I t u Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Frickry, December 131 X3 Huskers Beaten In First Round Gf Tournament Losing out to the towering Uni versity of Arkansas team, the Huskers were defeated 57 to 46 in the opening game of the all Big Six conference pre-season basivctbal' tournament played yestorday afternoon in Kansas City. A' the half Arkansas was in j the lrad 28 to 20. Nebraska re duced the margin to seven points in the middle of the second period but the Arkansas Razorbacks shot aher.d to clinch the game. In the second game of the tour ney, the Kansas State Wildcats upset the University of Oklahoma Soor.ers by a score of 59 to 55. With six minutes left to play, the Kansas State five brought the scor! up to a 41 tie, and then took the lead and kept it throughout the remainder of the game. Naval Aviation All Naval Aviation students, NACP, are required to report to Lieutenant Commander R. H. Steinkellner. academic of ficer, in Navy Hall for check age and approval of second se mester acadmic programs be fore programs are submitted to the deans of colleges for approval. Vols" Housing . . (Continued From Page 1.) cri'ic materials needed in Lin coln. Builders representing all types of material dealers in Lincoln at tended a meeting of the Ma terials Division of the Lincoln Builders bureau, called by the Legion housing committee last week to find the best methods to complete homes which are not being held up because of the lack of certain critical building ma terials. Only 50 of the 158 homes now under construction will be ready for occupancy by January, Held said. Builders could more easily ob tain needed supplies, McMahon asserted, if Lincoln dealers would form a materials pool to co-or dinate all building supplies com ing into the city, and would make daily reports of materials on hand. York, Pennsylvania, McMahon pointed out, has completed 400 houses under the plan, while a LOST Rmahnt bracelet at tlx Coii- srum Friday at Military Ban. Reward. 3-5303 after 6 p. m. Mamn EUre. WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS, QUICK SERV ICE. 6-4502. ERIVING to Pennsylvania, leaving Lin- coln the Zlat, returning Jan. a. Onr paa- aenerr wantl. Call 2-24A6. GIFT WRAP Tags, Seal and Ribbon. Fancy and Clear Scotch Tap Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th SL ft BOB to, ma El da, la, 14 U Uki. I ;, kis CStCZSSTSA 1" i. . . . 1 uktfHr . i ' '.1 TURNPIKE SAT., DEC. 14 ADM. 1M Mil TAX BUFFET DINNER 85c per plate 5:30-7:30 p. m. Every Sunday Union Dining Room Bonnie Compton Pianist nearby city had 500 standing un finished because of lack of cen tral planning. Lincoln builders explained that they have been- co-operating by exchanging construction mater ials with other dealers and con tractors. Contract Bridge Tournament Teams Register at Union Office By Sat. Noon- Dec 14 All Teams Will Play Four Rounds 2:00 P. M., SATURDAY, DEC. 14 Union Rooms 315 & 316 Advance Bridge Classes at 4:00 P. M, Thursdays FREE! A new, attractive 'Date Book" . . . yours for the asking A fit-in-your-purse "Dale Book" lias lots of room for names and. addresses . . . the recording of birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions yon want to remember. Made by the makers of distinctive Hallmark Greeting Cards. Get vour free copy now. EASTMAN KODAK STORES INC. 1221 "O" ST PHONE 2-7216 CHRISTMAS CARDS A0 GIFTS Free Variety Show Joan Fontaine Cr Tyrone Power Nigel Bruce & Gladys Cooper in "THIS ABOVE ALL" 8:00 P. M., SUNDAY, DEC. 15 UNION BALLROOM r ThTperfecTcliftfo A subscription to - PRAIBSE SCHOO Enjoy the excellent short stories in this literary quarterly of your own University CI IP MIE AN SENtl TnUtOrGR CLMTVS MAIL. Prairie Schooner, 207 Administration Hall Name: Address :- Send a buck and we'll send the magazine. from Miller's Delixht her feminine heart with a scarf of fashion. Miller's has a col lection of liandsomr prints ... and sequin sparklers. 3.95 to $10 SCARFS FIRST FLOOR ATS LOVE LETTER SACHETS f , '' Fraganl with Blue Grau . delightful replicaa of old-fashioned lore note. A romantic Christmaa met enrer . . . 5 in a package f 4S0 mm Ui) Vi Ua Caaaa TM TWar sill ILLE.ii 1 iA ofhtr a a SIM!. w us i a Ej