The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1946, Image 1

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Vol. 46 No. 5
Rally Shows Pre-War Spirit
As Coach Asserts 'We'll WinP
By Dede Meyer
"We have only one thing in mind on our trip to Minne
sota," affirmed Husker Coach Bernie Masterson, "and that
is to win!"
Thursday evening's pep rally occasioned this fighting
statement .as the train embarked from Burlington depot
carrying the varsity Cornhusker squad to "Go For The
Gophers!" The gathering last night marked the first spirit
ed pep rally since pre-war days.
Round the Town
Meeting at the Union, the rooters pushed their way to
Vine street, down Sorority and Fraternity Row, crowded
into R street and headed for the Burlington depot. The
team was handed a rousing send-off with the cheerleaders,
Tassels and Corncobs leading the crowd.
Followed by over a thousand students, pep-filled and
1 i: A - 1 . 11. . v. , v - .
smmuug uieir lungs oui, me
winners as "We Will Beat the Gophers" and 'There Is No
Place Like Nebraska." Yells for the pigskin season were
given a good going over as the new cheerleaders proved the
power or tneir mngs ana pep
Massed at the depot, the
Masterson, A. J. Lewandowski, athletic director, and Sat
urday Game Captain Eddie Schwartzkopf commend them
on their backing of the team and promise "great things to
come from the Ruskers!"
Teshmen, this rally was
seniors, aged after several years of half-hearted rallies, can
back us up!! Spirit" was shown last night that brought a
gleam to oia eyes and a reminiscent "remember when . .
tone to upperclassmen's talk.
the station enthused and ready
wiui ivieDrasKa bemnd them lOQyol
Civil Engineer
Leaders Named
At Fall Dinner
Named as officers by the stu
dent chapter of the American So
ciety of Civil Engineering at a
banquet meeting Wednesday night
were president, James Jensen;
secretary-treasurer, Charles Cu
riene; membership chairman,
Daniel Beezley; and program
chairman, Sam Seifert.
The banquet, which featured
engineering movies, lectures and
inspection trips, opened the so
ciety's first postwar membership
President Jensen stated that
membership is open to any civil
engineering student of sophomore
standing with a minimum scholas
tic, average of 70.
Two Student
Vacant; Filing
Bob Coonley, Student Council
president announced that there
re two council vacancies in law
college and graduate school rep
resentation on the council. The
law school post must be fn by
junior man in law college while
the vacancy in the graduate school
must be filled by a woman en
rolled in any capacity in that divi
sion, according to Coonley.
Applications Dae Tuesday.
Students qualifying for these
positions should file application at
university tsana piayea sucn
over ure cneers or the crowd
students listened to Coach
- - - -
the real stuff! Juniors and
The Husker 43 pulled out of
to win how can they lose
Dr. Warner Plans
Address for Med
Sorority Banquet
Gamma Mu Theta, honorary
women's pre-medical sorority,
will present Dr. Ruth Warner as
speaker at their dinner meeting
in the Student Union Wednesday,
Oct. Z, at 6.00.
All pre-medical student girls
who wish to attend are asked to
call Dr. Warner at 2-3744 by noon
Monday. A short history of the
organization will be given and
plans for the coming year will be
Methodist Coeds
Methodist women students
are invited by Kappa Phi,
Methodist Girl's club, to at
tend a Friendship tea at the
Wesley Foundation. 1417 K. be
tween 3:30 and 5 Saturday aft
ernoon, according to Mildred
Pome, president.
Council Posts
the Student Activities office in
the coliseum before 5 p. m. Tues
day. The procedure of selection is
set by the constitution of the coun
cil and provides for careful con
sideration of all applicants by the
registrar's office. Following this
step, the council will then select
the two individuals best suited to
fill the positions.
Coonley pointed out that the
student council represents an im
portant function of school life and
offers excellent opportunities in
student relations and activities.
Courtesy Svaday Joaraal and Star.
Rev. A. M. Peterson.
Rev. Peterson
Chosen Pastor
For Lutherans
The - Rev. Alvin M. Peterson
has been appointed Lutheran stu
dent pastor on the university cam
pus by the National Lutheran
Mr. Person's office is in the
Temple Building, and his home is
at the Student Center, uuu no
37th St.. near thf college of aeri-
niltnre. Associated with the Lu
theran students on the campus for
several Years, he has done graau
ate work at the university.
His duties on the campus in
clude the direction of the church
activities of Lutheran students
through the two Lutheran student
association groups.
Baylor Faculty
Names Johnson
Voice Teacher
T?nv Edward Johnson, a '45
prariiiatfl of the school of music.
has been arroointed instructor in
voice at Baylor University in
Waco, Texas where he assumed
his duties this week.
While in university, Mr. John
son was a member of University
Singers, sang the baritone lead in
the concert-performance or Car
men, appeared in tne opera
"Robin Hood," and soloed three
union s presentation of the Mes
consecutive years in tho. choral
siah." He is a member of Phi Mu
Alpha-Sinfonia fraternity, and
served as president of the organ
ization in his junior and senior
A resident of Lincoln, he ap
peared as soloist in numerous
churches throughout the city. He
studied with Arthur Westbrook
during his four years at the uni
versity and with Solon Albert! of
New York City the past two sum
mers. So True!
Gophers run
Gophers fuss
Gophers stepped.
Goobers dropped
No Gophers
Boskets not
Dusker fan
Hackers trim
nsskers win
? :,.V,:
7 V'
Campus Groups Plan
Annual Observance
In observance of All-University Church Night scheduled tonight,
and All-University Church Sunday, Sept. 29, campus church groups
have planned special activities for this week end.
All-University Church Night, and All-University Church Sunday
are held each year to give university students a special opportunity
to become acquainted with the church of their choice in Lincoln, the
program planned for the year by church groups, his student pastors,
and other students in his church.
According to the Rev. Sam Maier, in charge of publicity for
Church Night, all students are urged to participate in the activities
Elect Officers
Morrow Head
The Demo-yets and Young
Democrats of the University of
Nebraska, a branch of the state
Young Democrats, held a meeting
and general election at th city YM
Wdnsday night. Donald Morrow,
who was elected group chairman
announced the appointment of
David Pickerill as secretary and
Paul Scott as chairman of the
membership committee.
New Members
Fifteen new members joined the
club at its second meeting, bring
ing to total membership to 40.
Morrow, in a short speech, an
nounced that the group's purpose
on the campus was to disseminate
information among the students
concerning the voting records of
various republican congressmen
and to bring out the highest pos
sible vote in coming elections.
Clarence Miles, democratic
candidate for Lancaster county at
torney, will address the Young
Democrats at their next meeting,
Oct. 9. The meeting place will be
announced in a forthcoming edi
tion of the Daily Nebraskan. Ac
cording to Morrow, William H.
Meyer, democratic candidate for
representative in the First con
gressional district will also speak
at a future meeting.
Frosh Beanies
Freshmen who have not yet
purchased , their freshman
beanies are reminded by E3ea
or Knell, president of Mortar
Board, that they should do so
in the oear futnre.
Any member of Mortar
Board will sell the necessary
tickets or they may he obtained
from Miss Knoll at 2-7742.
Council Decides Election
Date For Class Presidents
With the election date set as
Oct. 8 for junior and senior class
presidents, the student council an
nounced that filings for the offices
will open Monday, Sept. 31 and
will close Friday, Oct 4.
Any junior or senior carrying
12 hours in good standing, and
whose record will comply with
the scholastic standards of the
Student Activities office is eligible
to file his name with the Student
Activities office in the Coliseum.
Participants in the election must
be either a junior or senior.
September 27, 1946
planned for tonight.
Baptist Party.
Baptist students are invited to
attend a party at the First Baptist
Church, 14th and K, at 7:30 p. m.
today. Plans for the Roger Wil
liams Fellowship group for the
coming year will be discussed at
the party. Morning Services on
All-University Church Sunday
will be held at the First Baptist
Church at 10:40; and at the Second
Baptist Church, Temple Baptist,
and Sheridan Boulevard Baptist,
at 11 o'clock. The Roger Williams
Fellowship will have its first
meeting Sunday at 5:15 ,p. m. at
the Baptist Student Center; with
the Rev. C. B. Howells, student
pastor, in charge.
The Newman Club will have a
party ai.d dance tonight in the
Student Union ballroom, begin
ning at 7:30, for all Catholic stu
dents on the campus. A program
will be held during intermission.
Msgr. George Schuster will say
Mass Sunday at 11 a. m. in Par
lors X, Y, and Z of the Student
Union, for Catholic students.
Student Dance.
Episcopal students will have a
party and dance in the club rooms
of the University Episcopal church
tonight at 8:30. Holy Communion
on Sunday will be at 8:30 a. m.,
and Choral Eucharist and sermon,
at 11 a. m.
Lutheran students will be enter
tained with a reception and party
Friday at 8:15 p. m. at the First
Lutheran church, 17th and A,
given by the churches of the Na
tional Lutheran Council. A social
program and vespers will be held
during the evening
Missouri Synod Lutheran stu
dents will meet in Room 102 Tem
ple Building today at 8:30 p. m.
for a party featuring a variety of
mixer games, music, an announce-
See CHURCHES. Ta?e 3
YW Coke Hour
There will be a Y. W. C. A.
Coke Hour every Friday from
4:t to 5:30 at Ellen Smith Hall,
according to Shirley Hinds. Y.
W. president.
All filings will be independent
unless party caucuses organize and
establish a platform which must
be approved by the Student Coun
cil. When the approval has been
given, candidates may be en
tered. Because the Constitution of the
Student Council provides for the
election to take place on the third
Tuesday of the first semester, it
is expected that all filings will be
independent as they were last
year, according to Helen Laird,
election chairman.