- i Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, April 18, 1947 Not That Anyone Doesn't Already Knotv This . . . Twelve week tests are rolling around again, and Professor G that's me) is renewing his Crib ology 902 517 class. A fellow, or girl, who walks into a test of this nature with no "aids is lost, we contend, so now endeavor to delve into this broad subject. The meth ods are various, but the results are the same when done properly, But, some of you people are so crude so crude, when the secret to success is smoothness and de ceptiveness. Remember our well founded motto, "It's not what you know; it's the way you show it." Fair Warning: Now, cribbing isn't easy; but it can be. Most common (and slop piest) is the old system of a hand full of cards or paper. Each paper is numbered, and if too large can be alphabetized. This is not fool proof, though. A friend of mine once had a hand full of notes when an emergensy arose and he raised the proper hand in the ac customed manner for the usual reason, and was caught. A sure-fire method if you are not seated too near the front (the instructor is there), or the back (the proctor), of the class is the saddle shoe method. Girls are es pecially adapted to this method Naturally, the bigger the feet, the more you can crib. Always sit next to a girl with big feet if it is large text. Careful! A wise fellow can fully utilize the skin on his leg between the ankle and the knee if he plays it smart and isn't too hairy. You nonchalantly roll your pantleg up to your thigh, cross your legs, and read. This is especially good for engineers who wish to draw dia grams. In this class, choose a lit tie fat boy; his diagrams aren't as long but have more breadth in which to be accurate. At this point, may it be noted that we are not messing with the small stuff used in daily quizzes, such as watch cases with no watches, insides of slide rules. glass cases, etc. This is a big time operation, these twelve-week jobs! Sounds Easy For either fellows or girls (de pending on the category in which you are placed) who wear sweat- Need a 1 f Just arrived CLARKS handsomely tailored all wool tuxedos ... double breasted one button roll lapels . . . shorts, regular, longs. 45 00 CLARKS Clothec tor Ken Uth O SUu ers, we recommend the modified "hand-note" system. You merely slip the notes into the folds of your sweater, and have only to pick up the edge and glance down But, here is the method we en dorse. Admittedly, we are prej udiced, since it pulled me through navigation in '44. It's good no paper, no embarrassment, no flash or sex you merely write the in formation fin ink. waterproof that is; on your hand, fingers, between the fingers, and on the wrists. This covers a considerable amount of space, unless you are a radio announcer and have short paws for station identification. I'm sorry; I couldn't resist it! Remem ber at all times to keep your hands open and free from perspiration. mat's all lor this lesson. Next lesson comes with final exams. Good luck, friends. Keep cribbing! MOTHER'S DAY CARDS A grand $election for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. YWCA-Will Elect Two New Officers An all-membership meeting of the YW will be held Wednesday, April 23, at 7:15 p. m. in Ellen Smith. Members will elect two officers, secretary and district representa tive, positions which have been vacated by Mary Dye and Ruth Ann Finkle, respectively. Seven seniors are to be honored for serv ice in the community and for creative and generous service to the YWCA. Shirley Sabin is chairman of the arrangements, and Sue Lein binger is in charge of the music. BULLETIN COSMOPOLITAN CLUB. Nominations for officers will be made at the Cosmopolitan club meeting Saturday, April 19 at 4 p. m. in Union 315, Pres. Estelita Soldanha announced to day. CORNHUSKER. All $3.00 partial payments for the 1947 Cornhusker must be paid to Dean Skokan, business manager, by 5 p. m. this after noon. LUTHERAN SERVICES. Lutheran chapel services will be held Sunday at 10:45 a. m. in room 315 of the Union. Rev. WITH POTATO CHIPS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FROM 7:00 P. M. TO 12:00 P. M. BILL MEItlBITirS CAFE Just Phone 2-4470 II. Erck will base his sermon on "It Is the Lord." Cornhusker Countryman. Copies of the April Issue of the Countryman are available at the Countryman office in the Ar Union. AG EDITOR. The Ag Editor and Cornhus ker Countryman offices ha've been moved to Room 1 in the Ag Union. Office hours will be posted in the Union. osGOODo 25 SHAVES YOU FOR 3 MONTHS I null ff0' "' ( f""l 'Mliwlf . mm?- sh M J UL u 8 S 1 id nnfflwM J n n i ii ii it it ii ii ii i r i i i LEJUUULiUL'iJ U ULU i.