The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1946, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, December 5, 1946
Page 5
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Courtesy Limrl-i Tnurnal
Miss Dale Irene Winter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo W. Winter,
will become the bride of Rex D. Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Mercer, Dec. 22 at the First Methodist church. A former university
student, Miss Winter was a member of Delta Delta Delta. Mr.
Mercer, who served three years in the navy, is a student at Wesley-
an university.
Felix Fauntleroy Nominated
Write-in Bachelor Candidate
The fillies are going to the post
today at Hialeah Park, and the
women of the campus are going
to the polls to elect eligible bach
elors. I think it would be safer
to bet on which nag could pound
around the clay oval fastest than
to attempt to prognosticate the
idea of an eligible male held by
the average coed.
Eligible Rules.
What makes Joe College elig
ible? Someone might ask in re
turn, "What qualities are neces
sary for a girl to become a queen,
a princess, a sweetheart or a
beauty?" Several Mortar Boards
have told me that the men solve
that problem very easily. As the
outboard girls (motor boats, that
is) explained it to me, the men
choose the winning girl for all
such offices at a nasty faction
meeting. From every organized
men's house an unshaven thug
slips off to a meeting place, any
dark cellar. There, with the air
thick from three-for-a-n i c k e 1
stogies a roulette wheel with
names instead of numbers is spun
three times to get finalist candi
dates. My female informants didn't
know the exact rule used for
choosing one winner from the
three names obtained, but they
were certain that a constant in the
algebraic formula was the age of
the faction president's grandma.
Now for the Men.
Getting back to voting for men.
Noah Webster says that a bachelor
is an unmarried man and that
eligible means qualified for office
or capable of being. Evidently the
girls are going to decide which
are the most unmarried men' on
the campus.
If that be true, I would like to
present a new candidate, who
should win by write-in votes. His
name is Felix Fauntleroy. He's
well-known in the basement of
Bessey hall where he is studying
the history, life and loves of the
butterfly. He lives all alone and
he hates girls.
Vespers Offer
'Bethlehem' Series
In Union Today
This afternoon's vesper service
will be the first in a series of
three meetings on the "Road to
Bethlehem." The service will be
held in room 315 of the Student
Union at 5:00 p. m. Marvin Kah
ler and Marjorie Ice will partic
ipate in the service which will
include music, meditation, and a
renewal of the Christmas faith.
All-campus vespers are spon
sored by the Religious Welfare
Council, and are planned by a
student committee of representa
tives from the campus religious
groups. Their other meetings in
this series will follow on Decem
ber 12 and 19. )
Modern Dance
Groups Feature
Juggler Legend
Orchesis, and Pre-Orchesis
modern dance groups, will pre
sent their annual Christmas dance
festival, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 7:30
p. m. in Grant Memorial hall.
Featured on the program is the
legendary story of "The Juggler
of Notre Dame." Other members
to be presented include "O Holy
Night," "We Three Kings." "Hark
The Herald Angels Sing," "Jingle
Bells," "Adeste Fidelis," and three
selections from "The Nutcracker
Suite," a Christmas ballet. The
three winners of the recent dance
intramural competition will pre
sent their selections.
Dr. Aileene Lockhart is faculty
sponsor of the dance groups and
lima Lou Fisher, student director.
As the Christmas trees begin to
blossom forth here and there over
the campus, the yuletide spirit
seems to be invading the student
body. Nearly every fraternity and
sorority will give a house party
sometime before vacation, and
with the two approaching balls,
we all ought to be able to forget
our studies with no trouble at all.
Holiday IMnnings
There are a few must-be-men-tioned
events that took place over
the. last vacation that should be
covered before venturing on.
Laurie Amend and Byrne Swig
gert became pinmates officially,
and there are two other question
able pinnings.
Bob Baum, visiting in Omaha
over Thanksgiving, dated for the
first time Wendy Corkin and hung
his pin in the course of the eve
ning. He went out with Diane
Hayes Saturday night and re
turned to Lincoln Sunday with
Wendy wearing her pledge pin.
Along the same line is the disap
pearance of Bob Earner's pledge
pin. Brother Phi Gams noticed
it was gone when he returned
from a date with a Kappa pledge,
but he only smiles.
Passing the candy Monday night
were Margy George and Dick
Loomis and the Phi Psis had an
other cigar passing the same eve
ning furnished by Bill Ernst. Jo
Moyer passed candy to sister
Thetas announcing her engage
ment to Tom Cleveland. They
will be married December 26.
One of the big events of the
weekend wilP be the Sigma Nu
Pig Dinner Saturday night. Bill
Campbell will be with Sheila Cur
ran, Jo Patton with Jerry Thomas
and Marilyn Coffey with Bill
Stuht. Also dancing to an im
ported band from Chicago will be
Gene Mayborn and his probable
pinmate-to-be Arhne Peterson.
Looking forward to a big Sat
urday night in Omaha are Shirley
Eskilsen and Bill Moomey accom
panied by Marcia Johnson and
Bill Wenk.
One recent steady deal which is
no longer is the Mimi Loomis and
Bob Metheny duo. It seems that
they are still very good friends
and will keep their dates to both
Mortar Board and Military Balls.
Another party to be given Sat
urday night will be the Gamma
Phi Moon Mist party. A few to
be seen in the mist will be Marilyn
Dieslel and Tom Milliken, Ardie
Smith and Knox Kuppinger and
Barb Johnson and Al Mavis.
It seems that the Tri Delts re
ceived a note from some Phi Gam
which was strangely and unac
countably posted on the second
floor bulletin board. The note was
addressed to one of the girls and
concerned her dating habits in the)
Fiji house . humn.
And now for a few dates to the
Military Ball. Laurie Morse will
be with Cletus Fischer, Jim Moore
with Nancy Mines (they are not
pinned and never were) and
Jeanne Samson and John Dierks.
Betty Hubka will make a big
weekend of it by going with Jack
Meehan to the Ball and Felman
Jones to the Sigma Nu Pig Din
ner. Jeanne Hickey will be with
Hank Anderson, Merle Shay with
Joy Lyman and the common duo
of Barb Turk and Davie Miller.
The Sig Ep pledges are also
throwing their Christmas party
this Saturday. Bob Graves will j
be there with Beverly Stenberg
and Martin Almquist with Alice j
The IVrferl Gifl for jour friends, parcnls or wife:
A subscription to
Enjoy the excellent short stories in this
literary quarterly of your own University
Prairie Schooner, 207 Administration Hall
Address :-
Send a buck and we'll send the magazine.
--Coiirti'nv Lincoln . .n;il
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lebsock have announced the approaching: mar
riage of their daughter, Klaine, to Edward Anderson Ceyes of
Brooklyn, N. V. They are to be married. Dec. 7. Miss Lebsock,
a graduate of the university, was a member of Delta Omicron, na
tional music sorority. Last spring she was named the winner of
student auditions of the Lincoln Symphony Association. A former
army air corps cantain, Mr. Ceyes is now associated with Trans
Western airlines in New York.
W1 v
Lovely grooming, lovely gown
and sparkle of jewelry in the
night these add up to gla
mour! See the new jewelry
set with rhinestones ... or
made of gold and colored
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