Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN BY JEANNE HICKEY. The middle-of-the-week news always seems nil in comparison ' to the great events that take place on the week-ends, but an ticipation of the gala plans for this weekend have promised great things. Tonight, Toddie Fiddock will take in King's with Ralph Stew art, as will Jim Krachovil and Sherry Boise, Walt Dorothy and Doris Carey, Floyd Blanchard and Melissa Koehler, Bodin Portwood and Bertie Collins. The Duke will be at the Pike tonight, and many are making dates early, (in the evening, that is,) in order that they can get in the door. Dick Folda and pinmate Janie Con rad have arranged to go early as have Betty Lisinger and Lou Rhinehardt. Iowa Visitors. The Beta Sigs have been busy getting dates for the Iowa State brothers, who are staying for the "Barbary Coast" party Satur day night. Nebraskans there will be Prexy Glenn Blinde with Shirley Coatman, Herb Temme with Marcia Tyner, Harold John son and Mary Guendel and Le Roy Thom and Arlene Kostal. And still more parties take the spot light on Saturday. Phi Psis will have another party (almost a weekly event) and new and in teresting couples will be Jean Leinberger and Dub Woods. The Betas who formerly attended Iowa State, are planning a migra tion to Omaha for a party given by Nels Latenser. Two interest ing couples are Barbara Turk with Jack Buffington and June Korb with her sister s former pin- mate, Bob Bridges. Lil Abner Party. Phi Gams' annual 'Lil Abner party will undoubtedly be quite a success as the girls attending have been busy all week planning their costumes. Eleanor Knoll will be there with steady Bob Orr, while brothers, Bill Holbrook and i Jack Holbrook, will attend with Shirley Lierk and Nancy Garey. It seems that Fred Schroeder is having trouble about plans to at tend the Phi Delt pledge party this weekend as a certain Pi Phi has to stay in. Speaking of Phi Delts, Pat Thompson completely shocked sisters when the news of her pinning to Finn Halber wa announced on the local chatter program. They were pinned last October fourth and planned to nave a surprise candy passing. Anyway, they make a perfect couple, and everyone Is pleased to Know it has ended or begun in a pinning. A pin was hung on Rosemary Gass last Saturday night, and she and new pinmate, Tom Green, mm r i ) wl , i - r n i Friday, November 15, 1946 MY SUGAV S SO ArWEO) 1 1,1 itemmmmmm 1 At Tb juivjpik FRIDAY, NOV. 15 Advance ticket aale be tlnninr Thurs.. Nov. 14, at Scnmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1212 O St. $1.55 eah, Inc. tax. Tick eta at Turnpike nlte of passed the candy the following Monday. Sunday night marked the be ginning of another steady deal when Enid Kelso and W Connelley decided to be exclusive. Pix Schedule Block and Bridle croup pic ture will be taken at 12:15 p. m. Friday in the west stadium. JlxankAqfouu Juhhsi SstiwsudL If your turkey looks different this Thanksgiving, you can thank the home economics department. Nebraska economics experts have served up the tr. '.ional turkev in iipw Pnisp this vr j It's called "turkey steaks," and here's how to fix one. After the torn turkey is dressed and cooled, the wines, lees, thichs and neck are cut from the carcass. Next, they are frozen. Finally, run the carcass through a sheer crosswise. The steaks come out about the size of two hands. Legs and thighs make smaller ones. Full Flavor. To bring out the full flavor of me sieaics, they should be fried southern style. It takes only about 20 minutes. H. D. Douthit, superintendent of the school of agriculture, nre- dicted that turkey torn steaks would solve the problem of utiliz ing the big 20 to 25 pound tur key torn. "The average house wife simply doesn't have the fa cilities for cooking such a big bird. And turkey growers have a diffcult time marketing them," he said. "The turkey steak creates a market for turkey toms; it saves the housewife from ten to twelve cents a nound: and a vewi manv suffering husbands will h snarpH the ordeal of trying to carve an Vet Thanksgiving Dinner Date Set A Veterans' Thanksgiving din ner will be held in Parlors XYZ of the Union on Saturday, Novem ber 23 at 6:30 p. m. Tickets are $1.00 per persoiand may be obtained by calling at the Veterans' Organization office, 209 Nebraska Hall, or from Bill Thornton and Social Chairman, Iona Sherman. Richard Sinsel, public relations chairman, an nounced that plans for the affair are now in formation. ur wieldly bird on Thanksgiving day," Douthit added. JOHNNY COX'S ORCHESTRA Playing 9 to 12 FRIDAY, NOV. 15 44c per person Union Ballroom No Dance SaL, Nov. 16 C PASflE Miller's is sparkling with Christmas! A galaxy of gifts to gladden the heart of any coed . . . glamour wrapped up in a bright belt, a jewel or two. Shop now on Miller's FIRST FLOOR m?LLR oance 91.80, Inc. tax.