Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, December 13, 1946 J Jul (Daihf. TkbhaAkarL rniTT.rm' m . ?-b,cpt'0'?. " r 150 Per "emester, 2.00 per semester mailed, or J2 00 for the college year. $3.00 mailed. Sinole copy 6c. Published daily during the school year except Monday and Saturday, vacation and examination period, by the student of the University of Nebraska under the supervision wr me r-uoiication tsoara. tnterea as second Class Matter at the Post Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In section 1103. act of October 2. 1917. authorized September so. i9zz. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Phyllii Teafirarn ManafinK Editors Stilrlrv Jenkins, Mary Alice C'aweed Newt Edilori Dale Novalny, Jark Hill. Mary Lasise Blumel, Jeanne Kerrigan, Norm Terer Sport Editor Georre Miller ocimt tditor Pat Jemen itf Sfi Editor Phil Raynard BUSINESS STAFF. miKH HHiim Jim Van Ijindinrham Amistant BnsineM Manareri Dorothy Lather. Goals Flarf weoiatioo Manager Kritb ioact Coeds' Revenge . (Dr. Swindler wouldn't consider this an editorial, but we couldn t resist, soooo . . . ) Motor Boat or Putt-Putt it matters not, either spells re venge in its most ghastly form. Tonight's the night that all the coeds cooperate and do the dirt . . . the night the coy become fiends and run rough- snod over trie UN male. Everything is topsy turvy for the big occasion as all the gals whisper and twitter over the concoctions repre senting a corsage designed to win the hearts of each one and only. Word as it from sources of yesteryear (that's back in '41 when all of us were only about 20 and in the prime of me) that the corsage would always signify something about me individual lor whom it was created. Indiana coeds used to present their dates with a flower corsage suggesting wnat eacn wanted to do on the big nite. That custom how ever died an early death when local Bloomington florists were deluged with orders for mistletoe. One in particular ... :i l j i i was quite pcrpiexea wnen ne received an order ior a corsage of clover. A favorite theme for the dubiously honorable gift on this campus is the fraternity to which the lucky (or luckless in behalf of Mr. Baker) character belongs. Along this line the following suggestions might be ap propriately enlarged upon to resemble a corsage. In case you little coeds are going with a PHI PSI you might give him an off color Orange bow tie ... a BETA, a pair of fly-boy wings ... an SAE, a picture of a mob scene ... a SIG CHI, a bed with a-sign saying "Carton slept here.!!" So with the rising of the next werewolf moon the fri volity shall commence for another year. As a closing com ment I get hysterical when I think of all the things one could present Walt Simon for a corsage . . . bon voyage all you lucky, lucky people. D. N. Daily Hears Union Arena FightReport Having received some oflicial but alarming reports concerning a big fight scheduled to come off next Monday, the Daily Nebras kan passes on to you the informa tion regarding the surprise-packed event. To know what it's actually all about, you'll have to be there yourself, but as an incentive we can tell you that Romulo Solde villa of Kosmet Klub show .fame will be there. Then there's John Carson. He'll be there, too, pull ing more than rabbits out of his hat as he entertains with his ma gician's act. Whether this battle is one of wits or of padded fists no one can say, but when the loser goes down on the count of ten Dr. Rogers will give some interesting statistics concerning the spectac ular bout. The place of this noved feature of the coming week is the Union ballroom. Time Monday at 11 a. m. See you there as things start, happening when a voice "And in this corner ..." Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in Parlors XYZ. Comparative Religions group will meet oil Tuesday at 5 p. m. at Ellen Smith Hall to hear Miss Chena, a student from China, sepak on Confucianism. Inter-Varsit Christian Fellow ship program chairman, Phil An derson, will be in charge of the Christmas program to be given at the regular IVCF meeting Tues day evening at 7:30 in Room 316 of the Union. Singing of Christ mas carols and special music are features of the program, accord ing to Anderson. Nelson ... (Continued From Page 1.) are two other aspects that enter into any discussion of marriage: (1) the values attached to what the money is used for and (2) the attitude toward the importance of money." Marriages in which the partners have similar social backgrounds, economic experiences and religion Union Bridge Tourney Listed For Tomorrow Headlining week-end activities at the Union is the contract bridge tournament, starting at 2:00 p. m, tomorrow, in room 315 and 316 Bridge enthusiasts must regis ter by pairs before tomarrow noon at the Union office. Each team will play four rounds of five hands each, and prizes will be awarded to the two top teams. Nine teams were registered by Wednesday noon. There will be Union-sponsored dances on Friday and Saturday, but the Newman club offers a juke-box dance from 9-12 Sat urday, open to all students. Pegg: Shelly will play organ selections during the Union cof- Jee hour, 5-6 p. m., Sunday. "This Above All," starring Joan Fontaine and Tyrone Power, with Nigel Bruce and Gladys Cooper, is the movie at the' free Variety Show at 8:00 p. m., Sunday. have a better chance statistically Dr. Fowler continued but "the purpose bf research is to locate Roints which may become strained after marriage, on the basis that fore-warned is fore-armed.' Our challenge is to appreciate and to work out differences, not to make check-mark choices of mates by research and satistics." "Sex relationship is a matter of basic importance," the doctor said, "because so many young people arrive at marriage with horge- podge knowledge. First, it is im portant that we know our facts, which doctors and psychologists are glad to provide, and, again, t is the attitude toward sex its acceptance as natural, desirable and mutual'y satisfactory that is of prime importance." "Although we would like to think of marriage as an escape from the chaos in which we live, we do not live in a vacuum and so we must accept the dreary fig ure given us by the census boards one out of every three mar riages in this country ends in di- 'orce, Dr. Fowler pointed out. Dr. Fowler continued that prob lems of war marriages were much the same ,only intensified, and added to them were the condi tions of separation and change. She said she deplored the pre- -ailing ostrich-like attitude that change is non-existent. "Growth in marriage is desir able, and instead of ignoring nor mal growth in people, change must be made of our positive ap proach if we are to solve troubled marriages," the educator declared. Cone'uding that the primary reason for troubles of war-marriages was that there has not been enough time to make thoughtful selection, and too much time to live alone, Dr. Fowler cautioned young people to think of marriage not as a job but as a way of life. XMAS CARDS Prrnmnlixed or Plain All-Mike nr AtunrtfJ Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 Notice to Veterans Will all veterans who have not yet received subsistenc2 payments ior September or Oc . bcr or November please sign Ihe list posted on the bulletin board at the entrance of the Veterans Consultation Board office, 101 Mechanic Arts Hall. J. P. Colbert, Director TONIGHT is COLLEGE NIGHT College Couples Only at NO STAGS Religious Groups (Continued From Page 1.) Ivembers of the Newman Club re invited to attend a Christmas party in the CYO hall Sunday aft ernoon. The Newman Club is also sponsoring a Christmas dance In the Union Saturday night. Msgr. George Schuster will say mass , , moms - Be sure to have your I dent Card . . Dancing Admission Free Booth 9-12 each plus fax Reservations GIFTS FROM SECOND FLOOR pm IP si &-p tf c f I ' JJ L "At Home" Coat O A gift to make his leisure more luxurious! Witl Dad ever cat this up! It" llie elegant uc ceMr o the smoking jacket, and a man can't help hut feel on the up-antl-up if ht wearing ueh a fcmarl lounging jacket. It's okay when company calU too. P. S. Your college-going hufchand would love it. : ! ! Hlufttratrd, rayon brocade coal, $27.50 AU wool flannel, -onlrling revern, tl.T Fmll-lrmgth rlw, $12.50 f.S r if