THE DAILY NEBRASKA Wednesday, November 27, 1946 Paae 8 - ' . to : i 1 n v 1 .-; i 1 Buy On Gold's Convenient Budget Plan Two-Piccers Score dim fflntts! Hiat a wonderful fashion future's ahead for you in our moon-beam-slriped suit with the moon and stars pinned to your shoulder. N BCh Sizes 9 to 15 J' A r-jr r je 1 - f K . V r-"- tNC3-f! A You'll ride on a crest of compliments In this courtly coat-of-arms suit-dress with its high buttoned cardigan neckline, full Moused sleeves. Another inspired "Johnnye Junior in wonderf ul-to-wear wool fabric. 129i Slick new gabardine shirt'n skirt with quilted bib-front cuffs. Aqua, Coral, Grey or Yell w ... in Berlinger's rayon TBL Key Largo." Junior sizes 9 to 15. 95 14! Third Floor COLD CO.