September 26, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 Raqq&jcL : ' : v 'y : :: : ;x BY PAT GILLIGAN. With plans for a rally Thurs day night to give the team a big send off the football season will be in full swing. Friday as soon as class schedules permit many of the more fortunates will fol low the boys to Minnesota, while :-ftiose who stay behind may find a little more room at the various popular night spots. Suzie Storz, who is making the trek with Sally Swiler and Sal Shirley, will get together with Don McKay for a big date in Minneapolis Saturday night. Tak ing advantage of Joy Hill's new convert, seen traveling the cam pus thoroughfare frequently now adays, will be Joy's date, Bill Hess, and Lorene Novotny with Dick Toren, while Sam Seifert will motor to the game with Jack Higgins, "Punk" Schrader, Bob Cochrane ,and Verne Calicotte. We understand their plans include some Minnesota feminity, also. Another sixsome making the mi gration will be Gene Weiler with Pat Warren, Junior Baughn and B. Johnson, and Fig Flagg and Margie Munson. News that might be of inter est to specific men on the cam pus is that Patti Holmes is now wearing a diamond on the third finger, left hand which came from a California man during rush week. Al Bloom and Bob Keller seem to be taking frequent trips to Omaha this year and the reason is none other than Jean and Kay Bogan, who are now attending school there. There are a few steady deals which have with stood the storm after all. Speak ing of steady deals, Chuck Ander son and Lucille Stryson, who be came pinmates during the sum mer months, made the formal??? announcement Monday night at the Phi and Beta houses with the , passing of the cigars and sweets, Minus a Sigma Nu pin is "Face" Mayborn altho he claims not to be suspicious he was. out with June Korb previous to the dis- covery of its loss. How about that?? , Knives are flying thick and tast in the frats this year with the excuse that the ratio of men to women makes new girls hard to find. One nip and tuck tri angle is that of Jean Metzger, Tom Noble, and Chick Neal. Then there is Susie Alexander, who has trouble keeping Lynn Reed and Bill Wiseman from meeting each other coming and going. Mortar Board is planning wedding iells in the very near future with a certain frat man??? Ak H QcncJ f AMUSEMENT COAT The Clarinet Sensation ' ,jerrY WALD And Hit Sensation Orkt AT THE TURNPIKE FRIDAY, SEPT. 27 Adm. 1.25 E Flu Tax Smith and Warren Orchestra Saturday, Sept. 2S SMD)fflHB- FIEASTUBJE "X A" f ' ' ' it y, V''-'" "' I " , , -' - , " 1 ,;, $ f ' W---: , . I r - yi & 1 - ' ' ' V f ' V I A ' ' - .'r.srs'' - f ' " "., 'A.lh-j : 7 i THEY SATISFY ! i : i?WTW! I, i ! i A ( .i ; ill ? 5 ! 1 . ', L L 0 V E h A E VA C A C I J E S T R-F E L D I ' 0 ' 7 0 P S ! iBiirl