The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1947, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
Sunday, MarcH 16, 1947
' Corner
hi Sam Warren
Student opinion columns of the
Daily Nebraskan, such as Lcttcrip,
may be used to discuss "politics"
subject to the editor's discretion,
as provided for in the Judiciary
Committee's interpretation re
leased after last fall's class offi
cer election.
Class officer elections will be
held the ninth Tuesday of the
fall semester exclusive of regis
tration period, if the revision is
ratified, instead of the third Tues-
At Its weeklv meetine last day as Presently called lor. irus
Wednesday, the Student Council mv was made so that parties
okayed the revisions of its own "ay have adequate time to or
constirution drawn up by a spe- gani" to nominate class officers
cial committee. According to the and so that general interest may
standing institution, before re- be greater. Three weeks is so
visions pan be nresented to the short a time before elections that
student body in a general election, many officer elections have been
the nronnsal must tao nassprt hv neia iaier man mis aaie ana
two-thirds of the Council.
Wednesday's session marked the
fourth time that the Council has
thereby were actually illegal.
The dates between which the
considered tho revisions in nart wv""a
".t- eoL-l12nf: lvR?.n would be shortened by the re-
or in whole. Striving to achieve
as much simplicity and clanty as
visions, making it impossible for
oofKio 4u nii that annual election to be held as
revision for the first time today. fte " "ay lit. and encouraging
Major changes affect rules for " w " fJLJT
election campaigning for which
the revisions establish a special
committee, time of holding elec
tions, membership of the Judici
In line with its efforts to in
crease election interest, the com
mittees revision Includes pro-
ary Committee, and Council offi- v,!sin "Daily Nebraskan
cers. Altho the campus response f.ha" Publish on the regular pub-
this semester to the advent of UM.uun VP n eiecuon
spring elections has not substanti- fn. paruai eiecuon eoiuon con-
ated the Council's opinion that tammf hhcJ ol all candidates
interest would run high in this and of a Political parties." The
year's elections, the Council feels here ? to assure students
that by enlarging and clarifying -; uvqune
election rules, political interest knowledge of a candidates qual
and participation in future years cations before they go to the
will be stimulated. i0
Consisting of four members, the A revision of Article VIII en
Election Publicity Committee will lages the Judiciary Committee to
be. chaired by a member of the nine members thru the addition
standing Elections Committee and of three junior members and one
will decide each year the number senior-at-large. Serving a double
oi posters eacn pariy ana inai- purpose, the change enables jun
vidual may display, the respective iors to be experienced Judiciary
limits being six and four, and will Committeemen the following
puDiisn campaign rules - ai leasi year, and gives the committee a
one month prior to a spring elec- more representative decision-
tion. making voice
rosters. I An alteration in Article V
These publicity posters are to makes it impossible for future
De nand-painted only, and tio Councils to choose their secretary
printed, mimeographed, typed or and treasurer from others than
otherwise mechanically printed hold-over members. Custom now
material, nor hand bills, in behalf has it that all four officers shall
of any candidate or party shall be be hold-over members.
permitted. This decision came
after much discussion which en
tertained all possibilities of pub
licity including "wide open" cam
paigning. Firmly rejecting hand
bills as being of little persuasive
value but rather a great menace
to campus order, the Council fur
ther outlawed printed material of
any kind.
Hand-painted posters were de
cided upon as the best vote-getters
and at the same time as limi
tations to publicity excess. The
phrase "upon presentation of con
clusive evidence" was added to
the present rule, "Any candidate
violating these rules either in per
son or through his supporters
shall thereby become ineligible."
Junior - Senior Prom
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