Paqe 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, November 22, 194G Campus Church Groups Plan Services. Parties for Wcchciid Campus church crolips have planned regular meetings, discus sions, and parlies as activities for this weekend. Baptist students will hold a Scavenger hunt tonight at 7:45, meeting at the Student Center for instructions. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wilmot are in charge of the party. Bob Sorenson will conduct the regular Sunday evening fellowship for Baptist students in a Thanks giving program. A lunch will be served at 5:30 p. m., followed by a short worship service. Members of the cabinet will meet at 4:30 p. m. to make plans for next month's activities. Ed Jorden will be in charge. Sunday morning services at the University Episcopal church will be held at 8:30 and 11 o'clock. Kosniel . . . (Continued from Page 1.) said, "And my woman ain't no sorority gal neither." Johnny Cox and his orchestra will begin playing at 7:45. Master of Ceremonies Romulo Solde villa, university speech instruc tor, will introduce the skits and tie them together with a uni versity newspaper theme. Skitniastcrs. Titles and skitmasters of the organizations' skits are: "Coon Couit," Ken Damon, Alpha Tau Omega; "Showcase in Music, John Adams, "Slick Tight Dede Meyer, ''Homecoming Sigma Phi Saturday Phi Delta " Bill Epsilon; Night," Theta; Ballew, Delta Tau Delta: 'Sigma Nu Sup per Club," Bill Lucas, Sigma Nu; "Home Sweet Home," Roy Sny der, Delta Upsilon; "She Was Only a Prairie Flower, But She Got Nipped in the Bud," Marvin Cavender, Phi Gamma Delta; and "SIGnatures in Music," Al Cline, Sigma Chi. Phince Kosmet candidates and their affiliations are: Roland Hermann, Cornhusker Co-op; Roland Johnson, Phi Gamma Delta: Norm Lcgcr, Kappa Sig ma; Bob Martens, Alpha Tau Omega; Jim Pettis, Delta Upsilon and Gerald Wilson, Sigma Nu. Fun Nile (Continued from Page 1.) annual show which made its first appearance in 1927. The judges as selected by the board are: Miss Evelyn Metzger, associate professor of home eco nomics in design; Mr. William Morgan, instructor in speech and radio; and Dr. L. B. 'Snyder, as sociate professor of rural eco nomics. A plaque will be awarded to the winning skit as chosen, and a $5 purse award will be made to the wining curtain act. The plaque will be in possession of the win ner for the following year, dur ing which time it will be engraved with the winning organization's name. It must be won three times by the same organization to be come permanent property. rr r ; I :. I ; & : ' li ! ':. . -fc , - - V " r Jean Moyer's Orchestra 9 p. m. to Midnight Friday, Nov. 22 44 c per person Union Ballroom Confirmation class instructions will be given Tuesday at 7 p. m. Holy Communion Thursday will be at 10 a. m. CYF Meeting The University and Business CYF of the First Christian church will have a meeting at 5 p. m. Sunday, featuring the film. "Pil grimmage," which depicts the re ligious life of the Hindu people. Following the movie, Rambaran Ramdin, Hindu student at the university, will give an address. A period devoted to questions and discussions will be held after the address. At 6 p. m. a snack and fellowship hour will be held. The Newman Club Mass will be said for Catholic students in Par lors XYZ of the Union at 1 1 a. m. Sunday by Msgr. George Schus ter. A trip to Boys Town on De cember 7 has been planned for Newman Club members. Those who wish to go should register at the Newman Club office in the Temple building immediately. The discussion group meeting will be held at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday in Room 315 of the Union. Choir practice will follow the discussion, Mem bers of the Newman Club invito all university students to attend the CYO semi-formal at the Corn husker Hotel at 8 p. m. Saturday. Fireside Forum A Sunday Evening Fireside! Forum will be held at the Presby-' terian Student House at 5 p. m. ! The program will include student- j led worship service and panel dis- Anthology to Publish Poem By Wittenberg A poem written by Mark Wit- tenburg has been accepted for publication in the Annual Anthol ogy of College Poetry, the Daily Nebraskan learned in a letter from Dennis Hartman, secretary of the National Poetry Association. "Battle," by Wittenberg, was selected from among thousands of poems submitted by college stu dents throughout the country. "The Anthology is a compila tion of the finest poetry written by college men and women of America," the letter read. "We heartily congratulate Mr. Witten berg on this honor." The Annual Anthology of Col lege Poetry is published at Los Angeles. cussion on "What Does Thanks giving Involve?" Students partici pating are Joyce Marshall. Jim Ida, Lynn Parker, and Aubrey Petit. Lee Myhre will sing "The Lord's Prayer," as part of the worship service. Supper, singing and recreation will be the basis for fellowship during the remain der ol the evening. Tonight at 8 p. m. Presbyterian students are invited to a Thanksgiving party at the house. Ed Steele, recrea tion co-chairman, will be in charge of arrangements. In charge of dec orations are Virginia Pierce. Jim Ida, Lachlan Ohman, Joe Ishikawa and Charles Swan. Federal is I (Continued from Page 1.) iately. Since that time, he has spoken to many youth groups in the East. He is now on a tour of the western states and visiting Student Federalist chapters on the various college campuses. Scheduled to speak twice in Omaha this Sunday, Prentice will arrive in Lincoln Tuesday for talks at Northeast High School at 8:50 a. m., at Nebraska Weslcyan at 2:00 p. m. and at the university at 4:00. Vet's views, the univer sity veterans' radio program will feature Prentice over KFAB at 7:30. A re-broadcast over KFOR, will be given of a forum of uni versity students and Prentice Tuesday afternoon. Winding up his Lincoln activities, the Feder alist president will speak at Lin coln high school and Union Col lege "Wednesday morning. I For Now It's My Turn! would gladly trade my fangs just one girl who's not in bangs But the thing that really makes me swear Is girls with skunk-locks in their hair! The lucky Alpha Xi Deltas and their dates have won the drawing and will be the guests of the Turnpike tonight. present your Identification Card at the door Kacli Friday nipht Turnpike lias a dance scheduled. Some fraternity, sorority, llarh house, or Home other university organization nill he guests of your favorite dance spot. TONITE AND TOMORROW NlTE IT'S MUSIC WITH A SMILE GEORGE WINSLOW AND HIS BAND FT: ATI RING JACK WILLIAMS AND I.OVILY RITA J KAN ARSON TURNPDES WHERE .( 7t; IS A PLEASURE y Ipf 'Has l.tS , I i I I 'W MV tm Hpf) J a ft If ;i'tpjr ' A I: 7in.f , v Mt;J Hi lot tfa Sad MM" f J ay uf , i?xU .. n &l 1 $50 CF? Jil and holid festivities! FORMA LS 19.95 TO FASHION FLOOR SECOND ITliLLER C PAfflE