THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, SeptemKer 21, 1947 Frosh Cap Sale Gets Underway Soiling freshman beanies to the 1947 crop of freshmen is big busi ness, as Martin Pesek, Corn, Cob president, can testify. Already 85d of the red caps are adorning freshmen skulls, but more than 600 are still ownerless, Pesek reports. To meet those 600 bare-headed freshmen, a fresh man cap booth will be set up in the Student Union Tuesday, from 2 to 6 p. m. The Innocents, men's senior honorary society, will be in charge of beanie sales. PAGE 2 . ; i W h - win i iili ' ' . ':' O ' j MORE BEANIES Innocents promote Cornhusker spirit by selling beanies to freshmen George Peter, Bob Schleiger and "Pooch" Roper. Men in long robes are Martin Fesek and Stanley Johnson. JIul 0aih TbibAaAkcuv Member Intercollegiate Press FORTY-SIXTH VKAR Si!p.orl(lin rate, urr $1.50 wr wmrstrr, $2.00 per rmrirT mallrd, or ! 00 for the vuDrisf year. .:(. mailed. Mntlr cojiy 5-. I'uliliithrd daily durinc lw hiIhmiI yrar mvit Mnmlnys and Saturday, vacation and raminatln period, hy the I nlvrntlly of Nrhraxka under tlw Kiiiwrvlkion of the I'tthllratlon Hoard. Knlired an Nerond la Matter at tlw t'mt Office in Lincoln. Nebraska, nndrr Art of ConerrM, Marrh S, IX7. and at wrll rate of noatHKe provided for in wot ion 1 1 OS, Act ol October Z, 191. authorized September So, lO'l. EDITORIAL STAFF Fditor Take Novotny Managing Kdlton Jack Mill, ieorKe Miller New Kilitoro .. Jeanne Kerrigan, Norm l-eer, Wally Keeker, nli Clem, Tot tie Klddork SM,rf Editor Ralph Stewart At New. Kdftor Keith Frederlekwn Special Feature Fdltor Sam Warren FFS1XKSS STAFF Fu.lne Manager Oould Flarl Circulation .Manager.... ' Jack Seler Aitant Ru.lne. Manager Rill Wilklns, ' Merle Startler,' Irwin (hewn The Daily Neoraikan in ptihll.hed hy the Miirtcnt. of the I nlversitv of Nebraska aa evprcsnion of Nttidentx new and opinion only. According to article II of the Ry governing Ntudent puhliration and administered hy the Roard of Publication-.: Jt I the declared policy ol the Ronrd that pnollratiina tinder it jurisdiction shall he free from editorial renorhlp on the part of the Roard, or on the part of any niemner of the faculty of the university: but member of the staff of The Daily r.enraski.n are personally responsible for what they say or do or cause to be printed. ' FT Note: The opinion expressed hy columnists In The THllv Nebraska do not ecessarily represent those of the I nivrrsity or The Daily N'ebraskan.) New Furniture Placed In Crib After a long delay the red and roam furniture for the Crib in he Student Union has arrived nd will be installed Monday, eptember 22. Five booths will be installed n the south wall. All the booths ire constructed of red duratone plastic, a new material which is more durable and more comfort- nble than leatherette according to Juane Lake, Student Union nanager. The tables will have cream tops vith a chrome base and chrome rimming. Since anchoring the tables and booths is a tedious ask. the tables won't be anchored intil Thanksgiving in order that he Crib can remain open now. It is hoped that a new sound system and new draperies can be purchased for the Crib, sometime during this school year to make the remodelling complete, Lake commented. aWftMMIv4t BEANIES FOR FRESIIIES Getting the lowdown on fashion from the big girls at school is this group of freshman women. Left to right, Wanda Knsler, Tibby Curlcy, Mary Dye, Joan Fredrickson, Nancy Glynn, Donna Burley and Beryl Lotspeich. SALESBOOKS All Tassels and Corn Cobs have been asked to turn in Cornhusker salesbooks to Rusty Ayers at the Cornhusker office by 5 Wednes day afternoon. Cornhusker office hours are 1-5 p.m., Monday through Fridav. INNOCENTS All the Innocents will have a meeting Monday at 10 a.m. CLASSIFIED tiu-yciinn at Teils-IUnt-a-Bik 4k N. Thone 5-6129. 2ftc per hour. BUS BOYS. Younp men who have time free between tlie hours of Jl to 2 will find Interesting and profits hie m-ork In our Tea Room. Apply Tea Room manager, Fifth Floor, alter 2:30 p. M. MILLF.R A PAINE FOR SALE 1947 Indian" motorcycleTbuddv at and paddle bass. Call Adrian Rem. inpton Y.M.C.A. Flume 2-12.11. FOUND In" front "of S . Sl Y A M.SeoT 19. one Parker pen. Owner see Bruce Claussen. ATO house and pay for ad. How Soon In Commemoration Of The Men Of Nebraska Who Served and Fell in the Nations Wars memory of Nebraska Inscription on the University of Nebraska football stadium men who died In World War I. in FRATERNITY TREASURERS ino used records and cases for sale cheap! All old and new favorites. Good condition. Call Rac business office for informa tion. Blair E. Kitch. University Male Students- HAVE YOU REGISTERED FOR THE HARVEY BROS. DRAWING? HARVEY BROTHERS is sponsoring a "CORNHUSKER TOUR" DRAW ING to be held October 10 at the Tassel-Cob Rally. The two lucky winners each receive a round trip tour ticket to the Notre Dame game October 18. All male students registered at the University are eligible to register for the drawing. NO PURCHASE IS REQUIRED! THIS IS NOT A CONTEST! Just fill out registration cards at our store for the drawing. DON'T FORGET TO BRING IDENT. CARD 1230 0 St. Far MORE for less Two years have passed since the man-made atomic hell rocked Hiroshima. Two years have passed since the goose-stepping Hitler ites were stamped into the rubble-dust of a broken Ger many. Two years have passed with the recollections of World War II sidetracked by the feverish patter of World War III talk. Two years of broken body building, house hunting, sky rocketing living costs, and mental adjustment have replaced the memory of world wide holocaust. Two years and the debt has not begun to be paid. A statue is a cold and impersonal dedication, a building, little more than brick and mortar. To create a living mem ory, a combination of three quantities must be attained: a building and a statue with psychological warmth. Personification of these quantities lies in the erection of a campus chapel as a dedication to former Nebraskans. A chapel open day and night for personal meditation, a chapel large enough to accommodate students for university re ligious functions. A main consideration of many colleges and universities in providing students with a well rounded education has been the erection of a center of worship. This phase of a student's life has been overlooked in this, our own college community. To finance this one grand memorial, students, facultyt administration, school and state, as well as individual citi zens should support such a proiect with determination equalled only by that support displayed when our country was at war. The realization of such a goal will not be accomplished in a day, a week or a year, but should be an eventuality of short coming. Each nickel and each dollar contributed will bring the goal one step closer. Seven years following the Armistice in 1918, Nebraska spectators saw their first football game from the univer sity's Memorial stadium. Seven years and completion; two years and no progress . . . but five short years remain to equal our predecessors! KOSMET KLUB All Kosmet Klub workers will meet at 5:00 Monday in the Kos met Klub room of the Union, Av Bondarin, business manager an nounced. TASSELS Tassel meeting has been sched uled for 5 p.m. Monday in room 313 of the Union. CORN COBS Corn Cob actives will have their pictures taken in the Visual Ed. building at 5 p.m. Tuesday. Wear sweaters. CHURCH NIGHT Pabbi Samuel H. Baron will speak on "Are Jews a Nation, Race, or Church?" at the 20th and South Sts. temple at 8:00 p. m. Friday, Sept. 26. The address will be in connection with All-University Church night. CHEERLEADERS Cheerleading practice will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Union ballroom from 7:30-9:00. MEN: DO YOU WANT TO EARN AN EXTRA $10 PER MONTH Membership in the Nebraska National Guard pays you $10 or more per month for only attending an armory drill for two hours starting at -7:30 each Wednesday evening. Join Lincoln's outstanding guard company. Conflicts in no way with ROTC. Good ratings avail able. Minimum age 17. Call or sea 34th Quartermaster Company Copt. Charles E. Ledwith Commanding 2-3087 1113 Sharp Bldg.