The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 25, 1947, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2
J Jul (Daili 7bJJiasJuuv
Intercollegiate Press
roaiT-rirTH ibab
Subscription rates ai 1.60 par umtilir, 12.00 par wmtiur malted, r
tS.OQ for tha college yaar. 13.00 mailed. Single copy 60. Publlehad dally during
the ichool year except Mondaya and Saturdays, vacatlona and anamination
period, by tha atudenta of tha Unlveraity of Nebraska under tha supervision
af tha Publication Board. Entered aa Second Clata Matter at tha Poat Off lea
an Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Conorass, March S, 1870, and aa special
rata of postage provided for In aectlon 1103, act of October B, 1917, authorlaed
fttptambar 30. 12Z
The Pally Nebraska la published by the studrnts of the Calverslt of Nebraska as
an npmiliin of student aws and opinions only. Acoirrflna to article ill of the bf Ui
vrrnlni student publications and administered by tha Board of Publications! "It is
Ihs declared pollry of the Board that publications ander Its Jurisdiction shaU be free
front editorial censorship oa tha part of the Board, or on the part of any member of
the faculty of the anlvrrsllyl but members of the staff of The Bally Nebraska are per
amally responsible for what they say or do or ran so to be P""-
Kd. Notei The opinions expressea c- aniniiw in n
ael neeessarlly represent these of tha Ualferslly er The Dally Nebrasaan.)
This Is 30 .
The look of the campus
crowded classes, overworked professors and too little time
to study. . .the sight of temporary buildings being erected
o nthe quadrangle to house the overflow of students.
The advice and help given us by Chancellor Gustav
son, who deserves the respect and admiration of every stu
dent and faculty member in the university.
Our disappointment when the Faculty Senate ignored
the request for Senior Week . . . the way students turned
out to vote for Student Council members, although the
faction (and there is such a thing) scored a victory.
The many people who are interested enough in the
university to be concerned about the budget.
The complaints and compliments about what was or
was not printed in The Daily Nebraskan . . . and most of
all, the loyalty of a good staff and their constant effort
to make this a better paper
More lilacs, more beauty and less need for signs stuck
in the grass all over campus to remind students to keep
off... .more new buildings like Burnet Hall and chem en
gineering to provide adequate space and facilities without
the necessity of ugly temporary quarters.
Dr. Gustavson as chancellor for years and years.
Final exams abolished for seniors and a chance for
them to enjoy the last of their college days. . .a Student
Council which will act on its own judgment, not the advice
of "The Wheels" behind it.
Enough money appropriated for the university to
enable it to carry on its work of education.
The knd of campus newspaper that you, the students,
want and deserve to have.
'Daily" Reviews . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
Chancellor announced possible
expulsion of all drunken drivers.
New Tasel proxy was Harriet
Quinn . . . upperclassmen elected
Jo Fankhauscr to reign as queen
at the Junior-Senior Prom . . .
Raymond Scott played for this
event, which closed the formal
Faction Field Day.
New registration procedures
went into effect late in March . . .
a record vote of 2021 in the
Miring elections in April carried
the independents into office and
left the infant Cornhusker party
out in the cold . . . plans to erect
11 barracks as temporary class
rooms got underway. .
Andrews and Wiseman were
men of the hour with their "Ak-Sar-Ben
Nights," presented as
the Kosmet Spring show . . . 900
were cited for academic prowess
at the honors convo . . . Tassels
and Corn Cobs announced new
The Engine College had a busy
week of open house and exhibi
F - R -
. .
with the lilacs in bloom . . .
tion ... 20 new Mortar Boards
were masked on Ivy Day . . .
Innocents tapped 13 for the first
time since 1943 . . . Shirley Hiuds
reigned as May Queen and the
Alpha Phi's and Kappa Sigs won
the sorority and fraternity sings.
Lahr Leaves.
Orchesis presented their spring
modern dance recital ... it was
announced that men's dorms
would be ready for occupancy in
the fall . . . Pat Lahr resigned
as union director . . . Marcella
Slajchert was named ISS dele
gate by the Student Council.
The Publications Board an
nounced that George Abbott
would head the summer Daily
staff . . . also that Jo Ackerman
and Dake Novotny would be
1948 Cornhusker and Rag helms
men . . . and refused to au
thorize publication of a new
magazine, "Cornshucks" to re
place the old Awgwan.
So here we are again, right
back where we started. It's all
history now, so let's have some
B - E
Bcrggren, Lee
For Direction
A bright future in the theater
is in store for Barbara Beiggren
and Henry Lee, senior speech
majors, If Saturday night's pro
duction of "Thunder Rock" is an
indication of their talents of play
direction. What was expected to
be little more than the third and
final production given by the Ac
tors Lab turned out to be one of
the best three act dramas pre
sented on the Temple stage this
Other MeriM.
In addition to its excellence
from a production standpoint
well handled sound effects, skill
ful use of lights, and good timing
there were performances of
high merit turned in by e-very
member in the cast.
Dale Wisser, playing the lead
role of Charleston, the escapist
who finally finds the reason to
bring him back to reality, had
enough power and Intensity to
make his performance dynamic.
Don Johannes, as Serecter,
Charleston's friend who disagreed
with him and acted according to
his own belief that the world is
not doomed, was able to create a
character so real as to make the
audience hardly aware of any
"actor and play" thoughts.
Explosive and Genial.
Despite the explosive utterances
which marked the beginning
speeches of Inspector Flanning,
Carl Booton had the genial gruff
ness and pseudo-crank frame of
mind to make the Inspector a
lovable, even if harassing, char
Don Hall, as Captain Joshua,
the leader of a tiny group of early
19th century pioneers who are,
in the play, nothing more than fig
ments in the mind of escapist
Charleston, gave his usual high
Payment of Fees
for Summer Term
lo Begin June 3
Students who have pre-regis-tcred
for summer school will pay
registration fees June 3 and 4 in
Memorial hall from 8 a. m. to 4
p. m. including the noon hour, ac
cording to G, W. Rosenlof, regis
trar. Those students whose surnames
begin with letters A to L inclusive
will pay their fees Tuesday, June 3
and those from M to Z inclusive
will pay their fees Wednesday,
June 4.
Identification cards must be pre
sented by the student at the time
of payment of fees. Any student
failing to pay fees on the day as
signed will not be permitted to pay
fees until Monday, June 16 and
will then be assessed a late fee.
Veterans must observe the same
rules as to time of paying fees.
Failure to do so will result in a
charge against the individual.
The memo of the month includes the good news that finally the term
is ending . . . long examination days . . . picnics and outings to
take collegiate minds off last minute cramming . . . trunks to pack
. . . fond farewells to classmates and friends . . . and so closes an
other memory-crammed year for UN men and women.
Harvey Brothers extend their heartiest congratulations to the grad
uating seniors and wish you the best of luck in your new careers.
We have enjoyed your patronage during your college years and
will continue to serve your undergraduate classmates with the best
in men's clothing.
Harvey Brothers will continue to bring you news and views of
campus clothing and notes of school events by B. J. Holcomb this
summer and next fall. Have a swell summer!
Take Honors
Of Hit Show
quality elder age charac terization.
Herbert Spence and Jonn mac
Donald both turned in perform
ances which reflected no small
amount of ability as Dr. Stefan
Kurtz and Briggs.
Anger Plus Pessimism.
Marjorie Allen was a charming
and delightful Melanie, and even
her moments of anger and pessi
mism added to, not detracted from,
these characteristics.
D. Ann Richardson had the
strength and vocal power to make
her interpretation of Miss Kirby,
an early crusader and suffragette,
effective and convincing. Gertrude
Page handled the role of the wist
ful Anne Marie with case as did
Richard Espcrgrcn with his duo
roles, Nonny and Chang.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Purple Masque. The four new
members are Barbara Berggren,
Henry Lee, Dean Graunke and
Herb Spence. Based on dramatic
ability, work in the theatre, char
acter and scholarship, the Furple
Masque fs a symbol of high
New members of Nebraska
Masquers initiated at a ceremony
the night preceding the banquet
include Gertrude Cloidt, Richard
Espergren, Rodney Franklin,
Gladys Jackson, William Palmer,
Graduation Cards
Fathers' Day Cards
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th St.
Dance tonight and every night
smooth music for your dancing
in Salt Water
Just a Mile
fc ,
Sunday, May 25, 1947
William Reuler, Al Sage, Tom
Stimpfig und Jim Welch. New
pledges are Jack McDonald, Bev
erly Cummins and Merle Staldcr.
LOST Rllvrr-plated Itonsnn lighter with
"Darby" ennraved on front. Krward If
returned, fall 2-3024.
MEN STUDENTS Board and Room for
Summer Sclon $10 a week. Drown
Palace. 2-3u49 or 2-25B3.
FOR HAI.IC Remington noiseless portnhls. J
Bob Wheeler, 6-40HB.
TWO rl'trrs wanted to Ran Francisco and
lyis AnxHes, California, leaving after-
noon June 6. Call Copenhagen, 4-1166
after 6 p. m.
TWO desire ride to Nevada or California
Call Bhlrley Btanton, 2-1171.
IXHT K-E 10 In. sllda rule, Physic 3 "
textbook, and S rtnn notebook In Hludent
Union (heck room. Reward. Herb ales
mnnn, 2-1448.
TAK KN by mistake from Btudent Union
checkroom: leather notebook and rhyslrs
book. Call 2 (1107. I). Johansen.
i.OBT Weeks and weeks BKO. K and P.
Vetor Bllde Rule In black ease. I still
want It and I'm still offering a reward.
WANTK.D Quiet sleeping and study apt.
Bee Union Office or Dale Meaner. 3-8442.
for three law students next fall. Call
Buckley, Damon or Berkhelmer at 2-7831
PURSE LOBT Brown envelope type In
Union. Please return. The money you
can keep If you are cheap but make no
passes at the Klasaes. Call Janet Nuls
man 2-7371.
RIPE WANTKl) to Cleveland, Ohio. Will
hare expenses. Tel. 3-ohM. Richard
A. Koutnky after 12:00, June 4th.
KOR BALK Practically new Underwood
portable typewriter. Call Bob Brown,
BOOKS, notebooks, and (Classes picked up
In east reading room of library Friday
afternoon. Please return the glasses and
notes. Call 2-2460, Ruas Qorlhey, 2338
T Street.
RIDE wanted to Wichita, Thursday, June
8, after 1 p. m. Will share expenses.
Call 3-6400.
WANTED Ride to New York after June
IS for two students. Cnll 2-6381.
LOST Hcart-slinpcd diamond studded
locket. Marge Wilburn, 27271. Reward.
WANTED YounR teacher attending sum
mer school desires to sublet an apartment
for wife and self for summer. Write
Gene Haugse, 3321 Farnam Street, Oma
ha. '
except Monday. Smooth floor,
West of Lincoln
"" "v