Wednes3ay, OdoEer 53, TTl Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN iiaqqsudL BY ELLIE SWANSON With secret little plans taking place behind closed doors, the campus is preparing to blossom out in full glory come Friday. The whole week end will be so packed with activities that every thing will have to take a back 6eat to fun. Before venturing into the big plans coming up, it might be well to mention T. Dorsey's concert Monday night. The only complaint of mcst . of the people who at tended is that they could hardly refrain from dancing. A few seen among the mob were Nancy King and Marv Bowhay, Bobbie Bush and Fred Sidles, Don Grube and Ann Robinson and Patsy Krause and Gene Dilldine. The Phi Delts had the honor of listening to Tom mic Wright (guest pianist) at their house afterwards doing a repeat of his feature of the program, "Rhapsody in Blue." Bixby ta Iowa. A few of our students will de sert the campus next week end for other places. Joan Bixby will take off to Spencer. Ia., to see her man, who must be pretty im portant to take her from the big celebrations. Joanie Vingers with Normie Williams and Nancy Wat kins and Si Margueson will take off to Omaha for a wedding . . . specified not their own, although Joanie and Normie have been looking quite serious for some time. The Beta pledges are inaugurat ing arr old custom ntrt practiced for a long time. They are having a Tea Dance with the Gamma Phi pledges, which sounds like lots of fun. Rumor has it that Bev Engdahl has called it a steady deal with Don Waite while, if it's true, what's to become of poor Bill Tyson? On the opposite side of the fence is Mary Ann Meyer, who seems to be minus a certain fraternity pin. Friday night will find some peo- Coucossions Men All boys interested in selling concessions in the stands at the football tames, call Phyllis Freed, 2-3526. All salesboys will work on a commission basis aad admitted t the tames free. FRIDAY, NOV. 1 COLLEGE NIGHT at HOME COMING DANCE ALUMS WELCOME HIS j Dancing 9 until 12 College Couples Only No Stags pie doing nothing ia particular while waiting for the big night Saturday. John Ayers will be with Barbie Wentz and B. J. Olson with Bill Slebolt Jackie Tobin will be with her week end visitor, Bud Douthit, which means they will be together at the Homecoming Dance, too. As for the Homecoming dance, it is promised by those who really know to be one of the best in our history. Marg Sturm will be with Orville Chatt. Joe Loisel with Sally Stebbins and Anne Whitham with Arleigh Batson. Rod Lind wall will have the honor of en tertaining his high school steady who is now at Stephens . . . Sue Kelly. Coming with Sue will be Dorothy Kent, who has a date with Bill Boydsten. Vhile Phyllis Teagarden and Jack Hill of the Daily Nebraskan will be among the throng. Federalists Meet, Draft Constitution The constitution committee of the Student Federalists met last night in the Union and prepared a constitution to be presented to the main group for ratification at the regular meeting on Thursday. If the document is ratified, it will then be referred to the Student Council for approval. Herbert Rohde will lead a dis cussion on the subject "Federal Principles in History", at the meet ing Thursday, according to Her man Turk, acting chairman of Student Federalists, Uclan-Husker Ticket Blanks Available Now Ticket's to the UCLA-UN game on November 30 are selling fast, and any Nebraskans planning to attend should order their tickets as soon as possible, according to Bill Ungies of Los Angeles, chair man of the committee in charge. Application blanks for tickets are available In the Athletic' of fice at t" e coliseum, and anyone wishing to attend the game will be given a blank upon request. However, the blanks are filled out and sent by the individual appli cant, and the Athletic office, by necessity, can offer no service in acquiring tickets. Alum. Both students and alums should place orders for tickets at once, if they wish to sit in the Nebraska section, Ungies said. On Friday evening, November 29, a pre-game jubilee is being staged at Earl Carroll's theater for as many as 1,160 visiting and Cali fornia resident Nebraskans. An in formal affair, the party will start with a kick-off sports huddle at 7 p. m., followed by dinner at 8 and the Earl Carroll show. Reservations for the party are $5.50 each and should be sent at once to Louis Frost, treasurer of the Los Angeles Alumni Club, 756 South Broadway, Los Angeles. California. f Sterling Silver I ) CV Pias J J As advertised in j j eacA I GLAMOUR f I Mite-sue sugar-shell and salt-spoon I Y PM ,n stwfing silver with yovf J K choice of white, pink or yellow goloV ? pJated finish. Recipe for fashion flavor I smart opart, but both are better! 1 I f Street FIor r " BKSOfi) & ' ) ( TSfc iiinl"'aiii.iiliiiil' ' Wi iMi ii ,J THE FIRST REALLY XEW MAME-IP COLOR CHEATED MX YEARST XAIL EXAJiELI " LIPSTICMI 'r I FACE POWDER. TOO! , J'ttfllv 1 A&m www w 1 mm 7 ton. v , V, i f Rerl Lipstick, $1 Face Ftmtdert $1 Rail Enamel, 60c WTXKA TRM. V VI 0 LET FIMEiB WITH Ml'MIEM MADLY BBAtmm.t... Rrvlon dreams up a color lite nothing ever known. Tremendou)j chic, yet young in heart . . . And so, so wearelJe! It sphrges matching lips and fingertips in splendour. 'iy Mystic-mauve powder transfigures your face! lhat ultra Kevlon "stay-on," too! TOILET GOODS FEIST FLOOB A n n n eiq & LP a d w e