The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1946, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Page 5
Mr.andMrs.LowellEarl Waters
Miss Barbara Hockenberger
Thursday, November 7, 1946
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Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Miss Ruth Adele Heidrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Heidrick
became the bride of Lowell Earl Waters, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Waters of Montebello, Calif., Sept. 27 in St. Paul Lutheran church
in Lynwood, Calif. Mrs. Waters, a former university student, was
a member of Phi Beta Phi. The bridegroom attended Lawrence
Institute of Technology in Detroit before he entered the air corps.
He did flying in India and China for four years. The couple will
make their home in Lynwood where Mr. Waters will serve as an
instructor in flying at a private flying school at Orange county
Marines to Hold
Anniversary Ball
Members of the Cornhusker de
tachment of the marine corps
league will hold an anniversary
dance in the Georgian room of
the Cornhusker Saturday night
beginning at 8:30.
Harold Trombja's orchestra will
play for the dance. Tickets, which
may be purchased at the door,
are $3.00 a couple.
According to Norman Sparlock
and Nelson schaefer, committee
LOST Dark green Everaharp pen between
Morrill Hall and 8oeh. ('lease return to
' Box 218, Raymond Hall.
Blue Kvercharp fountain pen on
R afreet. If found call 2-A413.
LOST Evprsharp fountain pen. Initials
J.M S Call France Smith 2-7371.
LOST Black and silver Parkt-r 5r,Twn.
possibly in or ner Avery Ijb. Return
to Art Beindorff, Student Union Office
or call 5-8384.
I Classified' J
Ida Lupino and Monty Wooley
3:00 P. M., Sunday, November 10
- Union Ballroom
Coffee Hour 5 lo 6 Buffet Dinner 5:30-7:00
Contract Bridge Tournament
2 Divisions For Duffers and Regulars
2:00 P. M.. SATURDAY, NOV. 9
Union 315 and 316
Register at Union Office By Noon, Nov. 9
Contract Bridge Classes
4:00 P. M. and 5:00 P. M. Thurs.. Nov. 7
Union 313
in charge of the event, all for
mer marine corps members may
attend the party.
Ploying 9 to 12
44c per person
Union Ballroom
South American
Dancing Class
8 to 9 p. m., Nov. 9
Union Ballroom
By Tottie Fiddock.
No football game this weekend,
so all the guys and gals are mak
ing big plans and devoting lots
of time to the many parties be
ing pulled off Friday and Satur
day. The list of dates for the
big Phi Delt party Friday at the
Pike gets longer every day. Mak
ing a night of it will be Lois Wirth
and Johnny Provost, Phee Mort
lock and Harry Meginnis, Nariey
Glynn and Buddy Lee, Shirts Mc
Kenna and fiance Bob Heinke,
Betty Fesler and Dick Zirzen,
Terry Lane and Eddie Donnegan,
and Betty Hubka and Jack Mee
han. The latest scoop on Keith Man
ning is that- he is now making
a steady deal of it with two dif
ferent girls. It's o.k., though, ac
cording to Keith, because the two
duped females live in different
sorority houses. Speaking of
steadies, Alice Babst and Kenny
Hasenbach are now making it a
strictly "together" business. An
other promising twosome is Pat
Meyer and George Fagerburg.
Omaha Bound.
Jo Sib and Mae Munk will
travel to Omaha this weekend to
go to the Marine Ball at the
Fontenelle with Rich Lang and
Danny Koukol.
More dates for the Beta Crud
Party Saturday are Gracie Smith
and Orv Glass, Barb Hunter and
Walt Loomis and Bev Sutton and
Dick Levine.
Norm Locke seems to have ac
quired a mad passion for study,
but only at the library and at
J certain hours. Rumor has it that
j it isn't the result of scholastic
i downs, either.
Jean Anderson will go home
this weekend to Pawnee City and
Chick Zimmerman, as a result,
will probably be pretty lonely for
a couple of days.
Saturday night at the Phi Psi
Bowery Party Joanie Marcell will
thrill Normie Williams with a
devastating costume to be un
veiled that night. The curious can
hardly wait to see it.
Gadabout x
Tm Perry Brown,
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Courtesy Linco'n Journal
Miss Barbara Hockenberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Hockenberger of Columbus will be married Saturday, Dec. 28, to
Willis M. Ferguson, son of J. P. Ferguson of West Point. Miss
Hockenberger, a student at the university, is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma. She attended Ward Belmont school in Nashville,
Tenn. before entering the university. A former ensign in the navy
air corps, Mr. Ferguson is a senior at the university where he is
affiliated with Delta Upsilon.
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Ellen Kaym, Minx Mmlet Junior faMon . . , third Floor