Paae 3 l'HE DAILY NEBRASKAN YM Seminar Filings Open To Students Univ YMCA urces stu dents t application at once for atte. ie Student Indus trial Semi,., .o be held in Min-neapolis-St. Paul. June 15-Aue. 23 according to secretary, Mildred i ayior. Applications may be secured from Miss Taylor and Gordon Lip pitt. The deadline for application is May 15, with early applications receiving prior consideration. The Seminar, now is in its third year, includes men and women college students who want to un derstand the complexities of an in dustrial community and who want to know how to work out its problems. Students are employed fulltime in Twin Cities industrial firms at standard pay rates. They live in a college dorm and par ticipate in three informal study sessions, trips, talks, and other ac tivities each week. Students are given aid in securing their em ployment. The Droiect. which is snonsnred by the National Student Councils of the YM and YW, has openings for both men and women students regardless of race or creed. Clar ence Elliott, North Central Area Student Secretary of the YMCA will serve as director of the project. Cross Campus A freshman sociology course on dating started last week at Bowl ing Green University. Dr. Sam- . uel Lowrie, chairman of the so ciology department and teacher, says ne Deneves this is the first time any college has offered a credit course devoted primarily to dating. He believes that com munities should organize to en ' courage dating. He considers it a normal element in social de velopment, and a large factor in the personality growth of the in dividual. He is writing a text book on dating problems and encouraging the establishment of similar courses in other univer sities. Walter. Walter, a pne-pound pigeon, is the current pride of the Indiana University psychology depart ment. With his beak Walter plavs four differently colored kiys which play a tune. When he plays seven notes in proper se quence, he is rewarded by a bag oi seed. Walter is under study of such behaviorial processes as learning, punishment, motivation ana discrimination. Expenses. The average coed spends about SZ98 for her wardrobe each year, aecordinr to an inventory con ducted in a home ec class at Mac alester (St. Paul, Minn.) College. Survey results showed that the averare investment for an nir wardrobe, including clothes from previous years, totaled about 9974. Sweaters were the most popu lar costume preferred by the co ed, each of whom owned from five to 20. Coeds owned from four to 22 pairs of shoes. Syracuse. "The Borscht & Potatoes" is a newly-formed literary society made up of students interested in all types of writing at Syracuse University. Despite its title, the society is "a serious endeavor" and members are considering publishing an anthology of the best woks of its members. Joe College being the wheel Is the greatest threat to public safety on the road, according to an Asso ciated College Press dispatch re leased last week. Insurance com panies, ACP reported, shy away from college men who drive cars to school. One underwriter told a Washington UniversHy student, "I know you collegians, you speed madly, habitually in an alcoholic fog, ogling pretty girls, pleating fenders, and running down sweet old grandmothers, just for the sport of it," The University of Miami Is en gaging in a genuine campus beau tificiat ion program. Now un der construction is a IVt ncre man-made lake which will be sur rounded by a student union build ing, soda shop, band 6hell and dance patio. Religi ous Net vs Thursday, March 27. lop L. S. A. Lenter Vespers Pastor Peterson will conduct the fifth in a series of Lenten Vespers sponsored by the Lutheran Stu dent association this evening at o'clock in Parlors X and Y of the Union. His theme will be "Salva tion, the Accomplishment of the Cross." The LSA choir will sing, University Episcopal Church Rev. L. W. McMillin, Priest in Charge, has announced the sched ule of services for Holy Week and Easter. A complete schedule will be carried by the Daily Nebraskan at a later date. Gamma Delta. Prof. L. C. Wuerfell of Con cordia Teachers college, Seward, Neb., will conduct the Gamma Delta discussion Thursday, March 27, 7:15 p. m.'. in the Temple YMCA room. Baptist Students. Marreid Baptist students will have a "pot luck" supper Satur day evening, March 28, at 6 p. m. Couples will meet at the Baptist Student Center, under the direc tion of Miss Marie Collins. Members of the Roger Williams Fellowship will conduct a bowling party Saturday, March 28, at 8 p. m. The group will meet at the Baptist Student House, and will Gamma Lambda Announces List Gamma Lambda, varsity band fraternity, recently announced the pledging of the following men Tom Bauer, Vaughn Gaddis, Her man Hansen, Henry Jones, Ken neth Nix, Walter Palmer, Kent Tiller. James Welsh and Karl Zimmerman. return immediately after for re freshments. Recervations for both affairs are desired. Inter Varsity. Meeting time has been changed for the remainder of the semes ter. The new meeting time is 7:30 p. m. on Thursdays in room 313, Student Union. Tonights meeting will include panel discus sion on s,The Dual Nature of Christ," led by Phil Gustafson. Vespers The Union's electric Hammond organ will be played as part of the Vesper workship program today for the first time. Hereafter it will be a regular part of the ves pers program, with David Evans as organist The mediation speaker today will be the Rev. Lewis M. Hale. His topic will be "What Is Truth" and will deal with the significance of Christ's trial before Pilate. As sisting him will be Lola "Todd" Everingham. Vespers will be held in parlors XYZ of the Union today at 5, as the fifth is a series of six Lenten services. Macbeth' ... (Continued from Page 1.) ence, and one of these was the scene with Lady Macbeth after he had murdered Duncan. Blanche Duckworth, as Lady Macbeth, played her role with a great deal of eloquence, but 6he lacked the variety of vocal pitch to make Lady Macbeth as bold and as resolute as she tempor arily is. Force could not do it alone. The sleep walking scene showed Miss Duckworth at her best, and the audience, which was gradually becoming restless after too long a sitting, quieted to hear her reveal her self-betraying thoughts while in troubled sleep. Dean Graunke. as . Banquo, proved himself to be the best Shakespearean actor on the stage. His lines were delivered with ease and fullness of voice and ac tion, suitable to his interpreta tion. Only on one incident, was oraunke s performance not con vincing. When stabbed by one of the three, beastly murderers, Graunke's fall to the ground was done far too smoothly to convince the audience that a knife blade between the ribs was the cause of it all. Playing a drunken porter. Dave Andrews easily stole his par ticular scene. His lines were in cidental, his tottering, though nimble, walk up and down the Nu Metis Dr. George W. Covey wi speak -at the Nu-Med dinnl. meeting Wednesday, Ap n Members wishing to attend the dinner who did not n?r chase tickets at the last ing should sign the roll t rT Otis Wade's office in 308 sey hall before noon today?" Donald Hall as Duncan, th. propnate mellowness and a 5 voice suitabe to the charlcte? but his snwvhoc ,,... .leS muffled an das a consequent the audience missed the line7 Jack Wenstrand as MacDuff and Joe Moore n r showed the of their parts. Westrand held vviuir Willi th lines that followed his beine in! formed that his wife and child are killed. EASTER CARDS A grand selection for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. i - ( when you smoko PHILIP iiionois! r ft i ff l: v. f CLEAN, FRESH, America's ffllffl Cigarette! First smoke in the morning or last one at night flavor's ALL yourst when you smoke Philip Morris! And here's why . . . There's an important difference in Philip Morris man ufacture that makes Philip Morris taste better-mo better -because it lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your complete enjoyment clean, fresh. Pure! Try Philip MoRRis-you, too, will agree that Philip MORRIS is America's FINEST Cigarettef ill J U Li 0 Mr 1 11 j Lr 0 gram fZ ' P x& Am i "m' ' f ' lso j Q 0 " " i'm o r iu -w -, f yv: I ITT "- 1(11 I lltw ' fPPa J ft a di x pril : " " J " i Kstud 1 fields : if Bounced I ff 'U be - fr ill be I I : the d if : w , II IE if it 1 I if i I I l I M r 5 S 4 k MM: MM, UK M I 9 ' n. y ii i iij i i ii v s AlvyAYS BETTER... BETTER ALL WAYS He Krv. 1;n and Nthatt; Ii Infi. 4 along , 'Sard to re deve Nlion, funtries r'uiactu &m si V Can In koui