L Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN BY BILL CAMPBELL. January is the big month for exams but February will find Bob Deitemeyer and Jean Stevens walking down the niste to the tune of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." Congratulations! Taking advantage of the calm before the storm, exams that is, are the Betas, who will have their formal Saturday night with such twosomes as Nancy Mines and Jack Cressman, Nancy Watkins and Curt Hasselbach, Barb Cy preansen with Bill Shamberg, and Donna Kiechel with Jack Clem mcns. Grace Swanson will be there with her usual escort, Don Duncan. reepiac Toms, Female Peeping Toms have en tered the private lives of several Sigma Nus living out in the city. The main attraction seems to be Lee Farmer, who, of late, has been beating the women off with a rlub. Betty Jo Fidel returned from her vacation in North Platte with a diamond ring given to her by Punk." She plans to leave school at the end of the semester to work, and will be married in June. Alene Cooper and Maurine Ev nen have succeeded in convincing Harold Grossman and Stan Kess ler, respectively, that they sre more than a passing fancy and now sport diamond rings from the bo vs. Altho Tish "Gardner is going steady with Bob Edwards Omaha, she finds time to give Lee Knight her personality while on . -,t- VVrKn rat's awav ..." The Betas have sent out an ur gent request that Ellie Swanson ulease make up her mind about which one she is going to decide upon. Ronnie "The Snipe' Samuel son has been getting many letter from a gal in Denver. The letters are reputed to be edged in blue and Ron plans to fly out there at. soon as exams are over It looks like Jean Metzger is really playing the field since she stopped going steady with 10m NjM She was seen coking in the Crib the other day with the supposed steady of another wom an T' is can lead to mayhem, gal 0- . JN. 4 J -. f If f- Two Dances Load Union Weekend Activities Parade 9 Union activities this week end will include two dances, an, or chestra concert, and the usual cof fee hour. Jean Moyer's orchestra "will play for dancing in the ballroom from 9 to 12 Saturday evening, and a juke box dance wffl be held through the same hours Friday. Sunday at 4 p. the univer sity orchestra will present a con cert in the ballroom, followed by coffee in the lounge from 5 to 6". Friday, January 10, 1947 Vetcr-Ann Dinner Tickets Available Tickets ,for the Veter-Anns dinner to be held" Jan. 16 at 6 p. m. in Parlor X of the Union are now available and may be obtained from Margaret Stegman or Clara Pappas. Tentative arrangements for a guest speaker from a local fashion store have been made. Tickets will cost 85 cents. Gary Cooper had to crack and eat a pound of hazel nuts for scenes in the C. B. DeMille epic of pre-RevoIutionary America, "Un-conquered." 1 V v I Announcement has been made of th armm-whina ri t Miss Janet Sherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sherwood, to L. Edwin Shurtleff, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Shurtleff. Miss Sh'er- wooa, a university graduate, is a member of Pi Beta Phi and P. E. O. A Kappa Sigma. Mr. Shurtleff is enrmloved at Nfhi-acira. Mnni Life Insurance company. ' Courtesy Lincoln Journal. PLAN A CAREER IN RETAILING One-year Course for College Graduate Prepare to step into a responsible cxecntive position m the retailing field: buying, advertising, fashion, personnel. Specialized training." exclusively (or col lege graduates, coders merchandising, personnel management textiles, store organ izstio. sales promotion, and all phases of tnrc activity. Realistic ap proach under store-trained faculty. CI;tsMs are combined with paid stre work. Students are usually placed be fore graduation. Co-eduratitnaL Mas ter's degree. Four full-tuition scholar ships available. Limited enrollment. rite for Bureau Bulletin C. FSfJtCH IUKIAU fOt UTAH TtAIHtUB WIVEBOTY Of PITTUflCM Piaster IX, Pi Ahead of Sprin LOVES Classified AM .IrrinK to Kearncv 4 P M. Frt. Any 0 owmnnf to ni contact J-4SA9 a 1 .! iJ. M. I.on P. Jelken, l.ioO P. fjO.-T -A rM U. S. Navy charm br;.el.-i i f ween nr Hhrary and nr- sry msm K- i. al Rewanl. Call 2-79iA. 1V to fitl 8isr M to 4 Good cor.ili t on. Call Gerald Katlinl. .V9448. i.O.- Ijxhri Colraa watch. Ph. 5-6921 10 : i-ALK -li4 Cuantr.an acooirr in A-l fh.irc Call 2-.T097. Wtirred Noting. I - i - I 1 1 Ti A! ' f:M f' 1 1 m HMffl by LYNBROOK VALENTINES A grarul selection for your approval COLDENROD Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street m rf I PLAID 'm PLAIN by Lynkrooh ... plmid Kimgkmm enmjtimrj tcith black tpun ray nm dtirU Sie 12 t IS. 8.95 Orchestra 9 to 12 Milnitr SAT., JAN. 11 Union Ballroom 4 Ic per pcrwa C4YDF STRIPE Vy 1 lyikraM . . . a I cl attic coal-drett In m fine Dan River rot ton, Sic$ 12 fa 38. QJOS CINCHAM CIRI. by Lynbrook . . . pattrl plaid cotton by Dan River ... buttoned down the m f r on U Sit 10 to 20. 7M THIRD FLOOR 4 I -v