The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, December 19, 1946
X. .
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Hanson Elected Head
Of Weed Controllers
Noel Hanson, agronomist In
charge of weed control research
at the college of agriculture, was
elected president of the North
Central Weed Control Conference
at the third annual meeting In
Des Moines last week.
The conference, which was or
ganized at Omaha in 1944, in
cludes representatives from 13
north central states, hree Cana
dian provinces and Dominion ex
perimental farms.
" The objective of the conference
Is to bring about consciousness of
varied weed problems existing in
this region, and to act as a me
dium of exchange for experi
mental results between investiga
tors thru correspondence, sec
tional tours, and annual meetings.
The Conference hopes to bring
about closer ties among research.
educational and regulatory phases
of weed control.
As a result of only two years'
work by the Conference's research
committee, which has carried on
experiments with 2-4-D and di
nitro compounds, a long list of
weeds has been qualified as to
susceptibility to the chemicals.
They have found 2-4-D the most
effective for elimination of lawn
weeds such as dandelions, buch
horn, plantain, and yellow trefoil
without serious injury to the grass.
Mr. Hanson, a graduate of the
University of Minnesota joined the
Nebraska research staff in 1940.
He has been given national recog
nition as result of his work in
weed control research and eradica
tion campaigns in Nebraska.
Politics Tilt the headlines this
week with Harold E. Stassen mak
ing his first bid for the republican
presidential nomination in 1948
and Ohio's Senator John Bricker
making a faux pas by the minute
and, according to the boys in the
know, killing any chances he ever
had for the high office.
Stassen, speaking at a news con
ference, said he would attempt a
'definitive, constructive and pro
gressive program" aimed at steer
ing the GOP on a "truly liberal
path." This news, greeted by
some as premature, served notice
on the party old guard that the
former Minnesota governor had no
idea of letting the political lead get
away from him.
Accused of affronting: good taste
with his vehement attack on Presi
dent Truman, Bricker's appear
ance at a Washington football din
ner Is said to have been a flop.
After deriding the president for
his part In the recent campaigns,
Ohio's fair-haired senator-elect
shocked the traditionally sporting
minded Washington group by
poking fan at Troman'i loss of
his own state.
The previous night had seen
Bricker putting his foot in his
mouth at an Ohio State Alumni
association dinner with the spar
kling comment that "Ohio State
university, like other universities,
is indoctrinated with un-American
philosophy. Evidently no one had
told John that it isnt Postetti
quette to say naughty things about i
a group's alma mater in front of
the group.
Now the republicans have some
one who can give Harry a run for
his money.
John Lund has learned about
old type iairplanes as a result of
the Broadway star's first two
Hollywood pictures. Currently he
has been at the controls of a 1916
Jenny plane in Paramount's
"Perils of Pauline" and prior to
taht he took over the cockpit
of a World War I DeHavilland
fighter in "To Each His Own"
WiU Close
AT 7:00 P. M., THURS.. DEC 19
for cm Employees' Christmas Party
1:00 P. M., Friday, December 20
Athletic Booh
Lists Unusual
Name as Sport
A copy of the Intramural Rules
and Events for 1946-47 happened
to fall into our hands the other
day. Happened to fall into our
hands after we had spent some
three hours hunting high and low
f6r it, that is. We finally found
it over in the corner under a pile
of old pulp magazines.
Turkey Race Rales.
tAs we perused it, one page in
particular caught our attention.
I'was a list o ' thletic contests
running from the Turkey Race
(open only to turkeys with sopho
more standing) to the perennial
favorite Football A and Football
B" (the difference is based on
some obscure formula involving
blood types and cephalic indices).
The one sport about which we
think much more, howeyer, is the
one in big block letters at the
bottom of the list SEXTATHA
LON. We are not quite sure what
sextathlon involves, but the name
The Interfraternity Council
will have its regular monthly
meeting today In room 35 of
the Union at 5 p. an., accord
ing to Dick Folda, president.
All members are wrged to attend.
is intriguing. We were well aware
that such things have been going
on about the campus, but we
never realized that it had official
sanction from the university au
thorities. And we certainly never
knew that it was a team sport.
Vespers Finishes
Christmas Series
Last program of Vespers Christ
mas season will be presented to
night at 5 p. m. in Union room
"Prince of Peace" is the theme
for the meditation and musical
background. Gwen Taylor, pian
ist, will accompany Opal Stein
hauscr's solo, "Angel Serenade."
John Hodiak is teamed with
Paramount's new sultry beauty,
Lizabeth Scott, in the Hal Wallis
film, "Desert Fury."
--- -- .irKr-
- ... a.,
"f? VV I
I i I
man obout town
. . . the Christmas gift that's
' right wherever he goes. A
handsome billfold in fine
Gahna Morocco, or saddle
leather (calfskin) .. .a wonder
of workmanship and design
with its famous Registrar
photo-pass case. He's going to
be proud, for it's a
Prince Gardner
$5 $7.50
girl obout town
...with a Christmas gift of
year-round use, an elegant
billfold that's a beauty to hold,
a beauty to have in her purse
or pocket. Morocco, lizard
grained calf, pigskin, or Viny
lite plastic patent Black, red,
green, brown, navy, tan. Some
body's going to be kissed, for
it's a
Princess Gardner
ft mWi
c 00
wKrwi or TMt
1 2a ' ra.
fnf FUtnUhlngt, Fir Floor
Cotyn;li! 10 14 by Emuii f Inc. tl H. Michigan Avtnve. Chicago II, In.
"' equipped with ra dnr to spot uolve'