Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, May 8, 1947 Says Here BY TOTTIK FIDDOCK. Exam week approaches, all of ye who have not studied . . . but social life and romance con tinues, and what would we do without courses in love and kisses? : A subtle Gamma Phi pledge is1 busy applying the tricks to Op eration Two-Time . . . don't know how she manages it, but this little gal is going steady with a home- j tewn Romeo and also with a) certain Sigma Nu . . . neither j boy has the vaguest notion that he is not the one-and-only . . J nice trick if you can work it. Dirk Kuril, one of the neatest! boys around, has found a fine ! substitute for a wastebasket . . . while on a picnic last week end j Dick was looking for a place to put an olive seed and spied Mar jfle Sturm on the other side of , the picnic table reclining on a bench . . "Open your mouth, Maree." he howled, and Marire, always willing to oblige, did so,, and Dick tossed the seed in her i direction . . . Marge, in shocked surprise, swallowed it . . . rumor has it that Mr. Kuhl will be awarded the sharpshooter's medal I In the near future. I Been missing a fixture in the corn crib lately? We have the answer . . . Robert (the roue)" Gillan has departed for the west- ern area of the state to dig ditches on a highway construc tion job . . . the old place just, isn't the same, but would be will- I ins to bet that fellow road build ers are finding the job quite live- 1 ly. I A bi other-sister duo made news last week end by accepting and ; giving pins . . . Pee Wee Novotny if sporting the pin of Dick Toren while brother and ivy planter Dake is the new pinmate of John nie Schloss, Pinky Williams, Tay Lewis and an unidentified photographer found the attractions of the pho tography lab a lot more exciting than the Ivy Day ceremonies last Saturday afternoon . . . admitted ly, it's a lot cooler in the dark, but there must have been a bet ter selling point involved. j Some frustrated, un-pinned, un- i engaged, unable to get a date and un-going steady male was heard ; to remark the other day that in order to get a date with Kay Blue, it's necessary to call six weeks in advance, -le a list of credentials and a letter of in-1 tent. It must be worth it. I Classified LOST- Sinfonla pin. Initial JRL. Please notify Joe Loooco, 3-5190. LOST Man'i watrh tn basement of Bessy Hall Thursday. Finder please turn Into Student Union. Reward. LOST-Brown leather billfold in Student t'nlon Frfdnv Finder please call Chuik Roberts, 2-7741. Reward. WILL rnt room for summer, 4 blocks from campus. Call Bruce Snyder. 2-61H7 LOST -Monday, a Phi Psl pin on Ag ram" pus. Kinder please call Walter LonK. 2-4133. LOST Tuesday, Ereen Barker pen in li hiary. U.S. hall or between. 6-1776. VOll your evening recreation (to to Ted'i- Rent-A-BIke, 2Mh A "N". Phone 5-8129 FTt'DKNT wants to sub-lease apt for sum mer only. Call 3-4248. LOST Alpha Phi pin at Ivy-Day cer monies. Name Prlscilla Klage on back. Call 6-29R8. WANTKP - Ride for 3 to Columbia, Mis souri. Leave Saturday noon. May 17th; return Sunday evening. Pay all ex penaes. Call 3-5764 after 6 o'clock. t'OR SALE Typewriter. W. J. Story, U.20 U St. I I LOST-Black raincoat in Crih Saturday, May 3 Reward. Call Carolyn Mutter. 2-775. 1. LOST In lift, Andrews, maroon and Bold Kversharp pencil. Return to Steve Swartz, 1345 R St., 2-3094 P i" Fri., May 9 is COLLEGE NIGHT at MORTON WELLS ff cwspj t0'"' nmm'!'"""u" '"""' mil wu i..Ml. ! i umm j-jLuiwumMi . i.ujlui i mmuin lWI.IWI.UUIllltlLIJllllllUWWUlJllUULU I . .iwwwa- . .. . .. rr..: East and "Chesterfield is by far our Largest Selling Cigarette" Sherman Billingsley's STORK CLUB IN NEW YORK Robert H. Cobb HOLLYWOOD'S BROWN DERBY A .. V vi : i. . S . ill i 11 j . a w. ALL OVER AMERICA CHESTER Fl ELD IS TOPS! West Agree on A-B-C - - $f LA)? Al "",ti TASTING mm i i Tl fTTTT1' 1 lf V" ill U IAVM I ! h tt : WWIIIHHliMIIIIUIMlHIMHI' ft U J I u if N "IXUt mil '1 tnii - i i : t La 'jJ i ' 1 ! ( and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only No Stags 'W' iff ".