J Wednesday, December 18, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKA N 'B'TeamWins Preliminary Over Norfolk In their first game against out side competition the University of Nebraska B team hung up a 58 to 17 defeat on Norfolk Junior College Tuesday night at the Col iseum. Altho the score was more than doubled on the out-staters, it does not tell the superiority of the Nubbins. Coach Tony Sharpe used 26 players in the rout, and each quintet that he inserted main tained a noticeable edge on the boys from Norfolk. Anton Iawry, lengthy center, sent the Huskers into a lead in the first moments of the gamr with his only bucket of the eve ning, and thereafter Norfolk never threatened. By halftime the score had risen to 17-7. i Fender tried to put the visitors J back into the game with several j long archers but he soon cooled j off and Norfolk's only serious bid i came to an end. Srhleiger Tops. Dick Schleiger potted three baskets during his few minutes of play to once more lengthen the Nubbins lead, and from there on out it was all Nebraska Nebraaka B. Arm, f Wright, f I -awry, c Roblnon. g . . . Van Burgh, ( , Hrb, c Denker, g Rice, f Bleterman, g Simpaon, f ... Simpaon, w fK ft pf t 0 0 0-0 10 12 0 1 0-0 0-1 11 0-0 0 0 0-0 D. Hchleiger, c S 0-0 S Mllliken, f 1 1-1 1 Haler, t 0 0-1 0 Meglnnia 0 1-2 1 Swanaon. g 0 1-2 J B. Schleiger. c 0 1-1 0 Knatieliiy, K 1 1-1 0 Busakohl, ( 0 0 0 1 Williams,' g 2 0-2 0 Dietrich, f 0 0-0 1 Bauer, e 1 0-0 0 Berquiat 0 0-0 0 0 Pufphey, f 0 0-0 1 Creed, f 0 0-1 1 Wenke, g 0 0-0 0 Vacant!, g 0 0-0 0 Tot a la Norfolk 3. C. Carney, f Huiggena, f 14 10 21 17 38 fK ft pf tp .0 0-0 1 0-2 2 2 Montgomery, c 2-4 5 2 Fender, g Greckel, g , ODonnel, c Peteraon, g r.lmbel, f Severln, c Harkradrr, g 1-g 2 C-2 3 2 0-2 1 0-0 0-1 0- 0 1- 1 Taylor, t 0 0-2 Weitlng, e 0 1-2 Dudley, c 0 0-1 Smith, g 0 0-0 Tolala I S 22 18 17 Theatre (Continued From Page 1.) the group and combined the spirit of good will with her desire to please the audience. Dale Wisser as the lackadaisi cal Pierrot and Tom Stimpfig as the pompous and rather overbear ing Harlequin deftly handled the cleverly written plot. The gay and managing Papa Pantaloon was portrayed by Bill Reuter with the necessary bravado. Carol Johnson as Scaramouche gave the role sympathy and understanding in her solliloquy to the audience Rex Coslar's capable direction of a well chosen cast provided the smoothest production of the eve ning. St. Mary's (Continued from Page 1.) ond half as he provided some faicy ball-hawking. Retherford came to life late in the game after being held to a lone field goal daring the first 39 minntes of Play. The Gaels, traveling by plane, A failed to arrive in Lincoln until 7:45, delaying the game until 9:00. Intramural wrestlers filled in the time until the basketball teams were ready to go. , Nebraska's next game will be a home encounter with the Uni versity of Minnesota on Dec. 23 at the coliseum. Tuesday night's box score: ST. MART'S Kudelka, t Oalvin, t fg . 7 . 1 Livingston, c 3 Burke. K 10 Im. g (GC) 0 flperry, f 3 Dalton, t 0 Greenwood, c ......... 0 Haegier, g 0 Rial, g 2 Totala 26 NEBRASKA fg Shields, t ............ 2 Retherford, t 4 McArthur, e ........... S Brown, (GC) 2 Loiael, g 0 Means, f .............. 0 Cerv, g 3 Anderson, g 0 ft 2-4 0-1 0-0 2-3 0-1 0-3 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-7 ft 1-2 1-1 4-9 1-2 4-11 -e 3-7 0-0 f pta 3 16 3 2 5 6 2 22 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S 20 58 t pta o 2 4 22 5" 5 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 19 54 JO Soore ft, hjktf:. Nebraska 21. fit Wary' a St. Score tot " end of remil&tion came jaary's - Nebraska 46. Officials: Cornie Collin, Creigbtoa: Jerry Roseaberger, Omaha. 9 J!r no- FR filGRATEO V -aam V C I CK. INDIANA. F TROD THC PIAPLEI AT kTLLIOJ FIVE WHERE NaT EARNED HIGH-SCORING HONORS IN THE ALL-STAR SERVICE LEAGUE? CAPLET FORWARD SERVTD WITH THE AW IKITUr XOi ITU Dflrinr . Uie tury: Marvin Grimm Leads A ttackon SwimMarks With the intramural swimming finals coming up today, swimming coach Hollie Lcpley announced the results of Monday's and Tues day's strenuous qualifying rounds. The most notable achievement of the day was made by Marvin Grimm, independent, who broke three intramural records: the 220 yard free style, formerly held by Bob llarse, A TO: the 50 yard free style, formerly held by II. Rath burn, Phi Kappa Psl, and the 100 yard free style also held by Rath burn. The last two records had stood since 1931. while Harse broke the 100 yard record only last year. Grimm's times were. In order, 2:37, :24.4. :58.8. On Tues day be lowered the 100 yard rec ord still further to :S7.7. Other record breakers were Jim Waters, Phi Gamma Delta, who lowered the 100 yard breast stroke from 1:22 to 1:17.7, and Bill Fenton, independent, who brought the 100 yard back stroke mark down from 1:18.8 to 1:11.4. Today's Schedule. Lopley also announced the schedule for the runoff of these finals. The schedule is very exact and should be noticed carefully. The diving competition will begin at 4:10. Next comes the 150 yard Medley Relay at 5:00. The 220 yard free style occurs at 5:15, the 50 yard ree style follows at 5:23. the 100 yard breast stroke at 5:28. the 100 yard back stroke at 5:35, the 100 yard free style at 5:42. The 220 yard relay will end the events at 5:50 p. m. The record for this last event is held by the ATO's. with a mark of 2:00 made last year. Finalists for today's events: - 2t Yard Pre Style. (23 original entriea: Grimm. Independ ent: Hr, Alpha Tail Omega : Becker, Independent: Kveron. Sigma Nu: Ruaaell, Phi Delta Theia; Wiggana, Farm Houaa, Yard Free Style. (48 original enlrleal: Grimm. 1ndepend tnt; Branch. Phi Kappa Pal; rlllmea. Sla ms Nu; Sohoehitr Phi Delta Thrta: Sohenhurg. Beta Theta Pi; Allen. Phi Delta Theta IM Tar4 Hreaat ttroke. (29 original entrleai: Watera Fhl Gam ma Delta; Hem?. WiKma Alpha Kpellon; Klienkaul. PK Chin; Grrrnherg. Zeta Beta Tau: Martin. Delta lpailnn: Potter. Phi Delta Theta. lft TaH Raek Stroke. (27 original entrieO: Fenton. Independ ent; Oehlrich. Delia Upailon ; Blain. Theta. XI; Kinrie, Sigma Alpha Knailnn: Huston, Phi Delta Theta: Miner, Sigma Nu. Ifte Yard tree Style. (38 original entries i: Grimm. Independ ent; Branch. Phi Kappa PM: Draper. In dependent Alien. Phi Delta Tliela: Con nell,' Sigma Alpha Kpailon; Meyera, Sigma Alpha Kpailon. There will be four heats in both the medley relay and the relay. 1,1 H r The American FootMI. Coaches Associatioiii Selects the Alt-AMEK! For the second successive year the Post is privileged to bring you the All American Team picked by the men best qualified to judge the football coaches themselves. This selection appears exclusively in The Saturday Evening Post. It repre sents the combined judgment of nearly 600 college football coaches from every section of the country. , These are the experts who have seen practically every college football game as reported by Richard C. Harlow President, American Football Coachet Anso- eiacion; Head Coach, Harvard Univenif CmWM 1 . .who have studied at close hand every promising player . . .who, week by week during the season, have slowly and care fully separated the outstanding stars from the also-rans. Now these top authorities having restudied their own reports and com pared notes are ready with their choice for the best football players of 1946. It's in the Post today along with a second and third team and a thorough analysis of the selections ... v. I'- I I n I 'A i n : t t . t-. - i w 5 U :' i. r. '.I v