Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, December 17, I94S HaqqsudL fcdqsidu BY TAT TOOF. Crib notes picked up from booth-hopping in the Union bring to light various newsbits possibly not heard before . . . Understand muscle-bound jour nalist, Jerry Jacupke, has an other unidentified admirer, a sweet young thing in bobby sox ana neeis who was overheard in tnghsh class murmuring, "but he's so-o-o-o cute!" The Phi Gams say that Norrie Anderson has been receiving a number of airmail special deliver ies since his return from Cali fornia. This undoubtedly does not meet with the approval of a cer tain little Alpha Phi . . . namely Georgie Withers. What strange attraction the punch had for the fellows and their dates at the Sig Ep house party Saturday night No one seems to know who attended . . . the invariable answer is, "Sorry, it was too dark." New Steady Combinations. "Gung" steady seems to be routine on campus lately . . . Marianne Srb and Bill Kiefer joined the throng Sunday night, an affair which has been build ing up to this point for quite some time. Al Casev took a ston further and hung his ATO pin Desiae Meredith Bowhay's Theta kite last weekend . . . also, it's oeing wnispered about that Bill Lear is debating the same idea witn tine Lykke. Pat Feleer found it hard tn make the decision, but has finally agreed to constant dating with narvey airoua. For filler, we extend our sym pathies to Tom Noble, who suf fered injuries over the weekend Faculty Men Plan to Attend Ohio Meeting Thru nnivprcitv cfaff mAmKAre 6ean Nels A. Bengston, Dr. Leslie Hewes and Chester F. Cole will discuss geographic problems at the joint meeting of the National Council of Geography Teachers, the American Society for Prn fessional Geographers and the As sociation or American Geograph ers to be held in Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 27 to 31. Dean Bengston, who will serve as chairman of a section of the joint meeting, will sneak on "Geo graphy "Aspects of Pump Irri gation on Nebraska Loess Plain in Relation to Subsurface Physiography." "A Summarv of a Snrvv nf Dissertations in Geography," will be Dr. Hewes' tooic. and Mr. Cole will present a paper on 'Factors Relative to Settlement in the Columbia Basin Reclama tion Project. Other faculty members nlan- ning to attend the conference are Dr. E. E. Lackev. Dr. Esther S Anderson and Byron Barton. McKay, Carey Capture Third Bridge Contest Kay McKay and Jack Carey were the winning team in the third contract bridge tournament sponsored b ythe Union this year Runner-up team was Walter Wolf- ert and Orville Schmieding. Eigh teen tables, nairinff 3fi tamc nr ticipated in the tournament held last Saturday. In January a fourth tournament will be held which will he an invitational tournament with only . Classified WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS, QUICK SERV- DEMOCRATS! Help needed in orcaniz- lnR the new. liberal Lanrastcr County Young Democrats. Phone Donald Morrow, 5-8108. FOR SALE Now Mapnavox radio phono- lfraph.riBinaJjacn:R;hone3-l!,40 COUPLE driving o Houston. Texaior noiioaya. to buick. Take two passenger. LOST Alpha Xi Delta pin chained to Kappa Sigma pin. Reward. Call I-fiOSS. RIDERS WANTED to and from Maryl vuie. ai. josepn. Kansas city and Chtl licothe. Mo. Leaving Saturday morn-inc- Charles Powell. 3-7193. the top scoring teams of the pre vious tournaments to compete. From this tournament which will be run in duplicate style, the four best teams will be chosen to rep resent the university in the Inter collegiate Bridge Tournament this spring. The last advanced contract bridge class this semester will be held in the Union room 813 at 4:00 p. m., Thursday, December 19 with Dale Ball artinc instructor. Gamma Lambda, Band Fraternity, Pledges Seven Gamma Lambda, honorary ba.vl fraternity, pledged seven men, in cluding Bob Diers, Gerald Morris, Phil Frederickson, George Flebbe, Bill Kelly, Norman Todenhoft, and Lee Kjelson, at a recent meet ing. All pledges must have com pleted 2 semesters of band and have registered for a third se- mester. STUDENT UNION CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR ALL STUDENTS Free Dance Jean Mover Orchestra 7:30 p. m. to 10:15 p. m. in Ballroom Free Movie, ""here Do We Co From UertV In Technicolor, with Fred MacMurraj 7:00 and 9:00 p. m., in XYZ Caroling in the Lounge, 8 to 10 p. m. Free Cokes and Brownie in Union Hall TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 AT THE UNION ir 10:30 Kght for All Coeds! XMAS CARDS Pert finalized or Plain AlUAUke or Aorted Goldenxod Stationery Store 215 North 14 GIFT WRAP Teg. Seal and Rihhnn. Fancy and Clear Scotch Tape Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St. o jmufi when you stnoko Lir IS.) r. jpbsiup ramosf j' V CC'V I ' r t ' ' J h am&JIEJzriZ it Trtnnirwiinmiim n iiri'Vii'mi'i'i r'-" - ""---"n"!? lw"'ll!''U'"ili ,1"" All Ik. nal . tf I O y 1 ?rfe 'Sk8&g&!m V r.-t m t y.-iW-ji t - M ie it it i f it at i r . . vi i i . . , -. - x ' i it, i B it ii ii i it li i - l It 21 , ii 1 I i f 1 S w 1 I 1 I I lit 1 rN I i 7 I J I it IE 1 III & ' .3 W UUSIN I u)fnn?( i I L America's FINEST Cigarette! There's an important difference in Philip Morris manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your com plete enjoyment clean, fresh, pure! That's why the flavor's ALL yours when you smoke ' Philip Morris! That's why Philip Morris taste better smoke better all day long! No wonder that with millions of smokers everywhere, Philip Morris is America's FINEST Cigarette! mm Jewelem Co o 4J uuu ALWAYS BETTER-BETTER ALL WAYS o STRtT