Sunday, November 3, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 ( v - i Jr f i " v - I 'it ' . J. .yf; I . 1 f 7 i I (w Vy ; - J ' " 5 3 1 1 N !- -1 ' I1 i 14 K - f v If Bl Girls selected as candidates for Honorary Colonel are: bottom row, (left to right) Betty Lou Horton and Mary Cox; middle row, left to Hunt) Ann Doudna and Betty Stanton; top row, (left to right) Hink Aasen and Doris Frahm. At an all-campus election Tuesday, one of these coeds will be named to reirn at the university Military ball Dec. 6. Identity of the colonel will not be revealed until her pres entation at the ball. .--'-.sV .... ,,., - ... I 7v. V t -'' V 5 -a Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Announcement of the engagement of Miss Mary Lou Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Weaver, to William P. Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thornton of Omaha, was made this week. Miss Weaver, who Is now teaching mathematics at the university, was graduated here last June. She was a member of Alpha XI Delta, Tassels, Alpha Lambda Delta, Pi Mu Epsilon, Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI. Mr. Thornton, who Is now attending the university, served as a sergeant In Gen. Douglas MacArthur's headquarters In the South Pacific for two years. Jane Withers is enroute to New Orleans to open a personal ap pearance tour. She drew $55,000 at the Golden Gate Theater in San Francisco recently. She will Boon be seen in "Danger Street." Gail Russell is another of the Paramount stars to appear in "Va riety Girl." , Paulette Goddard is none too happy. Cecil B. DeMille ordered her fashionably long finger-nails clipped for close-up shots in "Un conquered." She plays a slave girl, and CB reasoned slaves didn't have manicured nails. Robert Preston and his wife, eCtherine Craig, head for New York as soon as he finishes "The Big Haircut." Radio Fraternity Initiates First Pledge Group Initiation of five new active members of the first pledge class of Mu chapter of Alpha Epsilon Rho, national radio honorary fra ternity will be held Nov. 7. New initiates of the chapter which was established here this fall, are Betty Jeanne Holcomb, Dorothea Duxbury, Pat La them, Pat Heynen and Gloria McDer mott. Pledrinr ceremonies for new pledges are also planned lor Nov. 7; The fraternity, which will meet bi-monthly, will sponsor lectures on radio. Dr. Johnson Will Succeed Oldfather Dr. Edgar N. Johnson has been named chairman of the depart ment of history, Chancellor R. G. Guslavson announced Friday. Dr. Johnson succeeds Dean Charles H. Oldfather, present dean of the college of arts and sciences, who has served as chairman of the history department since 1932. Dr. Oldfather asked to be relieved of the chairmanship. Chancellor Gustavson explained, but he will remain as dean of the college. Dr. Johnson joined the depart ment of history in 1931, and was named professor of history in 1942. War Duty. During the war he served in the office of Strategic Services, being stationed in Washington un til June, 1944 when he was sent to London as head of the Aus trian group in the OSS research and analysis division. In the spring of 1945 he was sent to southern Italy, and late in May went on to Austria. He remained there until November, 1945, when he returned to the United States. He went to Ger many last February where he served as special assistant to Gen. Lucius D. Clay, and as political advisor to commanding officers in the Berlin district. While in Berlin, Dr. Johnson was occupied chiefly with the Russian sponsored attempt to fuse the social democrats and the com munists into a new socialist united party, and with drafting a new temporary constitution. The mu nicipal government set-up in this constitution went into effect with the October election in Berlin, and supplants the government set up by the Russians after their oc cupation of the city. Our Forty-First Year! Shirts Swiny Jo iJlte cJeti l -if it ''- ft A fern :' Q If Strictly Heft-ving" stuff . . . the way skirts swing so grace- fully from rounded hips and your "middlin"' middle! . . a . . Rabbit's hair wool and rayon with gold raffia belt b . . Wool and rayon, bejewelled with buttons. In pastel .colors. Sizes 9 to 15. 95 14 TJoung Jowner i Sliopt ourlk loor