office. List the
incident, the date and place of
occurrence. All names will be
held in confidence by the Uni
Vets. This is your chance to help
your city, your school and your
self. W. E. BROWN,
Veterans Organization.
Vice President
'Husker Gives Photo Dates
The following groups will have
their pictures taken for the Corn
husker at the photo laboratory in
the west stadium.
Thuraday, Ort. 9.
J2:00 Kernels.
3:30 Slnfonln.
Friday, Oct. 10.
.VO0 Mu Phi Kpsllon.
5:30 Delta Omlcron.
Monday, Ort. IS.
4 :30 Engineering Executive Board.
5:00 Phi Upsllon Omlcron.
5:30 Sigma Alpha Iota.
What a Sharp Combination!
Arrow's Harvest Tone Stripes
What a wonderful way to look like a really smooth
character with the least possible effort. This
good-looking striped broadcloth shirt looks well
with any suit and what's more has its own
matching tie and handkerchief. You'll like the
super-smart Arrow collar, and best of all you'll
like the feeling that you're always dressed in
flawless taste. Choose your color today.
Shirts $3.25 Ties $1.50
Handkerchiefs 65c
Furnishings M ogee's First Floor